I. Overview
This document briefly introduces the table field description contained in the FineDB database.
Note: due to the different types of external databases, the data types of fields are not completely consistent. In this paper, taking the built-in database as an example, users need to match by themselves.
1. Table list
Classification | Subcategory | Table name | Brief introduction |
Authority control | User department position role | FINE_USER | User table |
FINE_EXTRA_PROPERTY | User additional information table | ||
FINE_DEPARTMENT | Department table | ||
FINE_POST | Position table | ||
FINE_DEP_ROLE | The middle table of department position, through which users associate department and job | ||
FINE_CUSTOM_ROLE | Custom role table | ||
FINE_USER_ROLE_MIDDLE | The middle table of user roles, through which users are associated with user-defined roles and department job roles | ||
Permissions directory | FINE_AUTHORITY | Permission table only records the permissions granted to the current directory, and the permissions of templates and subdirectories under the directory will not be recorded | |
FINE_AUTHORITY_OBJECT | The permission entity table records the permission object, directory name and report name of the current directory (excluding templates and subdirectories under the directory) | ||
FINE_AUTH_PREFERENCE | Permissions panel user preferences | ||
FINE_HOMEPAGE_EXPAND | Home page extension table Record the extended properties of the home page type permission entity | ||
FINE_FAVORITE_ENTRY | Collection node table | ||
Platform operation | Sign in | FINE_LAST_LOGIN | Last login information table |
FINE_LOGIN_LOCK | Login lock table Locking due to too many password errors Please refer to login lock for details | ||
FINE_BLOCK_IP | Login lock IP table Locking due to high access frequency of the same IP For details, see: Access control | ||
Backup restore | FINE_BACKUP_NODE | Backup node table | |
Task Scheduled | FINE_SCHEDULE_TASK | Timing task list | |
FINE_SCHEDULE_TASK_PARAM | Scheduled task parameter values | ||
FINE_SCHEDULE_RECORD | Task execution log | ||
FINE_SCHEDULE_OUTPUT | Export in timing task | ||
FINE_BASE_OUTPUT | Task attachment processing main table | ||
FINE_OUTPUT_CLASS | Custom class processing | ||
FINE_OUTPUT_CLIENT_NOTICE | client notification | ||
FINE_OUTPUT_EMAIL | Push mail | ||
FINE_OUTPUT_FTP | FTP upload | ||
FINE_OUTPUT_MOUNT | Scheduled task mount directory | ||
FINE_OUTPUT_PLATFORM_MSG | Platform system messages | ||
FINE_OUTPUT_PRINT | Print processing | ||
FINE_BASE_MESSAGE | Main table of platform message | ||
FINE_PROCESS_MESSAGE | Report the message | ||
FINE_SYSTEM_MESSAGE | Platform system messages | ||
FINE_MOBILE_DEVICE | Mobile device list | ||
News | FINE_BASE_MESSAGE | Main table of platform message | |
FINE_PROCESS_MESSAGE | Report the news | ||
FINE_SYSTEM_MESSAGE | Platform system messages | ||
Report | FINE_WORKFLOW | Process in the reporting process | |
FINE_WORKFLOW_TASK | Tasks in the reporting process | ||
FINE_WORKFLOW_TASK_IMPL | Report the tasks in the process and issue the specific tasks | ||
FINE_WORKFLOW_NODE | Nodes in the reporting process | ||
FINE_WORKFLOW_STASH_DATA | Data temporary storage in reporting process | ||
FINE_WORKFLOW_LOG | Operation log in reporting process | ||
System management | Configure | FINE_CONF_CLASSNAME | If the field of configuration class is interface type, record its type |
FINE_CONF_ENTITY | Storing data in configuration classes | ||
FINE_CONF_XMLENTITY | The structure of some fields is very complex. In order to store them in the database, they are stored as XML | ||
FINE_INTERNATIONAL | A table for recording multilingual data | ||
Swift module | FINE_SWIFT_COL_IDX_CONF | Field index configuration | |
FINE_SWIFT_CONFIG_ENTITY | Swift internal configuration table | ||
FINE_SWIFT_METADATA | It is used to store data table metadata | ||
FINE_SWIFT_SEG_LOCATION | Swift segment distribution information | ||
FINE_SWIFT_SEGMENTS | Swift segment details | ||
FINE_SWIFT_SERVICE_INFO | Save swift service information | ||
FINE_SWIFT_TAB_IDX_CONF | Table index configuration | ||
FINE_SWIFT_TABLE_PATH | Cube middle directory configuration management | ||
Quartz module | QRTZ_BLOB_TRIGGERS | Triggers stored in blob type | |
QRTZ_CALENDARS | Calendar information storage table | ||
QRTZ_CRON_TRIGGERS | Store the trigger of cron type | ||
QRTZ_FIRED_TRIGGERS | Store triggered triggers | ||
QRTZ_JOB_DETAILS | Store a job detail information | ||
QRTZ_LOCKS | Store the pessimistic lock information of the program | ||
QRTZ_PAUSED_TRIGGER_GRPS | Stores information about the pending trigger group | ||
QRTZ_SCHEDULER_STATE | Note instance information in storage cluster | ||
QRTZ_SIMPLE_TRIGGERS | Simple trigger information | ||
QRTZ_SIMPROP_TRIGGERS | Store calendar intervaltrigger and dailytimeintervaltrigger | ||
QRTZ_TRIGGERS | Basic information of trigger | ||
Other modules | Mobile terminal | FINE_MOBILE_DEVICE | Mobile device list |
FINE_MOBILE_PUSH_MESSAGE | Mobile message push table | ||
Report form | FINE_PARAM_TEMPLATE | Template parameter combination | |
FINE_PRINT_OFFSET | Print offset | ||
FINE_PRINT_OFFSET_IP_RELATE | Print offset IP association table | ||
FINE_REMOTE_DESIGN_AUTH | Remote design user table | ||
FINE_WRITE_STASH | Fill in the temporary form | ||
FINE_PROCESS_EXPAND | Extended attribute table of reporting process type permission entity | ||
FINE_REPORT_EXPAND | Extended attribute table of report type permission entity | ||
FINE_EXCEL_SUBMIT_TASK | Excel batch import permission entity extension table | ||
FINE_VCS | Template version management table |
2. Relationship between tables
1) User
2) Report
3) Task Scheduled
4) News
5) Printing
Note: Based on the above table structure, and there is no direct association between the tables, so if direct operation of the database is involved, the data in the intermediate table must be deleted manually.
For example: delete a department = delete Department + delete Dep_Role + delete user_role_middle;
Delete a user = delete user + delete user_role_Middle + delete extra_property。
II. User department position role
1. FINE_User table
Field name | Ddescription | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_extra_property>relatedId fine_user_role_middle>userId fine_base_message>userId fine_auth_preference>userId fine_favorite_entry>userId fine_last_login>userId fine_login_lock>userId fine_workflow_task>creatorId fine_authority>roleId |
BIRTHDAY | Birthday | TIMESTAMP | 26 | - |
CREATIONTYPE | create type
| INTEGER | 32 | - |
DESCRIPTION | Description | VARCHAR | 1000 | - |
VARCHAR | 255 | - | ||
ENABLE | Whether to enable
| BOOLEAN | 0 | - |
LANGUAGE | language | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
| INTEGER | 32 | - |
MALE | Gender
| BOOLEAN | 0 | - |
MOBILE | Phone number | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
PASSWORD | Password | VARCHAR | 255 | The value of this field is the encrypted ciphertext of the platform user password, which does not affect the platform user's login data decision system. |
REALNAME | Name | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
USERNAME | Username | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_base_message>userName fine_workflow_task>creatorName fine_schedule_record>creator fine_schedule_task>creator |
WORKPHONE | Phone number | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
REALALIAS | realName sort index For example, if the name is Anna, REALALIAS is an | VARCHAR | 255 | FR: 2019-12-05 and later JARs, new fields BI: 2020-01-15 and later JARs, new fields |
USERALIAS | UserName sort index For example, the username is Alice, and USERALIAS is alice | VARCHAR | 255 | FR: 2019-12-05 and later JARs, new fields BI: 2020-01-15 and later JARs, new fields |
TENANTID | Tenant ID | VARCHAR | 255 | No use for now, reserved field |
SALT | Salt value parameter When the user password is updated, the salt value is updated accordingly, increasing the security | VARCHAR | 255 | FR: 10.0.18 and later, new fields BI: 5.1.15 and later, new fields |
2. FINE_EXTRA_Property user additional information table
Field name | Ddescription | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
NAME | Property name | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
RELATEDID | Userid | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_user>id |
TYPE | The associated data item type | INTEGER | 32 | - |
VALUE | Attribute value | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
3. FINE_Department table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_dep_role>departmentId |
CREATIONTYPE | Create type
| INTEGER | 32 | - |
DESCRIPTION | Description | VARCHAR | 1000 | - |
ENABLE | Whether to enable
| BOOLEAN | 0 | - |
| INTEGER | 32 | - |
NAME | Department name | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
PARENTID | Parent Department ID | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
FULLPATH | Department full path Grandfather Department ID Parent Department ID ... | VARCHAR | 65536 | FR: 2019-05-20 and later JARs, new fields BI: 2019-06-13 and later JARs, new fields |
ALIAS | NAME sort index For example, the department is the leadership department, and ALIAS is the ldb | VARCHAR | 255 | FR: 2019-12-05 and later JARs, new fields BI: 2020-01-15 and later JARs, new fields |
TENANTID | Tenant ID | VARCHAR | 255 | No use for now, reserved field |
4. FINE_Post position table
Filed name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Associated table fields fine_dep_role>postId |
CREATIONTYPE | Build type 1 - Create manually 2 - Synchronous creation | INTEGER | 32 | - |
DESCRIPTION | Description | VARCHAR | 1000 | - |
ENABLE | Enable or not 0 - Do not enable 1 - Enable | BOOLEAN | 0 | - |
LASTOPERATIONTYPE | Last modification type 1 - Manual modification 2 - Synchronous modification | INTEGER | 32 | - |
NAME | Title of position | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
ALIAS | Sort index | VARCHAR | 255 | Fr: 2019-12-05 and later jars, new fields Bi: January 15, 2020 and later jars, new fields |
5. FINE_DEP_Middle table of roles in role Department
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_user_role_middle>roleId |
CREATIONTYPE | Create type
| INTEGER | 32 | - |
DEPARTMENTID | Associated department and job ID
| VARCHAR | 255 | - |
POSTID | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_post>id | |
| INTEGER | 32 | Association table fields fine_department>id |
FULLPATH | Intermediate data full path | VARCHAR | 65536 | FR: 2019-05-20 and later JARs, new fields BI: 2019-06-13 and later JARs, new fields |
TENANTID | Tenant ID | VARCHAR | 255 | No use for now, reserved field |
6. FINE_CUSTOM_Role custom role table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_user_role_middle>roleId |
| INTEGER | 32 | - |
DESCRIPTION | Description | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
ENABLE | Whether to enable
| BOOLEAN | 0 | - |
| INTEGER | 32 | - |
NAME | character name | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
ALIAS | NAME sort field index For example, the role is project operation and maintenance, and ALIAS is xmyw | VARCHAR | 255 | FR: 2019-12-05 and later JARs, new fields BI: 2020-01-15 and later JARs, new fields |
TENANTID | Tenant ID | VARCHAR | 255 | No use for now, reserved field |
7. FINE_USER_ROLE_Middle user role table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
ROLEID | The associated generalized role ID depRoleId or customRoleId | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_dep_role>id fine_custom_role>id fine_authority>roleId |
ROLETYPE | Associated generalized role type
| INTEGER | 32 | - |
USERID | Associated user ID | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_user>id |
TENANTID | Tenant ID | VARCHAR | 255 | No use for now, reserved field |
8. FINE_SOFT_DATA Synchronize user soft delete data table
Note: This table is added in FineReport version 10.0.13 and later.
The data deleted in the synchronization source is actually deleted from the finedb, and different types of data are saved in the soft delete table.
The data recovered in the synchronization source is recovered from the soft delete table. The ID of the field with the same name will not change, and the use of permissions will not be affected.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
DELETEDID | Id to delete | VARCHAR | 255 | 1) The field DELETEDID+TYPE forms a unique key That is, any two data DELETEDID , the TYPE is not exactly the same 2) The field DELETEDNAME+TYPE forms a unique key That is, any two data DELETEDNAME , the TYPE is not exactly the same |
DELETEDNAME | Name to delete
| VARCHAR | 255 | |
TYPE | Deleted data type
| INTEGER | 32 |
III. Permissions directory
1. FINE_Authority table
Field name | Descriptioni | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
AUTHORITY | Permission value 1 - Deny 2 - Allow | INTEGER | 32 | - |
AUTHORITYENTITYID | The associated permission entity id | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields FINE_AUTHORITY_OBJECT>id |
AUTHORITYENTITYTYPE | The associated permission entity type Platform type 0 - Directory permissions, management system permissions, entities are in the authority_object table 1 - Personnel management-department authority, personnel management-role authority 2 - Data connection permissions 7 - Scheduled scheduling permissions Report type 101 - FineReport Template Privileges (Template Certification) BI type 201 - BI Business Package Permissions 202 - BI business package line filter permission (*not perceived by the outside world) 203 - BI Dashboard permissions (mainly for sharing) 204 - BI Template Permissions (Template Authentication) 205 - BI Dashboard Share Control (Role to Role) | INTEGER | 32 | - |
AUTHORITYTYPE | permission type Platform type 1 - View permissions 2 - Authorization Permissions 3 - Edit permissions 4 - Data connection management rights Report type 101 - FineReport Template Certification Authority 102 - FineReport Template View Rights 103 - FineReport Template Filling Permission 104 - Bulk Import Task Permissions BI type 201 - Business Package Use Rights 202 - Business Package Management Rights 203 - BI report export permission 204 - BI Dashboard Sharing Permissions 205 - BI Template Authentication Permission 206 - BI Template View Permission 207 - BI template export permission 208 - BI Dashboard Share Role Control Permissions 209 - BI Dashboard sharing function permission 210 - BI Dashboard Public Links Feature Permission | INTEGER | 32 | - |
TROLEID | The associated generalized role id | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_dep_role>id fine_custom_role>id fine_user_role_middle>roleid fine_user>id |
ROLETYPE | Associated generalized role type 1 - Department, Title under the Department 2 - Custom Characters 3 - User 4 - Title | INTEGER | 32 | - |
TENANTID | Tenant ID | VARCHAR | 255 | No use for now, reser |
2. FINE_AUTHORITY_Object permission entity table
Including directory information, management system
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields FINE_AUTHORITY>AUTHORITYENTITYID |
EXPANDID | The associated extended attribute record id | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
EXPANDTYPE | The associated extended attribute type Platform type 1 - Platform Management System Node 2 - Home 3 - Directory 5 - Links 6 - Documents Report type 101 - Escalation Process 102 - FineReport Reports BI type 201 - BI Reports | INTEGER | 32 | - |
PARENTID | The associated parent node ID | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
COVERID | Cover ID Table of Contents Cover in System Administration > Appearance Configuration > Table of Contents Styles | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
DESCRIPTION | Description | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
DEVICETYPE | Display type 0 - Unchecked PC, Tablet, Phone 1 - PC 2 - Tablet 4 - Cell Phone 5 - Check PC, Mobile 6 - Check Tablet, Phone 7 - Tick PC, Tablet, Phone | INTEGER | 32 | - |
DISPLAYNAME | Display report name and directory name | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
ICON | Icon ID Directory Icons in System Administration > Appearance Configuration > Directory Styles | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
PATH | Path, different entry types have different meanings | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
SORTINDEX | Sort order | BIGINT | 64 | - |
MOBILEICON | Mobile Icon ID | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
FULLPATH | Entity full path | VARCHAR | 65536 | FR: 2019-05-20 and later JARs, new fields BI: 2019-06-13 and later JARs, new fields |
TENANTID | Tenant ID | VARCHAR | 255 | No use for now, reserved field |
3. FINE_AUTH_Preference permission panel user preferences
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
AUTHTYPE | Permission panel type | INTEGER | 32 | - |
AUTHVISIBLECFG | Permission Visibility Configuration | BIGINT | 64 | - |
USERID | User ID | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_user>id |
4. FINE_HOMEPAGE_Expand home page extension table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 |
ANDROIDPADHOMEPAGE | Home link for Android tablets | VARCHAR | 1000 |
ANDROIDPHONEHOMEPAGE | Home link for Android phones | VARCHAR | 1000 |
IPADHOMEPAGE | Home link for iPad | VARCHAR | 1000 |
IPHONEHOMEPAGE | Home link for iPhone | VARCHAR | 1000 |
PCHOMEPAGE | Home page link for PC | VARCHAR | 1000 |
TYPE | Homepage Type 0 - FineReport template 1 - Platform Directory 2 - Link 3 - FineBI Template | INTEGER | 32 |
5. FINE_FAVORITE_Entry collection node table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
ENTRYID | Favorite report ID | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
TIME | Collection time | TIMESTAMP | 26 | - |
USERID | Favorite User ID | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_user>id |
IV. Login in
1. FINE_LAST_Login last login information table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
CITY | Login to your city | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
IP | Login IP | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
TIME | Log in time | TIMESTAMP | 26 | - |
USERID | Login User ID | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_user>id |
2. FINE_LOGIN_Lock login lock table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | non empty | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | - |
ERRORTIME | Number of wrong passwords | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE | - |
LOCKOBJECT | Lock IP or username | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | - |
LOCKOBJECTVALUE | the value of IP or username | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | - |
LOCKTIME | when is it locked | TIMESTAMP | 26 | FALSE | - |
LOCKED | usually empty | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE | - |
UNLOCKTIME | when to unlock | TIMESTAMP | 26 | FALSE | - |
USERID | User ID | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_user>id |
3. FINE_BLOCK_IP login lock IP table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 |
CREATETIME | lock time | TIMESTAMP | 26 |
IP | Locked IP | VARCHAR | 255 |
REJECTEDVISITS | Number of rejections | INTEGER | 32 |
V. Backup restore
1. FINE_BACKUP_Node backup node table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
BACKUPMODULE | Backup module jar: JAR package jar-cluster: The jar package under the cluster (more special. Under the cluster, the jar package backup will be automatically converted to the proxy implementation, so this module is separated separately) plugins: plugins dashboards: BI templates reportlets: report templates config: platform configuration | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
BACKUPNAME | Backup name | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
BACKUPTIME | When to back up | TIMESTAMP | 26 | - |
SAVEPATH | Backup address | VARCHAR | 1000 | - |
BACKUPSIZE | Backup file size | DOUBLE | 64 | - |
TYPE | Type auto: automatic backup manual : manual backup | VARCHAR | 255 | FR: 2019-12-05 and later JARs, new fields BI: 2020-01-15 and later JARs, new fields |
BACKUPENDTIME | Backup end time | VARCHAR | 255 | FR: 10.0.11 and later, new fields BI: 5.1.8 and later, new fields |
STATUS | Backup Status 0: None 1: Successful 2: Failed | VARCHAR | 255 | FR: 10.0.11 and later, new fields BI: 5.1.8 and later, new fields |
DETAIL | Details (Error log) | VARCHAR | 255 | FR: 10.0.11 and later, new fields BI: 5.1.8 and later, new fields |
VI. Task Scheduled
1. FINE_SCHEDULE_Task timing task table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_schedule_task_param>taskId fine_schedule_record>taskId |
BACKUPFILEPATH | Backup file path | VARCHAR | 1000 | reserved field, unused |
CREATOR | Task creator | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_user>userName fine_schedule_record>creator |
EDITABLE | Whether the task is editable true: editable false: not editable | BOOLEAN | 0 | reserved field, unused |
FILECLEARCOUNT | Number of attachments cleaned -1: do not clean up 0: Clean up when the task ends 1: do not clean up Other positive integers: reserved times | INTEGER | 32 | - |
NEXTFIRETIME | Next execution time yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | TIMESTAMP | 26 | - |
OUTPUTSTR | Task attachment processing type combination string, used for filtering conditional queries File processing methods, separated by commas: 1 - Email notification | VARCHAR | 1000 | - |
PREFIRETIME | Last execution time yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | TIMESTAMP | 26 | - |
REPEATTIME | Repeat time interval | INTEGER | 32 | - |
REPEATTIMES | Repeat times | INTEGER | 32 | - |
SENDBACKUPFILE | Whether to send backup files true: send false: do not send | BOOLEAN | 0 | reserved field, unused |
SHOWTYPE | Display type 0 - Pagination preview 1 - Fill out preview 2 - Data Analysis Preview 3 - PC side preview 4 - New report | INTEGER | 32 | - |
TASKCONDITION | Task status json format, including type and description. Type: 0 - always execute 1 - Formula judgment 2 - Custom Class Judgment Description: Specific content (specific formula or class name) | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
TASKDESCRIPTION | Mission details | VARCHAR | 1000 | reserved field, unused |
TASKNAME | Mission name | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
TASKPARAMETER | Task parameters JSON format, including inputStyle parameter input method, name parameter name, type parameter type, value parameter value InputStyle input method (optional) 0 - default 1 - Dataset Type parameter type String - String Integer - Integer Double - Double type Date - the date Boolean — Boolean value TableColumn — Dataset column Value parameter value If the parameter input method is the default, the value is a string If the parameter input method is dataset, it includes value dataset name, colname dataset field value | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
TASKSTATE | Task status 0 - start 1 - Pause 2 - closed | INTEGER | 32 | It does not necessarily correspond to the state displayed in the front desk, and needs to be calculated before being displayed to the front desk. |
TASKTYPE | Task type 0 - no scheduling object 1 - Report Template 2 - BI Template | INTEGER | 32 | - |
TEMPLATEPATH | Template path | VARCHAR | 1000 | - |
TRIGGERGROUP | Trigger group json form, including multiple triggers, including trigger type, time, etc. TriggerType trigger type: 1 - execute only once 2 - Simple repetition 3 - Detailed frequency settings 4 - Expression Settings StartTime start time: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss StartType start type: 1 - Execute now 2 - Select start time EndType end type: 1 - End immediately after execution 2 - Indefinite 3 - Select an end time 4 - how many additional executions RecurrenceInterval Simple recurrence interval (optional) RecurrenceIntervalUnit Simple recurrence interval time unit (optional) 1 minute 2 hours 3 days 4 weeks RepeatCount additional execution times (not required): integer Hours Detailed frequency execution hours (optional): integer Minutes Detailed frequency execution minutes (not required): integer DayType details the frequency of execution execution day (not required): 1 - Daily 2 - Weekly 3 - per month MonthDays Detailed frequency When the execution day is monthly, select the specific number of days in each month (not required): integer array weekDays Detail frequency When the execution day is weekly, select the specific days of the week (not required): integer array months When the detailed frequency is executed, which months are executed (not required): integer array | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
USERGROUP | User group json form: customRole role list: array of role IDs customRoleStr role list string: for foreground display departmentAndPost department list: array of department IDs departmentStr department list string: for front desk display platformUser user list (optional): array, the format is "name(username)" platformUserStr user list string (not required): for foreground display userType User type: 1 - platform user, 2 - custom user columnIndex custom user-dataset column number (not required) columnIndexStr custom user-dataset column name (not required) tableDataName custom user-dataset name (not required) | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
SCHEDULEOUTPUT | Task push | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_schedule_output>id |
CONDITIONPARAMETER | Custom class parameter for execution condition json form: name parameter name value parameter value | VARCHAR | 1000 | FR: 2020-06-08 and later JARs, new fields BI: 2020-08-04 and later JARs, new fields |
2. FINE_SCHEDULE_TASK_Param scheduled task parameter values
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
PARAM | Parameter list json form: parameter name: parameter value | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
TASKNAME | Mission name | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
TASKID | Task id | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_schedule_task>id |
3. FINE_SCHEDULE_Record scheduled task execution log
Note: for projects before May 20, 2019, fine is used_schedule_The record table stores the scheduled task execution log
For the project of jar package on May 20, 2019 and after, fine in Logdb database is used_schedule_The record table stores the scheduled task execution log. Please refer to Report log Logdb database
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
CREATOR | Creator | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
DETAILMESSAGE | Details | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
FILEPATH | Generate attachment path | VARCHAR | 1000 | reserved field, unused |
LOGMESSAGE | Log information | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
LOGTIME | Task execution time Log print time | TIMESTAMP | 26 | - |
LOGTYPE | Log type 0 - fail 1 - Success 2- Skip | INTEGER | 32 | - |
NEXTFIRETIME | Next recording time | TIMESTAMP | 26 | reserved field, unused |
RUNTYPE | Attachment Handling Type 0 - snapshot generation 1 - Email Send 2 - FTP upload 3 - Platform news push 4 - Document Printing 5 - SMS sending 6 - Mounting the platform 7 - Custom Class Handling 8 - Timed reporting 9 - Client Notification 10 - SFTP upload -1 - attachment sent (default) | INTEGER | 32 | - |
TASKNAME | Mission name | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
TASKID | Task id | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_schedule_task>id |
4. FINE_SCHEDULE_Export in output timing task
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_schedule_task>scheduleOutput fine_base_output>output_Id |
BASENAME | Generate attachment name | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
CREATEATTACHBYUSERNAME | Whether to generate different attachments by different users 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | - |
FORMATS | Export attachment type json format: formatNum file processing method: 0 - output CPR 1 - Export the new version of EXCEL 2 - Output PDF 4 - Output WORD 8 - Output legacy EXCEL 16 - Output PNG 32 - Output FRR | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
5. FINE_BASE_Output task attachment processing main table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
ACTIONNAME | Attachment handling class name | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
EXECUTEBYUSER | Whether to execute separately for different users 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | - |
RESULTURL | Result link | VARCHAR | 1000 | - |
RUNTYPE | Attachment Handling Type 0 - snapshot generation 1 - Email Send 2 - FTP upload 3 - Platform news push 4 - Document Printing 5 - SMS sending 6 - Mounting the platform 7 - Custom Class Handling 8 - Timed reporting 9 - Client Notification 10 - SFTP upload -1 - attachment sent (default) | INTEGER | 32 | - |
OUTPUTID | Export id | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_schedule_output>id |
6. FINE_OUTPUT_Class custom class processing
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
CLASSNAME | Custom class name | VARCHAR | 255 | |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_base_output>id |
7. FINE_OUTPUT_CLIENT_Note client notification table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ADDRESSEE | Receiver | VARCHAR | 65536 | |
CONTENT | Content | VARCHAR | 65536 | |
CUSTOMIZELINK | Custom link | VARCHAR | 65536 | |
LINKOPENTYPE | Link type 1 - Timed result link 2 - Custom Links | INTEGER | 32 | |
MEDIAID | Image ID for rich text message | VARCHAR | 255 | |
SUBJECT | Theme | VARCHAR | 65536 | |
TERMINAL | Push terminal Currently fixed at 1, representing app notification | INTEGER | 32 | |
TYPE | Message type 1 - Link message 2 - Graphic message 3 - File message | INTEGER | 32 | |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_base_output>id |
8. FINE_OUTPUT_Email push mail table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ADDLINK | Result link | BOOLEAN | 0 | - |
BCCADDRESS | Bcc | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
BODYCONTENT | Content | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
CCADDRESS | cc | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
PREVIEWATTACH | Text preview | BOOLEAN | 0 | - |
SUBJECT | Theme | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
USEATTACH | Use attachments | BOOLEAN | 0 | - |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_base_output>id |
CUSTOMADDRESS | - | VARCHAR | 1000 | FR: 2019-12-05 and later JARs, new fields BI: 2020-01-15 and later JARs, new fields |
CUSTOMBCCADDRESS | - | VARCHAR | 1000 | FR: 2019-12-05 and later JARs, new fields BI: 2020-01-15 and later JARs, new fields |
CUSTOMCCADDRESS | - | VARCHAR | 1000 | FR: 2019-12-05 and later JARs, new fields BI: 2020-01-15 and later JARs, new fields |
PREVIEWWIDGET | Whether to check "Text preview component content" | BOOLEAN | 0 | FR: 10.0.13 and later, new fields BI: 5.1.10 and later, new fields |
9. FINE_OUTPUT_FTP upload table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
PASSWORD | Password | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
PORT | The port number | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
SAVEPATH | Upload path | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
SERVERADDRESS | Server address | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
USERNAME | Username | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_base_output>id |
FTPMODE | FTP mode passive: passive mode avtive: active mode | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
10. FINE_OUTPUT_Mount scheduled task mount directory
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
DESCRIPTION | Description | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
FOLDERENTRYID | Mount directory id | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
FOLDERENTRYNAME | Mount directory name | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
FOLDERENTRYSTR | Mount directory | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_base_output>id |
11. FINE_OUTPUT_PLATFORM_MSG platform system message
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
CONTENT | Content | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
LINKOPENTYPE | Link type 1 - Timed result link 2 - Custom Links | INTEGER | 32 | - |
SUBJECT | Theme | VARCHAR | 65536 | - |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_base_output>id |
12. FINE_OUTPUT_PRINT print processing
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
PRINTERNAME | Printer name | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_base_output>id |
13. FINE_OUTPUT_SFTP SFTP upload table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_base_output>id |
PASSWORD | password | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
PORT | The port number | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
PRIVATEKEY | private key | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
SAVEPATH | Upload path | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
SERVERADDRESS | Server address | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
USERNAME | Username | VARCHAR | 255 | - |
Field name
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Remark |
TEMPLATEID | Template ID | INTEGER | 32 | |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | Association table fields fine_base_output>id |
SMSPARAM | SMS parameters json, for each parameter: id parameter IDname parameter name value parameter value type parameter type Type types include: String - String Integer - Integer Double - Double type Date - the date Boolean — Boolean value Formula - Formula | VARCHAR | 255 | FR: 2019-12-05 and later JARs, new fields BI: 2020-01-15 and later JARs, new fields |
VII. Message
1. FINE_BASE_MESSAGE base message table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | |
CREATETIME | Message creation time | TIMESTAMP | 26 | FALSE | |
DATETIME | Message time | TIMESTAMP | 26 | FALSE | new |
MESSAGE | Message content | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE | |
READED | Has it been read 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE | |
TOASTED | Is there a pop-up prompt? 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE | |
TYPE | Message type 0 - system message 1 - Escalation message 2 - Template message 3 - Mobile Messages -1 - unknown message | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE | |
URL | URL | VARCHAR | 1000 | FALSE | |
URLTYPE | URL type 0 - none 1 - Internal link type, e.g. /report/entry/{id} 2 - External link type, e.g. www.fanruan.com 3 - Platform block routing, jump to a certain tab page of system management 4 - URLs to open multiple templates within the platform | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE | |
USERID | User ID | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_user>id |
USERNAME | Username | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_user>userName |
2. FINE_PROCESS_MESSAGE push message table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty | Remark |
ALLTASKID | All task IDs | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | - |
DEADLINE | End Time | TIMESTAMP | 26 | FALSE | - |
PROCESSED | Is it done 1 - Done 0 - not completed | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE | - |
TASKID | Report task ID | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | - |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | Association table fields fine_base_message>id |
3. FINE_SYSTEM_MESSAGE system message table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty | Remark |
TERMINAL | Push terminal Currently fixed at 1, representing PC-side message notification | BIGINT | 64 | FALSE | - |
TITLE | Theme | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | - |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | Association table fields fine_base_message>id |
XIII. Reporting
Note: For JARs after 2018-12-27, new reporting tables are added.
1. Flow table in FINE_WORKFLOW report
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | - |
CREATETIME | Creation time | TIMESTAMP | 26 | FALSE | - |
CREATORID | Creator ID | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_workflow_task>creatorId fine_workflow_stash_data>userId fine_workflow_log>operatorname |
DESCRIPTION | Description | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE | - |
NAME | Process name | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | - |
NODESID | Node ID | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_workflow_node>id |
2. FINE_WORKFLOW_TASK reporting process task table
field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | Association table fields fine_workflow_task_impl>taskId |
CREATETIME | creation time | TIMESTAMP | 26 | FALSE | |
CREATORID | Creator ID | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_user>id fine_workflow>creatorId |
CREATORNAME | Creator name | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_user>username |
DEADLINEDATE | Feadline | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE | |
DEADLINETYPE | Cutoff type | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | |
ISSUECONTROL | Scheduled delivery | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE | |
ISSUEOVER | Whether the delivery is over 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE | |
NAME | Mission name | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | |
PARENTID | Parent task id | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_workflow_task_impl>parentId |
PROCESSID | Process ID | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_workflow_task_impl>processId |
REMINDCONTROL | Reminder method | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE | |
TASKNAMECALCULATEONCE | Whether to check "Only count once when the task is initiated" when adding a task 1 - Checked 2 - unchecked | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE |
3. FINE_WORKFLOW_TASK_IMPL specific task table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | |
ALERTED | Whether to warn 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE | |
COMPLETEESTATE | The operator and completion status of the current task, 1 - Completed 0 - not completed For example: {"demo/authority/product sales query.cpt":{"sunlin":0}} | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE | |
CREATETIME | Creation time (delivery time) | TIMESTAMP | 26 | FALSE | |
CURRENTNODEIDX | Current process node id | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE | |
DEADLINE | Deadline | TIMESTAMP | 26 | FALSE | |
FRTASKID | ID of the source task | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | |
NAME | task name | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | |
NEEDALLCOMPLETE | Does it need to be completed 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE | |
NODEROUTE | Path traveled by the node json | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE | |
NOTE | Remark | VARCHAR | 16777216 | FALSE | |
OPERATORJSON | The first nodes on Node are multi-user | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE | |
OPERATOROFFSET | The number of users of the multi-user node | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE | |
OPERATOROFFSETNAME | The name of the first user of the multi-user node | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE | |
PARENTID | Parent task id | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_workflow_task>parentId |
PROCESSID | Process ID | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_workflow_task>processId |
REPORTOFFSET | The first few templates | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE | |
SENDTIME | Send time | TIMESTAMP | 26 | FALSE | |
SENDER | Sender | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | |
SENDERID | Sender ID | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | |
SONTASKID | ID of the subtask [{nodeIdx:0, userId:1, taskId:1}] | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | |
STATE | Task status -1 - initial 0 - pending escalation 1 - Pending review 2 - Approved 3 - was returned 4 - closed 5 - Timeout | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE | |
TASKID | ID of the source task | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_workflow_task>Id |
4. FINE_WORKFLOW_NODE report process node table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | Association table fields fine_workflow>nodesId |
ALERTCONTROL | Alert Details | VARCHAR | 1000 | FALSE | |
AUTHORITY | Permission | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | |
DESCRIPTION | Description | VARCHAR | 1000 | FALSE | |
NAME | Node name | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | |
NEEDALLCOMPLETE | Does it need to be transferred after it is all completed? 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE | |
NEEDOFFLINEREPORT | Do you need to fill in offline 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE | |
PROCESSID | Process ID | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | |
REPORTCONTROL | Escalation Details | VARCHAR | 1000 | FALSE |
5. FINE_WORKFLOW_STASH_DATA Report process data temporary storage table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | |
DATA | Data | VARCHAR | 16777216 | FALSE | |
REPORTPATH | Report path | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE | |
USERID | User ID | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_workflow>creatorId |
TASKID | Task id | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
6. FINE_WORKFLOW_LOG Report process operation log
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | |
MESSAGE | Information | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE | |
OPERATORNAME | Operator name | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_workflow>creatorId |
PROCESSNAME | Process name | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | |
TASKNAME | Mission name | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
IX. System Configuration
1. FINE_CONF_CLASSNAME interface configuration type table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | The position of the current field in the configuration | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
CLASSNAME | The field type to which the corresponding configuration value in the configuration belongs | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
2. FINE_CONF_ENTITY configuration class data table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | The location of the data in the configuration | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
VALUE | Data value | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE |
Note 1: Most of the configuration content stored in the database is in this table, such as: id = BackupConfig.backupMemory, value = 1024 means to configure a value of 1024 for the backupMemory in BackupConfig, which means that the automatic backup occupies a maximum of 1024mb.
The common configuration items of the platform and the front desk do not provide a configuration interface, and they are basically stored in the fine_conf_entity table. For details, please refer to: Configuration Information Storage Table
3. Configuration correspondence table stored in FINE_CONF_XMLENTITY xml
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | The location of the data in the configuration | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
VALUE | the XML text value of the field | BLOB | 67108864 | FALSE |
4. fine_international Multilingual Support Internationalization Data Sheet
Note: This table appears in the FineReport version of the JAR package on 2020-02-28 and later.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | - |
DESCRIPTION | Description | VARCHAR | 1000 | FALSE | - |
I18NKEY | International key | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | - |
LANGUAGE | International language zh_CN: Simplified Chinese zh_TW: Traditional Chinese en_US: English ja_JP: Japanese ko_KR: Korean | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | - |
I18NVALUE | Internationalized value | VARCHAR | 1000 | FALSE | Chinese characters need to be converted into Unicode encoding with an online conversion tool and then written |
X. Swift module (modification not allowed)
1. FINE_SWIFT_COL_IDX_CONF field index configuration table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
COLUMNNAME | Field name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TABLEKEY | Datatable SourceKey | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
REQUIREGLOBALDICT | Whether to generate a global index 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE |
REQUIREINDEX | Whether to generate an index 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE |
2. FINE_SWIFT_CONFIG_ENTITY Swift internal configuration table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
CONFIGKEY | Where the configuration is located | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
CONFIGVALUE | Configuration value | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE |
3. FINE_SWIFT_METADATA Data table metadata storage table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | SourceKey calculated by the data table | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
FIELDS | Field information | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE |
REMARK | Translation name | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
SCHEMANAME | Schema of database table | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
SWIFTSCHEMA | Data file storage location CUBE / LOG | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
TABLENAME | Table Name | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
4. FINE_SWIFT_SEG_LOCATION Swift Segment distribution information
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
CLUSTERID | Cluster ID | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
SEGMENTID | Generated Segment ID | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
SOURCEKEY | Data table SourceKey, indicating which table the Segment belongs to | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
5. FINE_SWIFT_SEGMENTS Swift Segment Details
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | Generated Segment ID | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
SEGMENTORDER | Segment number | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE |
SEGMENTOWNER | Data table SourceKey, indicating which table the Segment belongs to | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
SEGMENTURI | Relative URL of the data file | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE |
STORETYPE | Data save type MEMORY - memory storage, only in memory, lost after shutdown NIO - is to write the contents of the memory to the file to solve the problem of shutdown loss FINE_IO - an io framework implemented by fr itself. When the NIO file is full, it will be written to FINE_IO. | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
SWIFTSCHEMA | Data file storage directory CUBE / LOG | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
6. FINE_SWIFT_SERVICE_INFO save Swift service information
Field name
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | Service ID | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
CLUSTER_ID | cluster ID | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
IS_SINGLETON | Whether to start only one 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE |
SERVICE | Service type Cluster_master_service - record the master node id for all nodes to use synchronously | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
SERVICE_INFO | Additional information about the service | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
7. FINE_SWIFT_TAB_IDX_CONF table index configuration
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
TABLEKEY | Table SourceKey | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
ALLOTRULE | Block logic | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
8. FINE_SWIFT_TABLE_PATH Cube intermediate directory configuration management
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
CLUSTERID | Cluster ID Single machine is LOCAL | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TABLEKEY | Table SourceKey | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
LASTPATH | Last used temporary directory | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE |
TABLEPATH | The currently used intermediate directory | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE |
TMPDIR | Intermediate directory used when Cube is generated | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE |
XI. Quartz modules (modification not allowed)
1. QRTZ_BLOB_TRIGGERS Triggers stored in Blob type
As a Blob type store, it is used when Quartz users use JDBC to create their own custom Trigger types, and the JobStore does not know how to store the instance.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
SCHED_NAME | Schedule name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TRIGGER_GROUP | Foreign key to trigger_group of qrtz_triggers table | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TRIGGER_NAME | Foreign key to qrtz_triggers table trigger_name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
BLOB_DATA | A blob field that holds the persistent Trigger object | VARBINARY | 16777216 | FALSE |
2, QRTZ_CALENDARS calendar information storage table
To store calendar information in Blob type, quartz can configure a calendar to specify a time range.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
CALENDAR_NAME | Calendar name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
SCHED_NAME | Schedule name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
CALENDAR | A blob field that stores the persistent calendar object | VARBINARY | 4000 | FALSE |
3. QRTZ_CRON_TRIGGERS Stores Cron type triggers
A table of cron expressions to store triggers.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
SCHED_NAME | Schedule name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TRIGGER_GROUP | Foreign key to trigger_group of qrtz_triggers table | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TRIGGER_NAME | Foreign key to qrtz_triggers table trigger_name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
CRON_EXPRESSION | Cron expressions | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TIME_ZONE_ID | Time zone | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
4. QRTZ_FIRED_TRIGGERS store triggered triggers
Stores state information related to the triggered Trigger and execution information of the associated Job.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ENTRY_ID | Scheduler instance id | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
SCHED_NAME | Schedule name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
FIRED_TIME | Trigger time | NUMERIC | 19 | TRUE |
INSTANCE_NAME | Scheduler instance name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
IS_NONCONCURRENT | Is it concurrent 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | TRUE |
JOB_GROUP | The name of the group the job belongs to in the cluster | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
JOB_NAME | The name of the job in the cluster | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
PRIORITY | Priority | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE |
REQUESTS_RECOVERY | Whether to accept resume execution, the default is 0 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | TRUE |
SCHED_TIME | time set by timer | NUMERIC | 19 | TRUE |
STATE | State | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TRIGGER_GROUP | Foreign key to trigger_group of qrtz_triggers table | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TRIGGER_NAME | Foreign key to qrtz_triggers table trigger_name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
5. QRTZ_JOB_DETAILS stores a JobDetail information
Stores details for each configured jobDetail.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
JOB_GROUP | The name of the group to which the job belongs in the cluster | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
JOB_NAME | The name of the job in the cluster | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
SCHED_NAME | Schedule name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
DESCRIPTION | The fully qualified name of a notejob implementation class in the cluster. Quartz finds the job class based on this path to the classpath. | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
IS_DURABLE | Is it persistent 1 - Yes, quartz will persist the job to the database 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | TRUE |
IS_NONCONCURRENT | Whether to execute concurrently 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | TRUE |
IS_UPDATE_DATA | Whether to update the data 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | TRUE |
JOB_CLASS_NAME | The fully qualified name of the notejob implementation class in the cluster. Quartz finds the job class based on this path to the classpath. | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
JOB_DATA | A blob field that holds the persistent job object | VARBINARY | 16777216 | FALSE |
REQUESTS_RECOVERY | Whether to accept resume execution, the default is 0 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | TRUE |
6. QRTZ_LOCKS stores pessimistic lock information
Stores information about pessimistic locking of the program (if pessimistic locking is used).
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
LOCK_NAME | Pessimistic lock name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
SCHED_NAME | Schedule name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
Stores information for a paused Trigger group.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
SCHED_NAME | Schedule name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TRIGGER_GROUP | Qrtz_triggers table trigger_group foreign key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
Store the note instance information in the cluster, and quartz will periodically read the information in the table to determine the current state of each instance in the cluster.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
INSTANCE_NAME | The name of the org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId configuration in the previous configuration file, will write to this field | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
SCHED_NAME | Schedule name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
CHECKIN_INTERVAL | Check interval | NUMERIC | 19 | TRUE |
LAST_CHECKIN_TIME | Last check time | NUMERIC | 19 | TRUE |
9. QRTZ_SIMPLE_TRIGGERS Information about simple triggers
Stores a simple Trigger, including the number of repetitions, the interval, and the number of times it has been triggered.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
SCHED_NAME | Schedule name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TRIGGER_GROUP | Trigger group | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TRIGGER_NAME | Trigger name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
REPEAT_COUNT | Statistics of repetitions | NUMERIC | 19 | TRUE |
REPEAT_INTERVAL | Repeat time interval | NUMERIC | 19 | TRUE |
TIMES_TRIGGERED | Triggered times | NUMERIC | 19 | TRUE |
Qrtz_simprop_triggers stores CalendarIntervalTrigger (similar to SimpleTrigger, specifying a task trigger that starts from a certain time and executes at a certain time interval) and DailyTimeIntervalTrigger (specifies a task trigger that executes at a certain time interval within a certain period of time every day)
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
SCHED_NAME | Schedule name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TRIGGER_GROUP | Qrtz_triggers table trigger_group foreign key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TRIGGER_NAME | Foreign key to trigger_name of qrtz_triggers table | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
BOOL_PROP_1 | The first parameter of trigger of type Boolean | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE |
BOOL_PROP_2 | The second parameter of trigger of type Boolean | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE |
DEC_PROP_1 | The first parameter of trigger of type decimal | NUMERIC | 19 | FALSE |
DEC_PROP_2 | The second parameter of trigger of type decimal | NUMERIC | 19 | FALSE |
INT_PROP_1 | The first parameter of trigger of type int | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE |
INT_PROP_2 | The second parameter of trigger of type int | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE |
LONG_PROP_1 | The first parameter of trigger of type long | NUMERIC | 19 | FALSE |
LONG_PROP_2 | The second parameter of trigger of type long | NUMERIC | 19 | FALSE |
STR_PROP_1 | The first parameter of trigger of type String | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
STR_PROP_2 | The second parameter of trigger of type String | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
STR_PROP_3 | The third parameter of trigger of type String | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
11. Basic information of the QRTZ_TRIGGERS trigger
Save the basic information of the trigger.
Note: After setting the user synchronization data set , find the data whose "TRIGGER_NAME" is "syncUser" in the qrtz_triggers table, and you can view the update user time.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty | Remark |
SCHED_NAME | Schedule name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | |
TRIGGER_GROUP | Trigger group name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | |
TRIGGER_NAME | Trigger name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | |
CALENDAR_NAME | Schedule name | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | |
DESCRIPTION | Detailed description information | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | |
END_TIME | End Time | NUMERIC | 19 | TRUE | |
JOB_DATA | A blob field that holds the persistent job object | VARBINARY | 16777216 | FALSE | |
JOB_GROUP | Foreign key to qrtz_job_details table job_group | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | |
JOB_NAME | Foreign key to qrtz_job_details table job_name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | |
MISFIRE_INSTR | measures or strategies to compensate for the implementation of | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE | |
NEXT_FIRE_TIME | next trigger time | NUMERIC | 19 | FALSE | |
PREV_FIRE_TIME | Last trigger time | NUMERIC | 19 | FALSE | |
PRIORITY | Priority | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE | |
START_TIME | Starting time | NUMERIC | 19 | TRUE | |
TRIGGER_STATE | Current trigger state WAITING - waiting PAUSED - Pause ACQUIRED - normal execution BLOCKED - blocked ERROR - error | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | |
TRIGGER_TYPE | Type of trigger SIMPLE - Repeated execution after a specific time interval. If it starts at 9:00, it will be executed every 1 hour. CRON - Calendar based schedule, such as execution every Tuesday at 2am. | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | |
APPOINT_ID | Platform cluster node id. Indicates which node the trigger needs to run on, if it is empty, it will be executed. | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE | Added in May 2020 |
XII. Mobile
1. FINE_MOBILE_DEVICE Mobile Device Table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
CREATEDATE | Date the device was added | TIMESTAMP | 26 | FALSE |
DEVICENAME | Device name | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
MACADDRESS | Device Mac Address | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
PASSED | Whether the device is certified 1 - yes 0 - no | BOOLEAN | 0 | FALSE |
UPDATEDATE | Device Modification Date | TIMESTAMP | 26 | FALSE |
USERNAME | Associated username | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
2. FINE_MOBILE_PUSH_MESSAGE Mobile message push table
Field name
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
GROUPID | Message receiving group ID | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
MEDIAID | Image ID for rich text message | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
MSGTYPE | Message type 1 - normal text message 2 - Graphic message 3 - File message | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE |
TERMINAL | Push terminal Currently fixed at 1, representing app notification | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE |
TITLE | Message title | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
3. fine_weixin_user_relation platform WeChat user correspondence table
Note: This table appears and data is generated only when "Client Notification > WeChat Notification" is selected in the scheduled task and saved.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 |
FSUSER | Platform username | VARCHAR | 255 |
WEIXINUSER | WeChat userid | VARCHAR | 255 |
4. fine_weixin_output Timing scheduling task information pushed by WeChat
Note: This table appears and data is generated only when "Client Notification > WeChat Notification" is selected in the scheduled task and saved.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length |
AGENTID | App ID | VARCHAR | 255 |
CONTENT | The content of the client notification | VARCHAR | 255 |
CUSTOMIZELINK | Customize the content of the link | VARCHAR | 255 |
LINKOPENTYPE | Link type for client notifications 1: Timing scheduling link 2: Custom Links | VARCHAR | 255 |
MEDIAID | The mediaId of the file or image obtained by calling the upload interface | VARCHAR | 255 |
SUBJECT | The title of the client notification | VARCHAR | 255 |
TERMINAL | Fixed is 2, corresponding to WeChat notification | INTEGER | 32 |
TYPE | message type for client notification 1: Link message 2: Graphic message 3: File message | INTEGER | 32 |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 |
ADDRESSEE | Additional clients to receive messages, 1 for push group | INTEGER | 32 |
CHATGROUPS | String array to store push group id | VARCHAR | 255 |
5. The information table that fine_weixin_agent pushes to WeChat
Note: This table appears and data is generated only when "Client Notification > WeChat Notification" is selected in the scheduled task and saved.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 |
AGENTID | App ID | VARCHAR | 255 |
AGENTNAME | Application Name | VARCHAR | 255 |
CORPID | Enterprise corpId | VARCHAR | 255 |
SECRET | Application key | VARCHAR | 255 |
TIMESTAMP | Timestamp | VARCHAR | 255 |
TYPE | Application Type 1: The application of the management group key, which belongs to the old application 2: normal application 3: The application that failed to obtain the token | INTEGER | 32 |
6. Fine_weixin_group pushes information table to WeChat group
Note: This table appears and data is generated only when "Client Notification > WeChat Group Notification" is checked in the scheduled task and saved.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 |
AGENTID | App ID | VARCHAR | 255 |
GROUPID | The chatid of the group, used for push | VARCHAR | 255 |
GROUPNAME | Group name | VARCHAR | 255 |
TIMESTAMP | Timestamp | VARCHAR | 255 |
7. fine_dingtalk_user_relation platform DingTalk user correspondence table
Note: This table appears and data is generated only when "Client Notification > DingTalk Notification" is checked in the scheduled task and saved.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 |
FSUSER | Platform username | VARCHAR | 255 |
DINGTALKUSER | DingTalk userid | VARCHAR | 255 |
8. fine_dingtalk_output Timing scheduling task information pushed by DingTalk
Note: This table appears and data is generated only when "Client Notification > DingTalk Notification" is checked in the scheduled task and saved.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length |
AGENTID | App ID | VARCHAR | 255 |
CONTENT | The content of the client notification | VARCHAR | 255 |
CUSTOMIZELINK | Customize the content of the link | VARCHAR | 255 |
LINKOPENTYPE | Link type for client notifications 1: Timing scheduling link 2: Custom Links | VARCHAR | 255 |
MEDIAID | The mediaId of the file or image obtained by calling the upload interface | VARCHAR | 255 |
SUBJECT | The title of the client notification | VARCHAR | 255 |
TERMINAL | Fixed is 4, corresponding to Dingding notification | INTEGER | 32 |
TYPE | Message type for client notification 1: Link message 2: Graphic message 3: File message | INTEGER | 32 |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 |
ADDRESSEE | Additional clients to receive messages, 1 for push group | INTEGER | 32 |
CHATGROUPS | String array to store push group id | VARCHAR | 255 |
9. Fine_dingtalk_agent pushes the information table to DingTalk
Note: This table appears and data is generated only when "Client Notification > DingTalk Notification" is checked in the scheduled task and saved.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 |
AGENTID | App ID | VARCHAR | 255 |
AGENTNAME | Application Name | VARCHAR | 255 |
APPKEY | Apply appKey | ||
CORPID | Enterprise corpId | VARCHAR | 255 |
SECRET | Application key | VARCHAR | 255 |
TIMESTAMP | Timestamp | VARCHAR | 255 |
TYPE | Application Type 1: normal application 2: The application that failed to obtain the token | INTEGER | 32 |
10. Fine_dingtalk_group pushes the information table to the DingTalk group
Note: This table appears and data is generated only when "Client Notification > DingTalk Group Notification" is checked in the scheduled task and saved.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 |
AGENTID | App ID | VARCHAR | 255 |
GROUPID | The chatid of the group, used for push | VARCHAR | 255 |
GROUPNAME | Group name | VARCHAR | 255 |
TIMESTAMP | Timestamp | VARCHAR | 255 |
XIII. Statements
1. FINE_PARAM_TEMPLATE template parameter combination
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
TEMPLATEID | Template ID | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
TPGROUP | Parameter combination | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE |
USERNAME | Username | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
2. FINE_PRINT_OFFSET print offset
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
CPTNAME | Template name | VARCHAR | 50 | FALSE |
IP | Client ip address | VARCHAR | 20 | FALSE |
OFFSETX | Lateral offset | VARCHAR | 50 | FALSE |
OFFSETY | Vertical offset | VARCHAR | 50 | FALSE |
SIGN | Offset options 0 - no offset 1 - Global configuration 2 - Single Template Configuration | VARCHAR | 10 | FALSE |
3. FINE_PRINT_OFFSET_IP_RELATE Print offset IP association table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty | Remark |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE | |
CHILDIP | Associate client IP | VARCHAR | 20 | FALSE | Association table fields fine_print_offset>id |
MOTHERID | Corresponds to the ID field of the print offset table | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
4. FINE_REMOTE_DESIGN_AUTH remote design user table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
PATH | Path with remote design permission | VARCHAR | 1000 | TRUE |
PATHTYPE | Path type 0 - file 1 - Folder | BOOLEAN | 0 | TRUE |
USERID | User ID | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
USERNAME | username | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
ROLETYPE | Role type 0: no role 1: Departmental role 2: Custom Characters 3: User roles | INTEGER | 32 | TRUE |
5. FINE_WRITE_STASH Fill in the temporary storage table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
DATA | Staging data | VARCHAR | 16777216 | FALSE |
REPORTPATH | Template path | VARCHAR | 1000 | TRUE |
USERNAME | Username | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
6. FINE_PROCESS_EXPAND FineReport reports extension table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
PROCESSTYPE | Reporting process type 1: Reporting task management 2: Reporting process management 3: My escalation task | INTEGER | 32 | TRUE |
7. FINE_REPORT_EXPAND FineReport report extension table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
SHOWTYPE | 0 - Fill in 1 - Pagination 2 - Analysis 3 - PC side preview 4 - New report | INTEGER | 32 | TRUE |
TRANSMITPARAMETERS | Some custom preview parameters | VARCHAR | 65536 | FALSE |
8. FINE_EXCEL_SUBMIT_TASK Excel batch import permission entity extension table
Note: For FR projects with JAR packages after 2018-12-27, this table is added.
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
CREATETIME | Task creation time | TIMESTAMP | 26 | TRUE |
DESCRIPTION | Description | VARCHAR | 1000 | FALSE |
NAME | Mission name | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
REPORTPATH | Associated template path | VARCHAR | 1000 | TRUE |
SUBMITTIME | Submission time | TIMESTAMP | 26 | FALSE |
9. FINE_VCS Template Version Management Table
Field name | Description | Data type | Length | Non empty |
ID | Primary key | VARCHAR | 255 | TRUE |
COMMITCODE | Used to roll back the commit | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
COMMITMSG | Git commit Msg | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
FILENAME | Template name | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
TIME | Submission time | TIMESTAMP | 26 | FALSE |
USERNAME | Username | VARCHAR | 255 | FALSE |
VERSION | Version number | INTEGER | 32 | FALSE |