Parameter Passing Principle
Setting parameters in hyperlinks is generally used for dynamic drilling into other reports and component/chart linkages.
Parameters in hyperlinks act like a key, while the parameters of the target template are akin to the room number on a door.
Therefore, when you define hyperlinks, the defined parameter names are akin to a key to the room. Only when the key matches the room number can you open the door and access the desired content.
Therefore, when you set hyperlinks, the parameter names must match those of the target template to ensure the parameters can be passed to the target template for content viewing.
Function Description
Except for the email hyperlink, all other types of hyperlinks support parameter configuration. The following figure shows the location for parameter configuration.
Hyperlink Parameter Configuration Items
Parameter Transfer Modes
The following content shows the differences between the two parameter transfer modes.
GET (efficient but insecure): The parameters are displayed at the end of the URL, and the length of parameter values cannot exceed 1K.
POST (secure but inefficient): The parameters are not displayed at the end of the URL, and there are no limits on the number of parameters and the length of parameter values.
Parameter Page Display
Check: If the target template has a parameter page, the parameter page will be displayed when you access the template via a hyperlink,
Uncheck: If the target template has a parameter page, the data rather than the parameter page will be displayed when you access the template via a hyperlink.
Parameter Addition
The following content shows the functions of the five buttons in the upper right corner of the parameter area.
Insert: You can add a parameter by manually inputting the parameter name and value.
Delete: You can delete a parameter by selecting the parameter and clicking the button.
Move Up: You can move up the position of a parameter by selecting the parameter and clicking the button.
Move Down: You can move down the position of a parameter by selecting the parameter and clicking the button.
Template Parameter: You can click the button to add the parameter (name only, no value) of the target template to the hyperlink if you have set up a target template. Only the hyperlink of the web report supports this function.
When you add a parameter to the hyperlink of the chart, the parameter value can be built-in indicators such as categories or series.
Report Parameter Inheritance
If the current template has parameters with names that match those of the target template, you can select Inherit Report Parameter in the lower-left corner of the hyperlink setting page, without redefining the parameters on this page.
For example, Template1 is set to link to Template2 via a hyperlink. Template1 already has a template parameter named test, and Template2 also has a parameter named test set in a cell.
In this case, to pass the parameter from Template1 to Template2, you can simply select Inherit Report Parameter without redefining.
If you do not select Inherit Report Parameter, the parameter cannot be passed. The following figure shows the final effect of parameter passing.