

Funnel Chart

  • Last update:  2020-12-18
  • I. General

    1) A Funnel Chart is created by superimposing multiple trapezoids from top to bottom. The top to bottom sequence of the trapezoids is logic. The area of the trapezoids indicates the difference between a business volume and that of the previous link. Funnel Charts are suitable for unidirectional analysis of business processes and can visually identify and illustrate links with data anomalies.

    2) The advantage of Funnel Charts is that they can visually display the proportional relationships at each stage, but the disadvantage is that they are not suitable for displaying category data with no logical order and are not suitable for representing proportions. 

    3) Please read: Chart Data, Chart Style and Chart Special Effects.

    You will learn
    • Steps

      • Prepare Data

      • Insert chart

      • Bind Data

      • Set style

      • Set Special Effect

      • Preview Effect

    II. Steps

    1. Prepare Data

    1) Create a File Dataset named Step and select the Excel file, as shown below:


    2) Preview data:



    2. Insert chart

    1) Take Floating Chart as an example: Refer to insert Floating Chart:

    • In the pop-up [Chart Type] panel, select [Funnel Chart] on the left.

    • Select [Funnel Chart].

    • Click [OK] to finish inserting the Funnel Chart.

    3. Bind Data

    Double-click on the Funnel Chart and click on [Cell Element]>[Data] in the right panel to bind data:

    • Select [Dataset data] in [Data source], and [Step] in [Dataset].

    • Select the default [Enable Field Value] for the [Series Name From]. Select [Type] for the [Series]. Select [Statistics] for the [Value].



    4. Set style

    1) General style

    Select the chart and click [Style].  There are a variety of chart types, but most of the style settings are similar to the general style. You can refer to Chart Style and the default setting is as follows:

    • Change the chart title:

      • Click [Title].

      • Change the [Text] of the Title to: Funnel Chart.

    • Set the Continuity of the funnel.

      • Click on the [Series].

      • Set the Continuity to [Discontinuous].


    • Add Label:

      • Click on the [Label].

      • Check [Use Label].

      • Click on [Common] under the [Content].

      • Check [Series] and [Value].


    2) Special Style

    In a Funnel Chart, the indicator [Conversion Rate] can be found via Style>[Label]/ [Tooltip]>Content. The Conversion Rate refers to the percentage of conversions obtained by dividing the value of the current series by the value of the previous series. The Conversion Rate is checked by default.

    5. Set Special Effect

    For a detailed description of settings of Special Effect, see Chart Special Effects for the settings of general special effects.

    6. Preview Effect

    Save and preview. An example of a Funnel Chart with the style already set is shown below.


    Attachment List

    Theme: Chart
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