FineReport 性能テストについて

  • 作成者:FRInternational
  • 編集回数:1次
  • I. To apply for temporary registration documents from FineReport

    Due to the free version of the designer downloaded directly from the company's website, the designed template has some functional limitations. In addition, the operating mechanism of the free and registered templates is different (internal confidentiality). If the registration documents are not used, the test results will be seriously inaccurate, so before the test, be sure to apply for temporary registration documents.

    II. The memory size of the application server should be set reasonably

    Generally, the default memory configuration of the server is relatively small. In larger application projects, this memory is not enough, so it needs to be processed to make it larger. The memory configuration methods of each application server are different. The configuration methods of JVM parameters (-Xms, -Xmx) of common servers are listed below.

    JVM parameter definition:

    -Xms: Initialize memory size

    -Xmx: Maximum memory that can be used

    1. Tomcat server

    For a detailed description of modifying the memory of the Tomcat server, please refer to Tomcat Port Configuration.

    III. Change the limit on the number of connections

    In the designer, click Server> Define Data Connection, click connection pool attributes, as shown in the figure below, and change it to what you need.


    Note: The setting of each of the above three points will affect the result of the test. Please be sure to change it to the corresponding value according to your own needs, and then perform the test, so that you can get the test result you want, which is also the focus of our company. 

    If you have any questions, please visit the website and get in touch with our technical department.

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    Theme: FineReport カスタム開発
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