
  • 作成者:ayuan0625
  • 編集回数:17次
  • 最終更新:FRInternational 于 2021-06-11
  • I. View concurrent number of reports

    The FineReport server will select the number of concurrency when registering, for example: 5 concurrency, 10 concurrency or unlimited concurrency, etc. Please refer to Local Machine AUTH for registration details.Then how to check the concurrency count?


    Enter the decision-making platform as an administrator, click Manage>Registration, you can see that the number of template IPs that can be accessed at the same time for the unregistered version is 2. As shown below:



    When the FineReport server is registered, the steps to check the number of concurrent operations are the same as unregistered.

    II. The principle of concurrent number of reports

    1. The meaning of concurrency

    If the number of concurrent purchases is 10, it is as if the server has only 10 interfaces. If 10 interfaces are occupied at the same time, other people will not be able to connect to the server. An error is reported: The system is not registered or the number of visitors exceeds the registered limit. If you need to access, please contact the administrator.

    At this time, if other people want to connect to the report server to view reports, one of the previous 10 people must log out of this interface.

    Note: The 10 people here are 10 different IPs, that is, the concurrent data means that there are several IPs accessing the report system at the same time.

    2. When is concurrency counted

    A user opened a report template on the FineReport server in the morning to data entry. After filling a part, he suddenly left, and returned in the afternoon to continue entrying, then submitted and closed the browser. If the session is not cleared from the beginning of the morning to the successful reporting in the afternoon, this period of time occupies a connection of the server and always occupies a concurrency.

    Note 1: If you only log in to the platform with different IPs, and do not preview the template, the concurrent data will not be occupied.

    Note 2: If a user accesses multiple templates at the same time and only closes the session of one of the templates, the user still occupies one concurrency, and the number of concurrency is related to the IP.

    3. When to exit concurrency

    As above, the user closes the browser after completing the report. At this time, the browser will notify the report server to request disconnection. At this time, the server will withdraw the connection and let others use it.

    4. What to do if the concurrent count is full

    If the 5 interfaces of the server are occupied by different users at the same time, when other people access the report, an error is reported: The system is not registered or the number of visitors exceeds the registration limit. If you need to access, please contact the administrator. At this time, it can be a period of time and visit the report again.

    Therefore, when purchasing concurrent data, the number of concurrent users must be determined according to the maximum number of users online at the same time.

    III. Concurrency related concepts

    In the actual performance test, you will often come into contact with the concepts related to the "concurrent number", including "the number of concurrent users", "the number of system users" and "the number of simultaneous online users". Here is a practical example to illustrate them. The difference between.

    For example, an OA system, the system has 2000 users, that is, the total number of users who may use the system is 2000, this is the number of system users;

    Among these 2000 people, 500 people were online at the highest summit. This is the number of simultaneous online users, or the number of concurrent business and concurrent users;

    Among these 500 people, at a certain point in time, 40% of users are watching system announcements with more interest (note: the action of "watching" will not cause any burden on the server), and 20% of users are making complex forms (for forms made by users, the request will be sent to the server only at the moment of "submission", and the data entry process does not put pressure on the server). 20% of users are in a daze (that is, what didn't do it), the remaining 20% of users are constantly jumping from one page to another, so only the last 20% of users are really putting pressure on the server.

    Therefore, in actual situations, the actual pressure on the server depends not only on the number of concurrent users of the business, but also on the user's business scenario.

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    Theme: FineReport カスタム開発
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