
  • Last update:November 22, 2024
  • Overview


    Report Server VersionFunctional Change


    If you first set the cell style under Cell Attribute > Style and then add a hyperlink, the hyperlink style will override the cell style. If you first add a hyperlink and then set the cell style under Cell Attribute > Style, the cell style will not be subject to subsequent hyperlink modifications.


    Supported formulas as hyperlink names. For details, see section "Hyperlink Name Setting."

    Application Scenario

    Hyperlinks enable web page opening, drilling down to another report, emailing, file downloading, data sorting, and linkage through parameter passing.

    Hyperlinks feature a wide range of applications and rich functionality. JavaScript-type hyperlinks, in particular, allow for high design flexibility and can achieve effects such as Excel export through code.

    Function Entry

    1. Cells: cells in general reports and in table components of FVS visualization dashboards

    Select the cell, click Hyperlink on the right attribute panel, click the xxx button next to Add Hyperlink, and select the required hyperlink type from the drop-down list.


    2. Charts: charts as cell elements or floating elements in general reports and charts as cell elements in table components of FVS dashboards

    Choose Special Effect > Interaction on the chart attribute panel. Click the xxx button next to Add Hyperlink and select the required hyperlink type from the drop-down list to achieve various chart linkage effects.


    3. Condition attributes: You can also set the hyperlink in Condition Attribute and control whether to use the hyperlink by setting conditions.


    Hyperlink Type

    FineReport supports nine types of built-in hyperlinks. The following table describes these hyperlinks in detail.

    Application ScenarioSupported Entry

    Hyperlink - Web Report

    You can click the hyperlink to drill down to another report in the current project and dynamically check the specified content in another report through parameter passing.

    Cells, charts, and condition attributes

    Hyperlink - Email

    You can click the hyperlink to send text messages or report content to other people by email.

    Cells, charts, and condition attributes

    Hyperlink - Web Link

    You can click the hyperlink to be redirected to another web page or to download files.

    Cells, charts, and condition attributes

    Hyperlink - Dynamic Parameter

    You can click the hyperlink to change the display effect (for example, the sorting result) of the report based on the modified parameter values.

    Cells, charts, and condition attributes

    Hyperlink - JavaScript

    You can achieve multiple report display effects with the JavaScript-type hyperlink which is highly flexible. For example, you can display the report in the form of Excel through export.

    Cells, charts, and condition attributes

    Chart Hyperlink - Floating Chart

    You can click the hyperlink to open a floating chart.

    Cells, charts, and condition attributes

    Chart Hyperlink - Link Cell

    You can click the hyperlink to perform linkage with the chart in the specified cell.

    Cells, charts in general reports, and condition attributes

    Chart Hyperlink - Floating Element

    You can click the hyperlink to perform linkage with the floating chart.

    Cells in general reports, charts in general reports, and condition attributes in general reports

    FVS Component Linkage Event and Hyperlink - Object on Current Page

    Some components in FVS templates support the Component Linkage interaction event. Cells in table components support Object on Current Page in Add Hyperlink, enabling the linkage between components.

    FVS components and cells in table components


    Setting Hyperlink Names

    The default hyperlink name is Hyperlink Type + X, where X represents the Xth hyperlink. You can customize the hyperlink name by double-clicking the added hyperlink, as shown in the following figure.


    FineReport supports formulas as hyperlink names in V11.0.30 and later versions. You can directly enter the formula text (starting with an equal sign) in the hyperlink name editing box. The formula result will be automatically calculated and used as the final hyperlink name.

    To dynamically display hyperlink names based on the language using the I18N() function, ensure the Multi-language Plan plugin is updated to V2.2.2. If the keys (either used in the report or on the platform) are updated, you need to manually refresh the report for the new keys to take effect.

    Dealing with Multiple Hyperlinks

    If multiple hyperlinks are set in the same area, you can select the required hyperlink from the drop-down list that pops up when you click the area.


    Screen Recording 2024-11-18 at 17.52.54 (1).gif

    Hyperlink Setting for Charts in Cells

    Hyperlinks set on the cell attribute panel (as shown in the following figure) are ineffective for the charts inserted in cells.


    You can only set hyperlinks for the charts in cells under Special Effect > Interaction on the chart attribute panel, as shown in the following figure.


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