File Permission Configuration on Linux

  • Last update:  2023-03-31
  • Explanation of FineBI's Permissions on Linux

    Problems will occur if the following files lack permissions:

    help: There will be minimal impact, except that the built-in Demo template cannot be previewed if FRDemo.db has no permission.

    scripts: cannot display plugin management.

    WEB-INF/assets: unable to read chart resources (chartmapsvg, map), unable to generate solidified files (clouds), unable to preview new engine templates (engine), unable to read and write cache (temp_attach), and unable to generate backup templates (vcs)

    WEB-INF/assist: cannot support cloud operation and maintenance data package downloading (clouds), and built-in plug-in update (update).

    WEB-INF/classes: cannot support calling custom class files.

    WEB-INF/config: unable to read the inside configuration files. Related configurations are invalid, including migration, clustering, logs, etc.

    WEB-INF/embed: unable to read FineDB if it is not migrated, resulting in direct startup failure.

    WEB-INF/lib: unable to start.

    WEB-INF/plugins: unable to load and use plugins.

    WEB-INF/reportlets: unable to read template files.

    WEB-INF/resources: unable to register local lic.

    WEB-INF/schedule: cannot generate result files for timing scheduler.


    Viewing File

    1. Viewing Command

    ls -l: represents the permission to view all folders and files in the current directory.

    ls -l xxx: represents the permission to view the xxx file or the files under the xxx folder.


    2. Permission Description


    Taking drwxr-xr-x as an example, there are ten digits in total.

    "d" represents a folder.

    Parameter 2-4: represent the permissions owned by the user.

    Parameter 5-7: represent the permissions owned by the group.

    Parameter 8-10: represent the permissions owned by other.

    "r" indicates that the file can be read (read).

    "w" indicates that the file can be written (write).

    "x" indicates that the file can be executed (if it is a program).

    "-" indicates that the corresponding permission has not been granted.

    "root root" here indicates the owner of the file/folder is a root user

    3. Examples


    drwxr-xr-x=755 indicates the operation permissions of the directory. The root user has reading, writing and executing permissions, the root user group has reading and executing permissions, and other users have reading and executing permissions.

    -rw-r--r--=644 indicates the operation permissions of the file. The root user has reading and writing permissions, the root user group has the reading permission, and other users have the reading permission.

    Modifying Permissions

    1. Commands

    a. Enter chmod o+w {} in the command line to grant the writing permission of {} file to other people.

    b. Enter chmod go-rw {} in the command line

    to delete the reading and writing permissions of the group and other people in {} file.

    2. Explanation

    "u" represents the user.

    "g" represents the group the user belongs to.

    "o" represents other except for "u" and "g".

    "a" represents all people, including "u", "g" and "o".

    "r" Indicates that the file can be read.

    "w" Indicates that the file can be written.

    "x" indicates that the file can be executed (if it is a program).

    Note: "r", "w" and “x” can also be replaced by numbers.

    r ------------4

    w -----------2

    x ------------1



    +: add permissions

    : delete permissions

    =: mak it the only permission

    Explanation of some common permissions:

    -rw------(600): Only the user has reading and writing permissions.

    -rw-r--r-(644): Only the user has reading and writing permissions. Groups and other only have the reading permission.

    -rwx-----(700): Only the user has reading, writing, and executing permissions.

    -rwxr-xr-x (755): Only the user has reading, writing, and executing permissions. Groups and other only have reading and executing permissions.

    -rwx--x--x (711): Only the user has reading, writing, and executing permissions. Groups and other only have the executing permission.

    -rw-rw-rw(666): Everyone has reading and writing permissions.

    -rwxrwxrwx (777): Everyone has reading, writing and executing permissions.


    主题: Deployment and Integration
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