Analysis Subject Overview

  • Last update:July 12, 2024
  • Overview


    FineBI Version
    Functional Change

    Visualization analysis can be performed without updates after 

    data editing.

    Save, Update, Save as Version, and Version Management are added to analysis subjects.

    The cloud saves Special Archive in Version Management to prevent data loss once you directly exit a subject.

    The function entry of sharing analysis subjects and dashboards is displayed on the subject preview.

    Function Description

    Analysis subject is a container for your analysis in FineBI where all analysis is done.

    Analysis subject also supports collaborative editing among different users, greatly facilitating the sharing of analysis among users.

    Analysis Subject Interface Overview

    Preview Interface

    Click My Analysis to go to the management interface of analysis subjects.


    Serial NumberDescription

    You can click Last Edited to view the recently edited subjects.


    You can view the directory where the subject is located.


    You can click the button to go to the subject if you have editing permission for 

    this subject


    You can perform Save Dashboard As, Export, Adaptation, Performance 

    Analysis, Public Link of Dashboard, and Data Alert in this function bar of 

    analysis subjects


    You can switch tabs to view data, components, dashboards, and analysis 

    documents in the subject.

    Analysis List

    Analysis list contains all the analysis subjects you have created and those collaborated with other users.

    You can manage analysis lists and analysis subjects. For details, see Managing My Analysis and Managing Analysis Subjects.

    Analysis Subject Preview

    After selecting an analysis subject in the analysis list, you can view the editable data, components, and dashboards of the analysis subject.

    • Data Preview

    You can see the added data, Data Lineage, and Update Information on the data preview interface.


    • Component Preview

    You can see detailed information about components on the component preview interface.


    • Dashboard Preview

    On the dashboard preview page, you can directly share dashboards with others through Public Link of Dashboard and set Data Alert.


    Process Overview

    Creating an Analysis Subject

    In My Analysis, select a folder and click New Subject, as shown in the following figure.


    Adding Data

    Click the addition button to add data tables you need.

    For details, see Overview of Adding Data.


    Analyzing Data

    • Editing data: Use options of the toolbar on the top to edit and analyze data.

    For details, see Editing Data Overview.


    • Creating a component for analysis: Go to the component editing interface, where you can use various visual charts to display data analysis results.

    For details, see Creating a Component.


    • Analyzing in a dashboard: On this interface, you can add the components you have created to a dashboard. Multi-components portfolio analysis can help you analyze better.


    Saving and Updating the Subject


    1. You can save an analysis subject with all its resources (including dataset editing operations) to prevent step loss.

    2. If you exit the subject without saving it, you can read Special Archive in Version Management the next time you go to the subject to access the automatically saved draft.

    3. You can perform visualization analysis without updates after data editing.

    For details, see Saving an Analysis Subject.


    If you click Update, datasets and the components/dashboards/analysis documents in the subject will be updated. The latest status will only be displayed when you preview the subject and the resources in the subject.

    You can update the subject only after you save it.


    You can view the update progress of data in Update Information.


    Sharing and Publishing

    You can publish the analyzed datasets, dashboards, and analysis subjects or share analysis subjects with others for collaborative editing.

    For details, see Collaboration, Publishing Visualization Resources, Data Publish, and Dashboard Sharing Overview.


    Version Restoration

    If you need to save intermediate versions to prevent operation loss or to restore an old version of the subject, you can save the subject as a version and perform restoration in Version Management.

    For details, see Saving an Analysis Subject.

    Subject Usage Recommendation

    1. You can first process data and create components and dashboards with an upper limit of 100K rows of the data volume, which can be adjusted at any time for data processing during the creation.

    2. During analysis, if you need more data volumes (such as not enough filter values displayed), you can switch the upper limit of the data volume to 10 million rows. This process is to quickly turn analysis ideas into charts.

    If the total data volume exceeds 10 million rows, you need to update the subject and view components and dashboards with the updated data. If the data is directly connected, you can switch the upper limit of the data volume to full volume for viewing.

    3. Once the subject visualization creation is completed, you can save the subject and exit subject editing.

    Note: If the subject uses extracted data and you have resources published to the directory/public data/public links, you need to immediately update the subject after saving it. Only after the data update is completed can others view the latest data.

    4. If you need to share and publish the subject, after exiting subject editing, you can preview the display effect for sharing with others on the subject preview page. Besides, you can publish the subject to the directory or create public links on the page.


    主题: Creating and Managing Analysis Subjects
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