Data Management

  • Last update:August 01, 2023
  • Overview


    FineBI Version
    Functional Change




    Added Data Used Space and Affected Users to Public Data Management.

    Optimized Public Data Management to allow sub-admins to use.


    1. Optimized the content of public data detection.

    • Views in Last 30 Days was changed into Recent Views.

    • Merged Creation Time and Publication Time into Creation/Publication Time.

    • Added Last Use Time of Other Users and Update Mode.

    • Deleted Engine Type, Dept and Position of Creator, Creator Role, Last Use Time,        and Last Edit Time.

    2. Added Detect Views in Last: N Days, which allows customizing the detection date.

    3. Optimized Export Excel to allow exporting public data detection results as an Excel file.

    Application Scenarios

    As system usage time increases, there are loads of datasets in Public Data.

    However, many of these data tables have been abandoned or never used, which leads to messy public space and inconvenient management for the admin.


    FineBI 6.0 provides Public Data Management to help admins manage public data, including Unpublish, Stop Update, Delete, and other functions.

    Public Data Detection


    Log in to FineBI as the admin, choose System Management > Public Data Management, click Detect Public Data Now, and the system will detect all tables in Public Data.

    1. Detect public data visits in the last 30 days by default.

    ·        You can modify the detection date range by setting Detect Views in Last: N Days. The range can be 14 to 60 days.

    ·        After modification, the system will detect the public data once immediately.

    2. The detection is performed in the backend, so the admin can switch to other pages during detection.

    3. During detection, a progress bar is provided to inform you of the progress. The results will be displayed on the page after detection.

    4. Last Data Detection Time is displayed on the page, helping you plan the detection tasks.

    Detection Content

    The detection content includes basic information, business usage, system pressure, and impact.

    The detection content is described in the following table.

    FieldDescriptionManagement Advice

    Basic information

    Table Type


    1. The Table Type field is displayed (as an identifier) only when the table name is detected.

    2. This field does not exist in the exported detection results.

    Types of data tables include:

    DB table

    SQL table

    Excel table

    Self-service dataset: tables published from My Analysis to Public Data

    Others: data tables other than the four types mentioned above, such as user visit logs built into the system


    Table Name

    Name of a table



    Creator of a table, including the username and name

    Format: Name (Username)



    Location of a data table in Public Data

    Format: Public Data/Folder/Folder/Folder


    Creation/Publication   Time

    Creation time of a base table

    Publication time when a self-service dataset table is published from My Analysis to Public Data

    Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

    Tables created or published recently may have not been used, so you are advised to focus on earlier tables.

    Business usage

    Recent Views

    Visits of a table, table-associated subject, dashboard, component, or self-service dataset table in the past N days

    If the data is from the fine_record_execute table of logdb, visits of the following types are calculated:

    Subject: type = 501 and 502

    Dashboard: type = 101, 102, 105, 106, 107, and 108

    Component: type = 301 and 302

    Dataset: type = 202

    You are advised   to unpublish tables with no visit or few visits.

    Last Use Time of   Other Users

    Other users' (except the creator) latest visit time of a table, table-associated subject, dashboard, component, or self-service dataset table in the past N days

    If no other user has viewed the data table, the field is displayed as --.


    Update Mode

    Update modes of self-service dataset tables include:

    Update with the Parent Table

    Not to Update with the Parent Table

    For direct connect tables, simplest tables, and base tables, the field is displayed as --.


    Last Update   Success Time

    Last successful update time of the table

    Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

    For direct connect tables, tables failing to update, and simplest tables, this field defaults to --.

    You are advised   to unpublish tables that have not been updated for a long time.

    System pressure

    Data Used Space

    Calculating the data size of the table

    You are advised   to unpublish tables with a large amount of update data or move them to databases.


    Affected Users

    Number of creators of direct and indirect sub-tables, components, and dashboards of the table

    iconNote: Click the records of Affected Users, you can view Affected Sub-tablesAffected   Components, and Affected Dashboards in the pop-up window.

    For tables (being used) that are about to be canceled or replaced, you can view the affected users and communicate with them.

    Affected Sub-tables

    Number of direct and indirect sub-tables of a table

    If the number is small, it means the table is useless for most users, which can be unpublished.

    Affected Components

    Number of direct and indirect components of a table

    If the number is small, it means the table is useless for most users, which can be unpublished.

    Affected Dashboards

    Number of direct and indirect dashboards of a table

    If the number is small, it means the table is useless for most users, which can be unpublished.

    Permission Inheritance

    The content of Permission Inheritance includes:

    Yes and No

    If Permission Inheritance of a published data table is disabled, there may be differences in permission of the table after unpublication

    Searching Detection Result

    Click Expand Search Panel, select the content you want to search, and click Search to get the result based on the set conditions.

    You can sort the detection result by clicking  at the table filed name.

    Exporting Detection Result

    After detection, the admin can export the result.

    Click Export Excel to download an XLSX file.

    iconNote: If you have set conditions in the search pane, the exported file is the result filtered by the conditions.

    Public Data Management

    You can cancel publishing, stop updating, and delete tables of Public Data after selection.

    The effect and scope of operations are described in the following table.



    Only takes effect on self-service dataset tables, namely tables published from My Analysis to Public Data.

    Stop Update

    1. Only takes effect on updated tables (not on direct connect tables and simplest tables).

    2. If you stop the update of a base table, the table will stop updating.

    In Business Package Update of Single Table Update, the setting item is changed into Full amount for the first time, no update thereafter. The table will update when the folder updates next time, and no longer updates later.

    3. If you stop the update of a self-service dataset table, the table will stop updating.

    In Single Table Update, the setting item is changed into Not to Update with the Parent Table. The table will not update with its parent table.


    1. Only takes effect on base tables.

    2. If you delete a base table, the table will be moved to Recycle Bin.

    3. Deleting a table in Public Data Management is the same as that in Public Data.


    主题: System Management
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