SQL Dataset Preview Error Troubleshooting

  • Last update:  2024-04-08
  • ORA Error


    Dataset preview failed, the error starting with ORA, for example, ORA-0911.


    This error is an Oracle database error.


    This error can be troubleshot by searching for the error information online.

    For example, a common error ORA-0911 indicates that the SQL statement contains invalid characters, and it is necessary to check whether there are invalid characters in the statement.

    62400001Duplicate Field Names Found


    When you add a SQL dataset and preview it, an error "62400001duplicate field names found: Store" is displayed, as shown in the following figure.


    In the FineBI dataset, column names cannot be duplicated within the same table, otherwise an error will occur.


    Check if there are duplicate column names when fetching data from the database.

    There are two ways to fetch two columns with the same data.

    1. Rename the duplicate column. For example, enter the statement select Store, Store as Store1 from new_salesdetail.

    2. Copy and paste the column through the Add Column function of the self-service dataset. For details, see Column Adding.

    Illegal Mix of Collations


    When you preview a SQL dataset, an error "Illegal mix of collations (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT)" is displayed.


    Encoding formats are inconsistent, or there are special characters in the SQL statement.


    Change the encoding format to utf8_unicode_ci.

    For example, the SQL statement is select * from a where aa='aa', and its encoding format is utf8_general_ci.

    Change the encoding format to utf8_unicode_ci through the SQL statement select * from a where aa=CONVERT('aa' USING utf8) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci.

    Failure to Save the Added SQL Dataset


    You cannot save successfully after connecting to the SQL Server database and adding the SQL dataset.

    Open %FineBI% fanruan.log, the log error is shown in the following figure.


    During the execution of transactions in the SQL Server database, multiple transactions are executed simultaneously, causing a deadlock in the requests. Therefore, you cannot add tables normally.


    Contact the database operation and maintenance administrator to handle deadlock or restart the database.


    主题: Data Center
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    Cannot be empty
    Problem Description
    Cannot be empty

    Submitted successfully

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