Customizing GIS Layers

  • Last update:May 05, 2023
  • Overview


    FineBI Version

    Functional Change


    Added Amap and WMTS in the Custom GIS layer page.

    Application Scenarios

    • You may want to use custom map layers for better visualization.

    • You may want to use layers in Google Maps.

    • In the intranet environment, the GIS background is missing, not displayed, or cannot be loaded.

    • The GIS background of a map is not displayed because your server cannot connect to the internet.

    • You want to customize layers.


    The GIS background image refers to the base map, similar to the tile map data of Amap and Mapbox maps.

    FineBI has built-in seven types of map backgrounds, including Black, Mapbox, Elegant, Satellite, Blue, Fresh, and Midnight. It also supports custom backgrounds.


    If you are in an intranet environment, the GIS background inputted in tilelayer and even the built-in GIS background in FineBI cannot be loaded.

    For solutions, see the “Customizing WMS” section of this article.

    Customizing tilelayer

    Recommend two map suppliers: and

    Note: Third-party maps may limit the number of visits (Exceeding the limit may result in invalid GIS layers or overlapping watermarks.), so it is recommended that users with high traffic choose a suitable custom tilelayer as needed.

    1. Create a GIS map. Go to Manage > Map Configuration > Custom GIS layer, and click  to add a GIS background.

    2. You need to obtain a link on the mapbox website.

    3. Enter the acquired URL in the tilelayer page and click Load Layers.

    Customizing WMS


    By utilizing WMS services published with mapping tools such as ArcGIS, you can display offline map within the LAN.

    1. Create a layer, select WMS, and enter URL. You can search online for other available WMS to use.


    You only need to input the GetCapabilities request to meet the required WMS format of FineBI. For example:

    According to the corresponding WMS protocol, FineBI will further obtain available layers for you to choose from, and you do not need to input detailed layer information again.

    2. Click Load Layers, and enter URL to request all WMS layers. Then a checkbox group of all WMS layers will be displayed below the URL input box (all selected by default). You can select the needed layers by ticking the corresponding checkboxes.

    3. Click Save.


    1. If clicking Load Layers cannot load images, you need to check whether the parameters spliced in the URL are different from the default spliced parameters:  &SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.1.1&LAYERS={layer name}


    Currently, the spliced parameters cannot be customized.

    WMS only supports the default settings of Leaflet, such as allowing the projection method of EPSG:3857 only.

    If you need support for other methods, contact technical support.

    2. In FineBI 6.0 and older versions, WMS services only supported the projection method of EPSG:3857. FineBI 6.0 and newer versions support three projection methods: EPSG:3857, EPSG:4326, and EPSG:3395.

    Customizing WMTS

    Create a layer, select WMTS, and enter URL. You can search online for other available WMTS to use.

    For example, enter as URL, and click Load Layers.

    Note: When you configure the WMTS layer, layer, style, and tilematrixset are required parameters. The WMTS service only supports the projection method of EPSG:3857.


    主题: Creating a Visual Component
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