Examples of Charts

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Automatically Generate Reviews Based On Filtered Content
Author:Lily.Wang      Create Time:07-20 17:42      Tag:      Edit:6 Times    |   View:413 Times

Summary:Ⅰ. Overview1. Expected effectAutomatically generate comments on the data results you care about most,[Full Text:]

Stack column chart shows total and part
Author:Roxy      Create Time:12-23 15:32      Tag:      Edit:4 Times    |   View:480 Times

Summary:1. Overview1.1 Expected effectsStacked column chart can show the data accumulation of each layer, and[Full Text:]

Show both current and previous year's data
Author:Roxy      Create Time:12-15 16:22      Tag:      Edit:4 Times    |   View:367 Times

Summary:1. Overview1.1 Expected effectSometimes users need to display indicator data of different years in on[Full Text:]

Left and right axes are aligned with 0 scale
Author:Lily.Wang      Create Time:08-11 11:44      Tag:      Edit:6 Times    |   View:330 Times

Summary:1. Overview1.1 Application scenarioWhen there are left and right axes, sometimes the 0 scale is no lo[Full Text:]