Project Registration Method Selection

  • Last update:February 20, 2024
  • Overview

    This document introduces various server registration methods and how to choose the appropriate one.

    Registration Method Selection

    You can refer to the following logic flowchart to choose the appropriate registration method based on your environment.


    1. Public network users and users whose FanRuan projects can connect to the FanRuan cloud registration server are advised to choose the public cloud authentication method.

    2. Intranet users are advised to choose the local container authentication method.


    Registration Method Comparison

    Registration   Method




    Local Container Authentication

    Local container authentication is   designed for scenarios where there is no fixed server or the server   frequently changes, such as the private cloud server and virtual server.

    1. The physical information of the   report project server can be changed.

    2. An additional server with fixed   physical information is not required as a license server.

    3. The customer's report server can   work in an intranet with no need to open extranet ports.

    1. A formal license file is only   applicable to one report project.

    2. Restarting the server requires   reauthentication.

    3. If you need to change the   authorized project, contact the business personnel for license migration.

    Public Cloud Authentication

    You may need to register multiple   projects without a local license server, where it is troublesome to export   project information multiple times.

    FanRuan has built a public cloud   authentication server. You can initiate authorization requests by filling in   authentication information, and send the requests to the public cloud   authentication server for unified authentication.

    1. The physical information of the   report project server can be changed.

    2. An additional server with fixed   physical information is not required as a license server.

    3. If you do not specify the IP of the   report server when applying for the license, you can register on any report server.

    4. If you need to change the   authorized project, you can migrate the license yourself without contacting the business personnel.

    The client's report   server must be connected to the FanRuan public cloud authentication server.

    Local Machine Information Authentication

    Obtain the MAC address and the machine code of the machine where the report project server is located by exporting the RIF file.

    Register the server by binding the MAC address and the machine code of the machine where the report project server is located.

    The customer's report server can work in an intranet with no need to open extranet ports.

    1. The physical information of the   server where the report project is located must be fixed.

    2. A formal license file is only   applicable to one report project.

    3. If you need to change the   authorized project, contact the business personnel for license migration.

    Private Cloud Authentication

    If the report project is deployed on a   virtual machine or a cloud platform, the physical information of the server   is not fixed.

    In this case, you can use a server   with fixed physical information as the license server.

    Register the report project and bind   it to the server address.

    1. The physical information of the   report project server can be changed.

    2. Within the allowed number of   authorizations, a license server can grant the license to multiple report   servers.

    3. When using private cloud authentication in a cluster, you do not need to send the registration information of each node to the business personnel. 

    4. When migrating the report server, you do not need to reapply for a license. You only need to ensure that the machine where the report server is located can be connected to the network of the license server.

    5. The customer's report server can work in an intranet with no need to open extranet ports.


    1. The operation is cumbersome.

    2. An additional server with fixed   physical information is required as the license server.

    3. The report server must be able to access the license server.

    4. The license server needs to be kept open. Otherwise, registration failure will occur. If Server.exe is closed, you will find it unregistered when you reopen it. Repeat the authentication.

    Container Private Cloud Authentication

    If the authentication server is   deployed in a Docker container, the private cloud authentication server   cannot bind the machine code/MAC address, and the project cannot connect to   the extranet, making it impossible to start the complete registration function.

    In this case, you can use container   private cloud authentication to unbind the machine code and the   authentication server and register the server by scanning the code.

    1. The physical information of the   report project server and the authentication server can be changed.
    2. Within the allowed number of authorizations, a license server can grant the license to multiple report servers or multiple clusters.
    3. When using private cloud authentication in a cluster, you do not need to send the registration information of each node to the business personnel.
    4. When migrating the report server, you do not need to reapply for a   license. You only need to ensure that the machine where the report server is located can be connected to the network of the license server.

    1. A Docker environment is required to deploy the license server. The license server and the project server can share the same server or be deployed separately on two servers. Ensure that the project server can be connected to the network of the license server.

    2. The license server in the Docker container needs to be kept open. Otherwise, registration failure will occur. If the license server is closed, you will find it unregistered when you reopen it. Repeat the authentication.

    Encryption Lock Authentication

    For some large projects, the same   report project may be deployed to multiple servers.

    Alternatively, you may not be able to   provide the physical information of the machine where the report project is   located and do not want to set up a license server locally.

    In this case, you can use the   encryption lock for registration and grant the license by binding the report   application.

    The customer's report server can work in an intranet with no need to open extranet ports.

    1. The encryption lock must remain   plugged into the server. Once it is unplugged, the registration will become   invalid.

    2. The carrier of the encryption lock (similar to a USB flash drive) requires proper keeping. 

    3. This authentication method cannot be used in a cluster.


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