New Data Entry Preview (op=write_plus)

  • Last update:February 08, 2022
  • I. Overview

    1. Application scenarios

    If the report is simple but has a large amount of data, and you want to improve the front-end performance, or you need to import the indefinite row form into excel several times, you can select the New Data Entry Preview.

    2. Function introduction

    The new data entry preview, like the data entry preview, is also used to preview the entered data on the web. It is generally used when you only need to enter and modify the data. Of course, it can also be used to view the data. However, compared with the normal data entry preview, it has the following new features:

    New featuresOverview Remarks
    Use new style widgetsThe new style widgets inherits from the new widget abstract class WT.Widget

     It solves the problem that the button disappears when the browser zooms in and out.

    Adopt asynchronous loading modeThe background computing logic remains unchanged; the front desk only loads part of the content each time, and then loads it after scrolling. In a disguised way, pagination loading is achieved, which greatly improves the performance.
    Multiple import excel

    Import excel multiple times in new data entry preview

    In view of the indefinite line form, it provides the unified calculation logic of importing excel many times
    OtherSupport cell indentation after importing Excel-

    3. Functional limitations

    The new data entry preview currently does not support the following functions:

    • Add after the URL &__cutpage__=v to enable paging mode

    • Output offline HTML

    • Set to fill in the background of the current editing line

    • List widget

    • Display of tree node expand and collapse buttons

    • The style of the text control in the cell, such as centering, cell background

    • Automatically resize cells

    • Suspended element

    • Parameter panel setting display position

    • Cell data dictionary

    • contentPane.parameterEl.getWidgetByName ("Widget Name")

    • JS implements the identification of the modified cells when filling in the report

    • Multi-level reporting

    • Get elements using front-end JS

    • Mobile preview

    • IE10 and below

    II. Examples

    1. Data preparation

    Create a new data query data set DS1, and the SQL statement is: select * from orders

    截屏2021-01-22 下午2.58.38.png

    2. Design form

    Design table: select A2 ~ G2 cells, add text widgets, and drag in the corresponding field. The table style is as follows:

    截屏2021-01-22 下午2.59.23.png

    3. Setting report data entry attributes

    The steps of setting report data entry attributes are shown in the following figure:

    Note: please refer to the built-in SQL submission for details

    4. Setting template web attributes

    Set the report display position of template web property to center display. The steps are as follows:

    5. Effect preview

    Save the report, click the New Data entry preview button, and expand the preview on the web side. Only part of the content can be loaded. After scrolling, the template content can be edited and modified to store the data. The effect is as follows:

    Kapture 2021-01-22 at 15.02.11.gif

    Note 1: the mobile terminal does not support new data entry preview.

    Note 2: for the new data entry function, it is recommended to use mainstream browsers such as chrome and Firefox, ie11 and above (including edge); it does not support ie10 and below; if you use domestic dual core browsers such as 360 browser, you should use extreme speed mode.

    Note 3: compared with the pagination preview, the URL address of the new report preview has one more paramter & OP = write_ plus,that is, the value of the op parameter, controls the preview mode of the template. If there is no parameter, it is normal pagination preview. If there is a parameter and the value of the parameter is write_ Plus indicates that this is a new data entry preview.

    III. Template download

    Completed template, please refer to %fr_HOME%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\reportlets\doc-EN\ReportDesign\NewDataEntry.cpt

    Click download template: 


    IV. Precautions

    Preview of the new reportURLCompared with the paging preview, the address has one more behind it.&op=write_plusparameter, that is, thisopThe value of the parameter controls the preview mode of the template. If there is no parameter, it is a normal paging preview. There are parameters and the parameter value iswrite_plusIt means that this is a preview of the new report.

    Attachment List

    Theme: Report Application
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