I. Overview
1.1 Requirement
How to change the loading icon? Here we take the following example for demonstration:
1.2 Solution
Use CSS to change the default loading icon in GIF format.
II. Sample
2.1 File preparation
Unzip the loader folder to the folder %FR_HOME%\webapps\webroot\help\css .
2.1.1 loader.css
The loader.css file located in the loader folder reads as follows:
.loading-local-indicator-pic {
background: url('loader.gif');
background-size: cover;
.loading-whole-indicator-pic {
background: url('loader.gif');
background-size: cover;
Note: Modify CSS codes to change the name or the path of loader.gif if necessary.
2.1.2 loader.js
The loader.js file located in the loader reads as follows:
FR.HtmlLoader.useCustomLoadingAnimation = function() {
return true;
2.1.3 loader.gif
The effect of loader.js file located in the loader folder is shown as below:
2.2 Reference CSS and JavaScript
1)In the FineReport Designer, click [Server]-[Server Configuration]-[Reference Css], select [Disk File: loader.css] and click [Add], as shown below:
2)Click [Reference JavaScript], select [Disk File: loader.js] and click [Add], as shown below:
Note 1: Simply replace the loading icon loader.gif with a new one (clear your browser cache before preview).
Note 2:The new icon size should not exceed 64*64, otherwise it will be displayed incompletely.
2.3 Preview
The preview effect on a PC is a loading icon in loader.gif format.
III. Download template and other files
3.1 Template
Modify loading animation and icon.frm
3.2 Css file and gif file
Refer to the original link: https://help.fanruan.com/finereport/doc-view-1901.html