Adaptive Problems Summary

  • Last update:January 18, 2022
  • I. Chrome sometimes has problem that font size is inconsistent with design

    It should be that the browser restricts the minimum font size. The Chrome browser sets the minimum font size by default. When previewing, if the design font size is smaller than the minimum font size of the browser, the minimum font size of the browser shall prevail.

    For example, the minimum font size of the Chrome browser is 12 points. After font adaptation is enabled, when the template is displayed at a smaller resolution, if the font is theoretically reduced by 10 points, it is actually displayed as a 12-point font.

    Open the Chrome browser, follow the steps of Settings > Appearance > Customize Fonts, the minimum font settings can be adjusted as follows:


    II. Some old templates did not achieve the desired effect after switching to the new version

    After some old templates are switched to the new version of the dashboard, the template effect may not be perfect and needs to be adjusted manually. The scenarios are as follows:

    Old templateAbnormal effects that may occur after switchingSuggested adjustment methods
    Adaptive layout, using absolute canvasThe content of the components in the absolute canvas is truncatedAdjust the position and size of the components in the absolute canvas after switching
    Absolute layout, the position of the component exceeds the body areaUse the edge of the outermost component as the boundary of the bodyAdjust the position of the component before switching so that the component does not exceed the body boundary
    Absolute layout, there are more margins in the bodyThe margins in the body are croppedAfter switching, manually adjust the position and effect of components

    Conversion logic description:

    1. Uncheck the globally configured template

    1) What is the conversion logic of the layout method?

    The new and old operation interface switches back and forth, and the layout method (referring to adaptive layout and absolute layout) will not change.

    Note: The conversion logic of the layout mode has nothing to do with whether the global configuration is used or not.

    2) How to convert the property configuration when the old template is converted into a new operation interface?

    Old adaptive configuration
    PC adaptive-Report zooming mode
    Absolute layout - Area Fixed Non Adaptive
    Absolute layout - Area FitBidirectional Adaptive
    Adaptive Layout - Bidirectional Adaptive Bidirectional Adaptive
    Adaptive Layout - Horizontal Adaptive Horizontal Adaptive

    a. If the old template has individually modified the PC browser adaptive settings of the report block and is converted into a new operation interface, how to convert the property configuration?

    Report Block - PC Adaptive AttrReport Block - Content Display Mode 
    Non AdaptiveNon-automatic Adjustment
    Horizontal AdaptiveWidth cover the report block
    Bidirectional AdaptiveBidirectional cover the report block

    b. The PC Adaptive Attr settings of the report block that have not been modified separately, and after they are converted into a new operation interface, how to convert the attribute configuration?

    The old template is converted into a new operation interface, and the content display mode of the report block in the property bar on the right is "Non-automatic Adjustment" by default.

    3) The new template is converted into the old operation interface, how to convert the attribute configuration?

    PC Adaptive Attr pop-up windowPC Report Block Adaptive Attr pop-up window
    Font-No AdaptiveFont-No Adaptive
    Report zooming mode-Bidirectional
    Report zooming mode-HorizontalForm-Horizontal
    Report zooming mode-No AdaptiveForm-No Adaptive

    Note 1: Templates under absolute layout and adaptive layout both use this logic.

    Report Block-Content Display ModeReport Block-PC Adaptive Attr
    Non-automatic Adjustment
    Non Adaptive
    Width cover the report blockHorizontal Adaptive
    Bidirectional cover the report block
    Bidirectional Adaptive

    Note: The template under the absolute layout is converted into the old operation interface, and the default is absolute layout-Area Fixed; the template under the adaptive layout is converted into the old operation interface, and the default is adaptive layout-Bidirectional adaptive.

    2. After checking the global configuration template, how to convert the attribute configuration after the new and old operation interface is switched?

    For templates that use global configuration, the new global configuration will be used after converting to the new dashboard operation interface.

    The new global configuration needs to be set in Server > Server Configuration Manager > PC Adaptive Attr, as shown in the following figure:


    Attachment List

    Theme: Dashboard
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