


  • Last update:  2023-09-19
  • Overview


    Report Server Version

    Functional Change




    Allowed you to precisely access the templates under the   directory through links, and to share the links with other users.

    Function Description

    This document introduces favorites, template search, drop-down drawer menu, and other functions in the decision-making platform.

    Favoriting Directories

    You may hope to mark important reports or reports frequently accessed for easy reference. Therefore, the function of marking specific reports and favoriting them is supported in the platform.

    Favoriting Templates

    Open a template in the decision-making platform, hover your cursor over the tab of the template you want to favorite, and click the Favorite button popped up.


    Viewing Favorited Templates

    Click the favorite icon in the upper left corner of the platform to view all templates favorited by the current user.


    Unfavoriting Templates

    Some templates are favorited because they are frequently accessed for a period of time. After this period of time, however, they are not frequently used and need to be unfavorited.

    Method 1: Open the template that needs to be unfavorited, hover your cursor over its tab, and click the Cancel button popped up.

    Method 2: Open the favorites, hover your cursor over the template that needs to be unfavorited, and click the deletion icon popped up.

    Searching in Directories

    You can search for templates mounted to the platform through keywords in the decision-making platform.


    After you enter keywords, related templates' name and directory path are displayed, and you can click the needed template to open it.


    Drop-down Drawer Menu in the Directory

    Switching to Full Screen Mode

    Usage Method

    The function of viewing reports in full screen is supported in the decision-making platform. It is located within the collapsed drawer menu in the upper right corner.

    Open the template in the decision-making platform, click the drop-down drawer menu in the upper right corner, and click Full Screen to display the template in full screen. You can press Esc to exit full screen mode.


    Usage Restriction

    1. The full screen function is supported in mainstream browsers, such as Chrome, FireFox, and IE browser of V11 and later versions (including Edge).

    2. The full screen function is supported in Chinese dual-core browsers (like 360 Secure Browser) in the high-speed mode.

    3. The full screen function is not supported in IE browser of versions earlier than V11, and you can only display the entire page (not the specified content) in full screen by pressing F11.

    If you use the full screen function in IE browser of versions earlier than V11, an error message is displayed, indicating that the full-screen API function is not supported or has been disabled in the browser. 

    Closing All

    Click Close All to close all tabs and return to the homepage.


    Closing Other Tabs

    Click Close Other Tabs to close all tabs except the current tab.


    Accessing Specified Directories Through Links

    In FineReport of V11.0.9 and later versions, you can precisely copy directory links and share them with others.

    For example, you view a specified directory and copies the link with its ID to share with User B.


    User B needs to log in to the decision-making platform with the username and password to access this link.

    ·       If user B has the view permission of this directory, this user is directly redirected to the directory template page with the directory tree expanded.


    ·       If user B does not have the view permission of this directory, this user is directly redirected to the homepage of the decision-making platform.



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