

Radar Chart Custom Attributes

  • Last update:  2021-11-18
  • I. Overview

    1. Application scenario

    The radar chart can customize the scale and style of the axis, line type and fill color, and market point type. At the same time, it supports the prompt sharing of series of data points.

    In the example, customize the axis and background of the radar chart, and the effect is shown in the figure below:


    2. Implementation deas

    The setting items under the chart attributes pane style can be modified as required.

    II. Example

    1. Prepare Data

    Create a new regular report and add the built-in dataset Embedded1, as shown in the figure below:


    2. Insert chart

    Insert the float elements radar chart in the report, as shown in the figure below:



    3. Design Report

    1)Select cell G26 and set the background color to light cyan, as shown in the figure below:


    2)Select cell H26, and insert the text in the Cell Element on the right: Indicates the safety range,as shown in the figure below:


    4. Bind chart data

    Select the chart, select Floating Element>Data in the chart attribute table on the right, and the settings as shown in the figure below:


    5. Set chart attributes

    1)Select the chart, select Style>Title in the Floating Element bar, and uncheck the Show Title, as shown in the figure below:


    2)Choose Style>Series, and choose Polygonal for the shape, as shown in the figure below:


    3)Choose Style>Axis>Polar Axis, and input km/h after selecting the corresponding format, as shown in the figure below:


    4)Select Style>Background>Drawing Area>Custom Interval, add Custom Interval1, and set the safety range of speed per hour, as shown in the figure below:


    6. Effect preview

    Save the template, click to Data Entry Preview, the effect is as shown in the figure below:


    Note: The floating chart does not support mobile preview.

    III. Template download

    The completed template can be found at: %FR_HOME%\webroot\WEB-INF\reportlets\doc-EN\Advanced\Chart\NewRadarChart\custom.cpt

    Click to download the template:


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    Theme: Chart
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