Modifying FineBI Project Port Number

  • Last update:  2023-03-31
  • Overview


    FineBI Server Version

    Functional Change




    There may be multiple projects in one server at the same time. Their default port numbers are not in accordance with each other.

    To ensure that each project can start and run normally, admins need to view and modify port numbers before starting FineBI.

    Default Ports of Projects

    The default ports are different when deployment ways and containers are different.

    Deployment Way

    Default Ports

    Deploy directly on Windows/Linux systems


    Deploy on Tomcat server


    Deploy on Weblogic server


    Deploy on Wildfly (JBoss)


    Deploy on WebSphere server


    Deploy on Resin server


    Deploy on JBoss server


    Checking Ports

    Check if the default port is occupied.

    Linux System

    Method 1: lsof

    Statement: losf -i:port number

    Description: use it to check if the specific port number is occupied.

    Example: Use the command lsof -i:8080 to check the usage of port 8080. The Java process with PID 22936 is occupying port 8080.


    Method 2: netstat

    Statement: netstat -tunlp|grep port number

    Description: use it to check the process of a specific port number.

    Example: Use the command netstat -tunlp|grep 8080 to check the usage of port 8080. The Java process with PID 22936 is occupying port 8080. 

    Windows System

    Statement: netstat -aon|findstr "port number"

    Description: use it to check if the specific port number is occupied.

    Example: use netstat -aon|findstr "8075" to check the usage of port 8075. The last column is the corresponding PID. You can view the corresponding app that PID corresponds in Task Manager.


    Modifying Project Port

    Note: Only the root user has the permission to occupy ports below 1024 in Linux. Therefore, it is recommended to change the Tomcat port number to a port above 1024, like 8081 and 8082 in Linux systems.

    Modifying Ports of Local Deployed Projects

    1. Stopping FineBI Project

    You need to ensure that FineBI is stopped before modifying ports.

    2. Modifying Configuration Files

    Open the server.xml file in FineBI installation directory %FineBI%\server\conf through Notepad or code editors.


    Modify Connector port and save the file.


    3. Restarting FineBI

    Restart FineBI and you can access it through http://ip:new port/webroot/decision.

    Modifying Ports in Tomcat Server

    1. Stopping FineBI Project

    You need to ensure that FineBI is stopped before modifying ports.

    2. Modifying Configuration Files

    Open the server.xml file in Tomcat installation directory %tomcat_home%\conf through Notepad or code editors.


    • Modifying HTTP Port

    After receiving the request of HTTP for processing ports, the server will make a connection with it, such as accessing browsers.

    The default port number is 8080.


    • Modifying SHUTDOWN Port

    Receive the port number of the command for closing the server and close the command port.

    If there are multiple Tomcats in the server, you need to modify the port. The default port number is 8005.


    • Modifying AJP Port

    Receive the processing port of AJP, listening to requests from other servers.

    If there are multiple Tomcats in the server, you need to modify the port. The default port number is 8009.


    3. Restarting Tomcat Server

    Restart Tomcat server and you can access FineBI through http://ip:new port/webroot/decision.

    Modifying Port in JBoss Server

    1. Stopping FineBI Project

    You need to ensure that FineBI is stopped before modifying ports.

    2. Modifying Port Number

    Modify the port number of the standalone.xml file in the directory %JBoss_HOME%\standalone\configuration.


    3. Restarting JBoss Server

    Double click %JBoss_HOME%\bin\standalone.bat to restart WildFly.

    Restart WebSphere server and you can access FineBI through http://ip:new port/webroot/decision.


    There may be uneffective or failed results after modifying Tomcat pory numbers. You can refer to the following steps to find solutions:

    1. Check if the port number is occupied.

    2. Modify the startup.bat file in the directory %Tomcat_HOME%\bin.

    Use rem to comment out the statement if not "%CATALINA_HOME%" == "" goto gotHome.


    Restart Tomcat and the changes will take effect.


    主题: Deployment and Integration
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