Data Entry Preview

  • Last update:November 24, 2023
  • Overview


    Report Server Version


    Function Description

    Data Entry Preview is used to preview a template that needs to enter data on the Web. It can be used for you to enter, modify, and view data.

    This document takes the built-in template Basic Data Entry as an example to introduce the usage method and some attributes of Data Entry Preview.

    Data Entry Preview

    Data Entry Preview allows you not only to view data, but also to enter and modify data online, facilitating data collection and storage.

    1. Open the template (in the demo/Data Entry/Basic Data Entry.cpt path) in the designer. Choose Data Entry Preview from the shortcut menu of Preview.


    FineReport supports the memory function for preview methods. That is, the default preview method for subsequent template previews is the same as that of the previous preview. Pagination Preview is set by default when you preview all created templates for the first time.

    2. After you click Data Entry Preview, the template is opened on the Web in the data entry format. You can edit, modify, and submit data on the Web. Compared with Pagination Preview, the URL of Data Entry Preview includes an additional parameter &op=write. The op parameter value determines the template preview method. If the template preview URL does not include this parameter, the template is previewed through Pagination Preview. If the template preview URL includes this parameter with the value as write, the template is previewed through Data Entry Preview.  


    Data Entry Preview Setting

    The data entry preview setting is only valid for templates that are previewed through Data Entry Preview.

    Setting Method

    Using Server Settings

    Use Server Settings is set by default with all the following functions being grayed out and uneditable. This setting method is suitable for all templates on the current server.

    If you want to modify the server preset data entry preview setting, you can choose Server (on the designer menu bar) > Server Configuration Manager and click the Data Entry Setting tab.


    Setting for This Template Separately

    Choose Template (on the designer menu bar) > Web Attribute and click the Data Entry Setting tab to configure the data entry page, as shown in the following figure.

    The setting panel is mainly divided into the template preview effect setting area (top), the template preview toolbar setting area (middle), and the Web event setting area (bottom).



    Following Settings

    Includes Use Server Settings and Set for This Template Separately. Use Server Settings: The server's unified setting is used by default with all the following functions being grayed out and uneditable.

    Set for This Template Separately: The setting is only applicable to the current template with all the following functions editable and configurable.


    Sheet Display Location

    Determines the sheet tab display location with two options: Bottom (set by default in the case of multiple sheets in a report) and Top.

    This function is not supported on mobile terminals.

    Report Display Location

    Determines the content display location in a report with two options: Left (default setting) and Center.

    This function is not supported on mobile terminals.

    Set Background When Filling Current Edit Row

    Determines the background for the row in the edit status during the data entry preview.

    This function is not supported on mobile terminals.

    Prompt Upon Leave Without Data Entry Submission

    Pops up a prompt indicating the data submission when you close/switch the preview page that has been edited during the data entry preview.


    Display Widget Directly

    Displays the data entry widget directly without a click.

    This function is not supported on mobile terminals.

    Auto Temporary Storage

    Automatically stores the data entry content for the time being when you leave the preview page.

    This function is not supported on mobile terminals.

    Use Toolbar

    (including Top Toolbar and Bottom Toolbar)

    Allows you to customize the tools displayed on the toolbar.

    This function is selected by default.

    Only the data entry submission button can be customized on mobile terminals.

    Event Settings

    Allows you to add Web events.

    For details about the introduction to Web events, see Webpage Event.

    Mobile terminals only support six events: Start Loading, Loading End, Before Data Entry, After Data Entry, Data Entry Successful, and Data Entry Failed.

    Sheet Display Location

    This function allows you to set the sheet column display position in the browser during the report preview, with two options Top and Bottom (default setting). The corresponding effects are shown in the following figures.

    • Top


    • Bottom


    Report Display Location

    This function allows you to set the report display position in the browser during the preview, with two options Center and Left (default setting). The corresponding effects are the same as those in Pagination Preview.

    Setting Background When Filling Current Edit Row

    This function (deselected by default) allows you to set the background for the row in the edit status during the data entry preview. The effect after you select the function is shown in the following figure.


    Prompt Upon Leaving Without Data Entry Submission

    This function (selected by default) allows the browser to pop up a prompt indicating the data submission when you close/switch the preview page that has been edited during the data entry preview. The effect after you select the function is shown in the following figure.


    Displaying the Data Entry Widget Directly

    This function allows the data entry widget to be displayed directly without a click.


    Auto Temporary Storage

    This function (deselected by default) allows the data entry content to be automatically stored for the time being when you leave the preview page. The effect after you select the function is shown in the following figure.


    Using the Toolbar

    The Use Toolbar function is selected by default. That is, the toolbar is displayed above the report during the data entry preview. Deselect the function if you do not need it. The usage method of this function is the same as that in Pagination Preview.

    Event Settings

    Click the + icon in Event Settings and add JS events, which allows you to meet other preview needs through JavaScript codes. For details, see Webpage Event.


    Attachment List

    Theme: Report Application
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