FineReport Widget CSS Style

  • Last update:December 16, 2020
  • I. Overview

    In actual projects, in order to make the widgets in the FineReport report consistent with the widgets on the page, it may be necessary to modify the styles of some widgets, such as changing the icon of the widget or changing the display style of it. Let's take a look at how to select FR widgets, and what styles can be modified.

    II. Widget CSS

    2.1 View widget class

    Preview the report, place the mouse on the widget that needs to be investigated, right-click, and select Inspect to view the class of the corresponding widget.


    2.2 Class selector of FR widgets

    Class SelectorCorresponding StyleApplicable Widgets


    Text area border, typeface (size, color, font, etc.)

    Text field, text area, drop-down box, drop-down check box, tree, date


    The border and typeface of the text box after getting the focus

    Text field, text area, drop-down box, drop-down check box, tree, date


     Drop-down control border, typeface (size, color, font, etc.)

    Drop-down box, drop-down check box, drop-down tree, date


     The border and words of the drop-down control after getting the focus

    Drop-down box, drop-down check box, drop-down tree, date


    The border, typeface, background color, height of the drop-down item

    Drop-down box, drop-down check box


    The border, typeface, and background color of the focused drop-down item

    Drop down box


    "Uncheck" in the drop-down menu, border, typeface, background color

    Drop down box


    Typeface and background color of the text in the drop-down item

    Drop-down checkbox


    Text frame, typeface, background color in the selected drop-down item

    Drop-down checkbox


    The text border, typeface, background color of the unselected drop-down items

    Drop-down checkbox 


    The background color of the list control






    The background color and font color of the list item moved up by the mouse



    The background color and font color of the selected list item



    The style of the tree list (background color, font, etc.)

    View tree


    Plus icon style

    View tree


    Unexpanded folder icon style

    View tree


    Minus icon style

    View tree


    Expanded folder icon style

    View tree


    Child node icon style

    View tree


     Typeface of the text in the button (size, color, font, etc.)



     Button width, height, background color, border


    III. Example 1

    Add a template parameter p1 to the parameter pane, and set it as a text field widget, the default value of the parameter is string "Region". How to make the widget border to be red, and font to be blue? This effect cannot be achieved by using the FineReport designer directly, so how to achieve this effect using CSS styles?

    3.1 CSS Style coding

    Create a new CSS file. In the table above, you can find that the class selector for the text field is .fr-texteditor, so you can enter the style of this class in the CSS file, as follows:

    .fr-texteditor{ border:1px solid red; color:blue; font-weight:bold;}


    Save this file as CSS.css under %FR_HOME%\webroot\scripts\css

    3.2 Reference CSS

    Open the template, click Template>Template Web Attributes, select Reference CSS, click the Select button, select the CSS file created just now, and click the Add button to add the CSS to the list below, as shown in the following figure:


    3.3 Preview effect

    Click to preview, as shown in the following figure:



    In addition to referencing external CSS files, you can modify CSS styles through Web page events.

    Click Template>Template Web Attributes>Preview settings, set individually for the template, add a loading end event, as shown below: 

    $(".fr-texteditor").css("border","1px solid red");


    IV. Example 2

    If the widget is set disabled, it will be grayed out. What if we want it still to be the style of enabled widget?


    4.1 Report design

    Click Template>Template Web Attributes>Preview settings, set individually for the template, add a loading end event, as shown below: 



    Save and preview, the effect will be as if it were not disabled.

    3 (1).png

    4.2 Parameter explain



    Specifies opacity. From 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque).


    The value of the opacity attribute is inherited from the parent element.

    Attachment List

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