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Regional map

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Application scenarios

    When users need to analyze data according to regions, they can use regional maps. The display effect of FineBI's maps is basically the same as that of all maps for data analysis. The data can be displayed according to countries, provinces, cities and even some customized maps. As shown below:1.png

    Note: At present, the regional map is only displayed for the map of China. If you need to display only a certain province separately, please refer to: Custom Picture Map.

    1.2 Basic requirements

    The basic requirements of the regional map:

    Chart Effect


    Regional map

    Two geographic dimensions (longitude, latitude)

    1.3 Chart features

    It is suitable for displaying the distribution of the data in the geographical area. In most cases, the color is used to distinguish the value.

    2. Example

    2.1 Crate component

    1) Click "Dashboard" Tab, select "New Dashboard", and click "OK", as shown in the figure below:2.png

    2) Click on the new component, select "FRDemo_MAPDemo" under "package", and click "OK", as shown in the figure below:3.png

    3) Convert the field "province" under the dimension of the area to be analyzed into geographic role. For detailed operations, please refer to Dimension Converting into Geographic Roles. The effect is shown below:4.png

    4) Make regional maps

    • If the analysis area is the dimension column/indicator column: drag the province (longitude) and province (latitude) into the dimension column, and select the regional map under the chart type, as shown in the figure below:

    • If the analysis area is the horizontal axis bar/vertical axis bar: drag the province (longitude) into the horizontal axis, drag the province (latitude) into the vertical axis, and select the regional map under the chart type, as shown in the figure below:


    Note 1: If you need to drill data from provinces to urban areas, please refer to: map drill

    Note 2: The regional map must have two geographic dimension fields in the horizontal and vertical axis to be selected, otherwise the regioanl map under the chart type will be grayed out and cannot be clicked.

    Note 3: The chart editing interface will only display the first 10,000 pieces of data, and some areas of the chart will be grayed out. This situation is normal. All data will be displayed when previewing the dashboard.

    5) Drag "Counter" indicator into the color bar. According to the number of customers, each area of the map shows different shades. As shown below:6.png

    2.2 Graphical property settings

    2.2.1 Change color

    Click on the "color" box, select "Gradient", and select "Growing", as shown in the figure below:7.png

    Note: If you want to change the default color order of the map, or you want to customize the colors you want, you can choose the "Continuous Gradient" and the "Custom" settings under the "gradient interval", as shown in the following figure:8.png

    2.2.2 Dashboard style

    1) Click "Enter the dashboard" in the upper right corner, as shown in the figure below:


    2) Click "Dashboard style", select the "Preset style 6" and click "OK", as shown in the figure below:10.png

    2.3 Component style settings

    Remove the legend. Select "component style" and uncheck "Legend", as shown in the figure below:11.png

    You can also set the legend, axis, horizontal network grid display, etc. of the component. For details, see: Chart Component Style.

    3. Effect preview

    3.1 PC

    Select the corresponding dashboard and click "Preview", as shown in the figure below:12.png

    3.2 Mobile


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