Public Data stores data that can be publicly accessed by users.
Highly-reusable tables can be added or published to datasets in Public Data.
You can add the following data to Public Data:
Excel dataset: You can upload local Excel tables to FineBI.
SQL dataset: You can basically process data in the database by writing simple SQL statements in FineBI and add the processed data to FineBI.
Database table: You can directly add an entire table from the database to FineBI without any processing.
Published self-service dataset: You can publish self-service datasets in the subject to Public Data for other users to use.
Folder Management
Folders are used to categorize, manage, and store datasets.
Adding Tables to Public Data
You can add three types of base tables to Public Data:
Database table
SQL dataset
Excel dataset
Adding Database Tables
Adding SQL Datasets
Adding Excel Datasets
Editing Base Tables
You can edit base tables to change field types, perform sorting, set row-column conversion, or create self-loop columns.
Dataset Editing
Row-to-Column Conversion
Self-Looping Column (Hierarchy Based on One Column of Data)
Self-Looping Column (Hierarchy Based on Two Columns of Data)
Basic Dataset Function
You can associate tables.
Association Setting
You can view the lineage relationship between the current table and other tables/components/dashboards.
Data Lineage
Data Update
You can update a single table.
Single Table Update of Base Tables
Excel Update
Single Table Update of Self-Service Datasets
You can update data tables in batches by global update or folder update.
Global Update
Folder Update
You can create scheduled update.
Scheduled Update
You can monitor update status and stop update tasks.
Update Task Management
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