New Project Deployment

  • Last update: 2024-07-15
  • Overview 


    FineOps VersionFunctional Change
    V1.5.6Redundant components including promtail, rocketmq_namesrv, and rocketmq_broker are no longer installed during deployment.

    1. To ensure the stability of the stored cluster log:

    • The elasticsearch suite must be installed during the containerized deployment of a cluster, no longer an optional installation item.

    • Install the filebeat component on each project node when installing elasticsearch.

    2. A help folder is created in the mounting directory of the project during deployment.

    V1.9.0The interactive effect of the deployment page is optimized.
    V1.10.0The deployment progress page is optimized by displaying the image pulling and component deployment progress separately.

    1. The restrictions on project names are relaxed by supporting English uppercase and Chinese characters.

    2. Support the use of external shared directories as file servers for deploying new clusters.

    3) The access path in the project configuration can be empty.

    V1.14.0The deployed configuration database component is changed from MySQL 5 to MySQL 8.

    1. Filling in an extranet IP address is supported in the node configuration to adapt to servers where intranet access is only supported when the intranet IP address is mapped to an extranet IP address.

    2. Suspending deployment is supported to stop the deployment and remove the operations made.

    3. For deployed FineBI components, the default limit of Xmx is increased to reduce the risk of out-of-memory (OOM) kill error.

    • Before optimization: default value of Xmx = machine memory minus 8 GB

    • After optimization: default value of Xmx  = machine memory minus 10 GB


    1. The resource requirements are lowered as the node_exporter, nginx_exporter, and elasticsearch_exporter components are deleted, whose functions are merged into the ops-agent component, which can be used to collect the indicator information of the server and components.

    2. The nginx component is deployed by default during standalone deployment to facilitate the subsequent SSL configuration and capacity expansion.


    1. The number of application servers of FineOps-deployed projects is limited, with 5 nodes as the upper limit.

    2. FineOps-deployed clusters support the deployment of clustered nginx components, as the LAN side gateway.

    3. The operation area for configuring component ports is adjusted to optimize the interaction of deploying a new project, avoiding missing configuration checks.


    The log service component supports the self-prepared Elasticsearch of 7.10 and above versions.


    Added Environment Check to check the deployment environment and provide prompts.

    V2.7.1Support for deploying FineBI V6.1 projects.
    V2.8.0Added a server resource assessment for stability when deploying/loading multiple projects.

    Function Description 

    FineOps supports the deployment and loading of brand-new FineReport, FineBI, and FineDataLink applications.

    This article details how to deploy a new FanRuan project via FineOps.

    Note: This article is designed for users with insufficient server resources or high port limits. If you have prepared a new server with sufficient resources, see the quick deployment guide for deployment.



    FineOps deployment

    Deploy FineOps.

    FanRuan applications rely on FineOps for deployment, which should be deployed in advance.

    2FanRuan product selection

    1. Know various types of O&M projects.

    FanRuan provides multiple products including FineBI, FineReport, and FineDataLink. Confirm the required product type.

    2. Understand the role of each component of O&M projects.

    The projects deployed by FineOps include projects, supporting external configuration databases, clustered components, O&M components, and so on. Understand the role of each component and determine whether to install them.

    3Server preparationPrepare the deployment environment for the selected product.
    • For FineBI:

    Confirm the number of FineBI nodes.

    Confirm the server configuration of the FineBI project

    Confirm the server network of the FineBI project.

    Prepare the mounting directory of the FineBI project.

    • For FineReport:

    Confirm the number of FineReport nodes.

    Confirm the server configuration of the FineReport project. 

    Confirm the server network of the FineReport project. 

    Prepare the mounting directory of the FineReport project.

    • For FineDataLink:

    Confirm the server configuration of the FineDataLink project. 

    Confirm the server network of the FineDataLink project. 

    Prepare the mounting directory of the FineDataLink project.

    4Image repository confirmation

    Confirm that the image repository supports the connection to the FanRuan cloud repository.

    Images are required to deploy components in a new project. Ensure that it is supported to pull images from the cloud or prepare images in the image repository.


    FineOps Xmx configuration

    For details, see O&M Component Management

    Integrating projects with FineOps may consume some FineOps server resources. 

    The new project cannot be deployed if the configured FineOps resources are insufficient. It will prompt "The FineOps configuration has reached the upper limit, and no new projects are supported. Proceed as follows as soon as possible: Increase the Xmx value."

    1. Choose Platform Management > O&M Component, and click the Modify Configuration button of the ops component. 

    2. Configure the Xmx value as prompted to ensure the new project can be deployed.

    New Project Deployment 

    This section introduces the operations of deploying a new project. Confirm all of the above before starting the deployment, otherwise, the deployment may fail!

    Adding a Project  

    Log in to FineOps as the admin and click Deploy New Project.


    Integrating projects with FineOps may consume some FineOps server resources. By default, FineOps supports ten project nodes, including those in clusters.

    Upon detecting insufficient resources, a prompt will appear during new project deployment.

    Project Setting 

    On the Project Setting page, you can configure the project type, the component to be installed, and the port to be used.

    Enter the Project Setting page, fill in the relevant project information, and click Next, as shown in the following figure.

    The following table explains each configuration item.



    Project Name

    You can customize the project name.

    The project name cannot be empty.

    Only Chinese characters, English letters (upper and lower cases), and numbers are supported.

    The project name length cannot exceed 12 digits.

    The project name cannot be duplicated with an existing project name.

    Application TypeFineOps V2.7 and earlier releases support FineReport, FineBI6.0, and FineDataLink projects. 

    FineOps V2.7.1 and earlier releases support FineReport, FineBI6.1, and FineDataLink projects.

    App Service Quantity

    A single FineReport/FineDataLink project can have one to five application service(s) deployed via FineOps.

    For a FineBI6.1 project, a master component must be deployed. The application services include BI applications and worker components, with a mandatory 1:1 or 1:2 ratio to balance the project.


    The access link of the application is domain name/IP address/path/decision.

    You can customize the path to access the application, which defaults to webroot.

    Note: To access the project through a short domain name or IP address, you must keep Path empty. The configuration cannot be changed once the project is successfully deployedThe access path of the root directory corresponding to the project is http://IP address:port number/root.

    Basic Component

    You can choose the components to install and decide whether to deploy FanRuan-prepared components and whether to access user-prepared componentsThe components that must be installed are not included here.



    Data Storage Service

    It is exclusive to FineBI6.1 projects, used to store and share data resources within FineBI, ensuring accessibility from each node.

    1. Self-provided file server is preferred for data storage, supporting SFTP, FTP, and external shared directories.

    2. You can install one MinIO file server on the main application node.

    FanRuan Internal Gateway

    1. Loading user-prepared components is not supported.

    2. For single-node projects, the SSL cannot be configured through FineOps if the nginx component is not deployed.

    Log Service

    For single-node projects, the swift (logdb) that comes with the product will be enabled for log storage if this component is not installed.

    For multi-node projects, you must prepare an extra ElasticSearch component if do not deploy FineOps ElasticSearch, or else the project cannot be deployed. 

    ElasticSearch 7.10 and later releases are supported.

    The link address shall be in the format of https://IP address:port number.

    File Service

    For multi-node projects, you must prepare an extra file server if do not deploy FineOps MinIO, or else the project cannot be deployed.

    The supported file server types include SFTP, FTP, and shared external directories.

    You can log in to the project after it is successfully deployed and switch the file server as needed. 

    External Configuration Database

    You must prepare an extra external configuration database if do not install the FineOps MySQL component, or else the project cannot be deployed.

    The supported database types include MySQL 5, MySQL 8, RDS MySQL, and Oracle. (MySQL 8 is not supported by V1.14.0 and earlier versions.)

    You can log in to the project after it is successfully deployed and switch the external configuration database as needed.

    State Server

    For multi-node projects, you must prepare an extra state server if do not deploy the FineOps redis component, or else the project cannot be deployed.

    The supported state server types include Redis Standalone and Redis Cluster.

    You can log in to the project after it is successfully deployed and switch the state server as needed.

    Pipeline TaskFor FineDataLink projects, the functions related to pipeline tasks are unusable if the kafka component is not installed.

    Node Configuration - Adding Main Application Node 

    Proceed with the node configuration after configuring the required components and ports.

    Add the main application node, that is, to fill in the information of the main application server.

    A multi-node project has multiple main application nodes, requiring repeated execution of operations described in this section.

    1. Click Add Node, set Node Type to Main Application, and fill in the information.

    The following table describes specific settings.

    Node Setting


    Node Type

    Select Main Application.

    Note: The FanRuan project requires an exclusive server. You are advised not to deploy other projects or contents, including FineOps on a main application server.


    Enter the host IP address (intranet IP address) of the node.

    Note: You cannot add a host repetitively to the same project. 

    PortEnter the port number of this node, which defaults to 22.

    Enter a server username with sudo permissions.

    Verification Method

    The supported verification methods include Password and Public Key.

    Mounting Path

    Enter the node installation directory on the server, which is the mounting directory set in the pre-preparation phase.

    The default directory is ~/data, which is the data folder in the home directory of the server being used.

    Note: You can use the user account to access the server in the terminal, and enter the echo $HOME command to view the home directory.

    Extranet IP


    If the server does not support intranet access unless the intranet IP address is mapped to an extranet IP address, you must fill in a connectable extranet IP address.

    2. Click Test Connection.

    If the host, username, and other information pass the verification, the main application node will be added. After you finish adding multiple nodes, the Node Configuration page is shown in the following figure.

    Note 1: If the network environment doesn't meet the requirements specified in the preparation phase, node connection errors occur prompting node-adding failure.

    Note 2: If the server configuration doesn't meet the minimum requirements specified in the preparation phase, errors occur prompting node-adding failure.

    Node Configuration-Adding Component Node

    Add the component node, that is, to fill in the information of the component server. 

    1. Click Add Node, set Node Type to Component, and fill in the information.

    The following table describes specific settings.

    Node Setting


    Node Type

    Select Component.

    Note 1: If multiple component nodes are configured, the components are randomly deployed on these nodes.

    Note: The FanRuan project requires an exclusive server. You are advised not to deploy other projects or contents, including FineOps on a component server.


    Enter the host IP address (intranet IP address) of the node.

    Note: You cannot add a host repetitively to the same project.

    PortEnter the port number of this node, which defaults to 22.

    Enter a server username with sudo permissions.

    Verification Method

    The supported verification methods include Password and Public Key.

    Mounting Path

    Enter the node installation directory on the server, which is the mounting directory set in the pre-preparation phase.

    The default directory is ~/data, which is the data folder in the home directory of the server being used.

    Note: You can use the user account to access the server in the terminal, and enter the echo $HOME command to view the home directory.

    Extranet lP


    If the server does not support intranet access unless the intranet IP address is mapped to an extranet IP address, you can fill in a connectable extranet IP address.

    2. Click Test Connection.

    If the host, username, and other information pass the verification, the component node will be added. 

    Note 1: If the network environment doesn't meet the requirements specified in the preparation phase, node connection errors occur prompting node-adding failure.

    Note 2: If the server configuration doesn't meet the minimum requirements specified in the preparation phase, errors occur prompting node-adding failure.

    Deployment List 

    Click Next to enter the Deployment List page for confirmation after completing the node configuration.

    On this page, you can check the components to be deployed on each server.

    You can also adjust the port number, username, and password of each component, as shown in the following figure.

    Note 1: Be sure to modify and remember the passwords of the mysqlredis, minioelasticsearch, nacos, and nacos_mysql components as their default passwords are randomly generated.

    Note 2: If you forget the username and password of relevant components, you can retrieve them by exporting the deployment information. For details, see Exporting Project Deployment Information.

    Environment Check

    After configuration, click Start Inspection to check the deployment environment and generate a report, which can be downloaded locally for review.

    Failure to meet necessary deployment requirements will prevent entry into the deployment environment. Optimize the environment based on the check results and recheck it.

    Starting Deployment 

    Click Start Deployment after the environment passes the check to start the deployment process.

    1. If local component images are unavailable, they will automatically be fetched from the cloud before deployment.

    2. The components are deployed one by one after the images are ready. Failure reasons will be displayed if the deployment fails.

    Note 1: You can click Run in Background during the deployment and perform other operations on FineOps normally.

    Note 2: During deployment, you can click Suspend Deployment to stop the deployment and remove all operations made.

    3. Upon successful deployment, it prompts "The project was deployed successfully."

    Effect Display 

    FineOps-deployed projects are automatically shown on the Project Management page for easy operation and maintenance.

    The access address of the O&M project is shown on the project card. You can click it to access the address in a new browser window and enter the project initialization page.


    主题: 功能简介
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