New Project Registration

  • Last update: 2024-06-26
  • Overview


    FineOps VersionFunctional Change



    Function Description 

    You are advised to use the container private cloud for authentication to register FineOps-deployed O&M projects.

    FineOps provides a front-end page for quick registration using the container private cloud.


    1. This article is only valid for FineOps-deployed O&M projects.

    2. The authorization application cannot be shut down for more than 24 hours.

    • If the shutdown time exceeds 24 hours, re-authentication (rescan the QR code and enter the verification code with no need to re-upload the image file) is required after a restart. 

    • If the shutdown time is less than 24 hours, the registration of the FanRuan application will fail. However, the registration remains valid if the FanRuan application can automatically reconnect to the authorization application within two hours.

    3. The FanRuan application sends a request to the authorization application every two hours, and the authorization application will give feedback to the FanRuan application after receiving the request.

    If the FanRuan application does not receive feedback within 24 hours, or the authorization application does not receive a request for 24 consecutive hours, the registration fails and a re-registration is required.

    Registration Procedure 

    Obtaining the License Image 

    Use the email address specified in the contract and send the registration information to FineReport business personnel ( The email format is shown as follows.

    After receiving the email and verifying the information, the business personnel will generate an image file named fanruan_license_server.tar of the authentication server and email the file to you.

    Note: Specify the special requirements (if any) in the email.

    Needed InformationRequirementNotes
    ContactContact FanRuan sales personnel in advance to confirm relevant matters and sign the contract ./

    Use the email address specified in the contract. 

    Otherwise, the registration will be rejected.
    Title Official Authorization Document of Company Name's Registration for FineReportIf you do not mark the company name in the email, the registration will be rejected.
    BodyBasic Information

    Company name: Company Name

    Project name: Project name

    Contract signing date: YYYY/MM/DD

    Registration MethodContainer private cloud authentication/
    Maximum Number of Registrations

    Number of nodes in the cluster project

    If this option is not provided, the number defaults to one.

    You do not need to provide this item in the standalone mode.

    Project Version

    Provide the project's minor version and JAR package information.

    Check the above information under System Management > Registration Management > Version Information.


    Preparing a Registration Port 

    Using the container private cloud for authentication requires uploading the license image to the O&M project and enabling it.

    • For single-node O&M projects, the authorized components can be deployed to the main application server.

    • For multi-node O&M projects, the authorized components shall be deployed to the component server.

    Prepare a free port in the corresponding server to be used by the authorized component (defaults to 18081).

    Ensure the prepared port can be connected to the intranet of the project server.

    Deploying the Authorization Application 

    1. Log in to FineOps as the admin, select the O&M project, and choose Maintenance > Component Management.

    2. Click Project Registration, upload the obtained license image, select the node, and set the port to the prepared one.

    3. Click Deploy. After completing the deployment, access the provided address and scan the code for registration.

    Make a note of the address, which is in the form of https://IP address:port number/license/qrcode. (The IP address and the port number are those specified in the Preparing a Registration Port section.)


    Scanning the Code for Authentication 

    1. Access the obtained QR code address.

    2. Scan the generated QR code through a mobile browser, and enter the returned 6-digit verification code.

    3. Submit the verification code. It will prompt a successful verification if the authentication is successful.

    Note 1: The QR code is valid for five minutes. Ensure that the registration is completed within the specified time. Refresh the QR code manually if the registration takes more than 5 minutes. 

    Note 2: If the number of incorrect inputs of the verification code exceeds five, it will be locked for 15 minutes to prevent brute force attacks and high-frequency access to the page.

    Note 3: You'd better register the FanRuan application immediately after getting the verification code and do not restart it until the registration is successful.

    Registering the Project 

    1. Log in to the FanRuan application as the admin, choose System Management > Registration Management, and click Register Now.

    2. Set Authentication Method to Private Cloud.

    3. Enter the IP address and port number of the authorization application, such as

    4. Click Submit. The following figure shows the page after successful authentication.

    Note: If authentication fails, check firewall settings, open corresponding ports, or disable the firewall.

    License Migration 

    License migration is divided into two scenarios:

    • Project change: When the original project is deauthorized and replaced with a new one, the new project needs to be authorized.

    • Authorization component change: When it's necessary to redeploy the authorization component, you need to obtain and install the license image again, and reauthorize the project.

    Performing a docker run operation on the authorization component/project is equivalent to reinstalling it. Be sure to follow the migration steps below.

    Project License Migration

    If the authorization component remains unchanged, you only need to deauthorize the original project and apply the license to the new project. Proceed as follows.

    1. Deauthorize the old project.

     Log in to the FanRuan project as the admin, choose System Management > Registration Management, and click Re-register.

    2. Scan the QR code to authorize the new project.

    Perform operations described in Scanning the Code for Authentication and Registering the Project for the new project.

    Authorization Component Migration

    Proceed as follows if you need to redeploy the authorization component.

    1. Contact the business personnel to destroy the old authorization component.

    • Use the email address specified in the contract and send the registration information to FineBI business personnel ( when the authorization component can be started up normally.

    • Describe the address (such as of the authorization server to be migrated clearly in the email body.

    • Business personnel will destroy the corresponding license and notify you by email after receiving and verifying the email.

    Do not restart the authorization component to be migrated or the corresponding project until you receive a clear response from the business personnel.

    2. Copy the privateConfig file.

    •  Stop the authorization component to be migrated under Project Management > Component Management.

    • Obtain the automatically generated privateConfig file in the /app/config path in the container mounting directory.

    3. Obtain the image of the new authorization component.

    •  Use the email address specified in the contract and send the registration information to FineBI business personnel (

    • For details about the email format, see the Obtaining Authorization File section. You need to attach the privateConfig file obtained in the previous step.

    • After receiving the email and verifying the information, the business personnel will generate an image file named fanruan_license_server.tar of the authentication server and email the file to you.

    4. Redeploy the authorization component and authorize that project.

    Deploy the new authorization component following the steps in the Registration Procedure section, and register the project accordingly.

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    Theme: FanRuan Project Deployment
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