Dataset as Chart Data Source

  • Last update:December 18, 2020
  • I. Overview

    1) The data source of the chart can be data columns in a dataset or data in the cell. This document shows how to use data in a dataset as chart data.

    2) This document focuses on the category and series settings, and the rest of chart attribute settings are explained in other documents and will not be covered herein.

    3) Suggested Reading: Insert Chart, Chart Style

    You will learn
    • Add datasets and charts

    • Set data source and category axis

    • Settings of series

      • Introduction to data types

      • Series name - Use field value

      • Series name - Use field name

    II. Add datasets and charts

    1. Create a new database query ds1

    select FRDemo as the database and the query statement is as follows:

    ON SALES_BASIC.Salesperson = SALES_COST.Salesperson


    2. Insert a floating chart

    1) Select [Insert]> [Floating Element]> [Insert Chart]

    2) Select column chart as the chart type


    III. Set data source and category axis

    Select the inserted chart and click the [Data] tab; select [Dataset] for Data Source, and ds1 for Dataset. Take checking sales by each salesperson as an example. Select the [Salesperson] field for category. The chart will have Salesperson Names as its label for the category (here is the horizontal) axis.


    IV. Settings of series

    1. Introduction to data types

    1) Click on the dataset ds1 and the Edit icon 图片12.png. Click on the preview symbol 图片13.png to preview the dataset data.


    2) Statistical data can be divided into categorical data, sequential data and numerical data per the measurements used.

    • Categorical data: It refers to non-numeric data that can only be assigned to a certain category upon classification. The data is expressed as categories and in texts. For example, region, salesperson, product type and product fields in ds1 are all categorical data.

    • Numerical data: It refers to observed values measured on a numerical scale, and the results are expressed as specific numbers, such as the sales volume and selling cost fields in ds1.

    • Sequential data is non-numeric data that can only be assigned to a certain ordered category. Sequential data can also be seen as ordered categories. We will not discuss it for the time being.

    3) Categorical data and sequential data can also be collectively referred to as qualitative data or quality data as they denote the quality characteristics of things, usually expressed in texts and the results are displayed as categories; numeric data can also be referred to as quantitative data or quantity data, as they denote the quantitative characteristics of phenomenon, usually expressed in numerical values.

    Note: Please be noted that this description above will be used in the next two steps.

    2. Series name - Use field value

    1) Field values or field names can be used as the chart series if the chart data comes from a dataset.

    2) When using field values, different records in the categorical data field are used as different series of the chart.

    3) Applicable situation: 

    a) when the series to be presented is stored in a categorical data field;

    b) when the measurement of a series is numeric. For example, to view the total sales of each salesperson on each product type ([Product Type] is categorical data and [Sales volume] is numeric data):

    • you can choose series name [Use field value].

    • Series: Choose [Product Type] as series, thus each product type will be displayed in the chart as one of the columns of each salesperson.

    • Value: Select [Sales volume] and display it as the height of each column, so that each series can be measured and compared.

    • Summary Method: Select [Sum], and the value-[Sales volume] will be summed by the same series-[Product Type] of that salesperson. If you select [None], only the sales volume in a certain record of the product type of the salesperson will be displayed.


    4) Preview: you can see the total sales of each product type of each salesperson


    3. Series name - Use field name

    1) When using the field name, the numeric data fields we added will be used as different series.

    2) Applicable situation: when the series to be presented is stored in multiple numeric data fields, and the value is itself. For example, to view the total sales and total cost of each salesperson ([Sales volume] and [Selling Cost] are both numeric data fields as different series):

    • you can choose series name [Use field name]

    • Field name: Add [Sales volume] and [Selling Cost] to display sales and cost in the chart as the two columns of each salesperson.

    • Series: We will not describe how to customize the display names of the two series for the time being.

    • Summary Method: Select [Sum], and the value-[Sales volume] (and [Selling Cost]) will be summed by the same series-[Sales volume] (and [Selling Cost]) of that salesperson. If you select [None], only the sales volume in a certain record of the salesperson will be displayed.

    Note: At this time, both [Series] and [Value] are displayed in the same data column.


    3) Preview: you can see the total sales and cost of each salesperson


    4. Single series chart

    1) Sometimes, only the same series of each category needs to be displayed in the chart. For example, if you would like to see the total sales of each salesperson, there are two ways:

    • Use the field value as the series name: Do not select any series, select [Sales volume] as the value, and [Sum] as the summary method.


    • Or, use the field name as the series name: add [Sales volume] as the field name, and [Sum] as the summary method.


    2) Preview: Both ways display the same effect, as shown in the diagram. You can see the total sales of each salesperson.



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