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User Management

  • Recent Updates: April 18, 2023
  • Overview


    FineBI Version

    Functional Change




    FineBI system has a built-in set of user information, including basic user information, departments and positions, user roles, and platform users.

    When the admin logs in to FineBI and clicks Manage > User, four tab pages will appear: All Users, Department, Role, and Platform User.


    All Users

    There are three ways to add users in FineBI.




    Add User

    Enter the user's information, department and role.

    You can only add one user at a time.

    Support editing, disabling, and deleting users.

    Add User

    Import User

    Import user's information, department and role from the server dataset.

    Support importing user information multiple times, and the imported data is not related to the dataset.

    Support editing, disabling, and deleting users.

    Import User

    Synchronize Users

    Sync user information, department, and role from the server dataset.

    The system only supports syncing with one dataset at a time.

    If User Disabled Status is not enabled, editing users is not supported.

    Support disabling users.

    Not support deleting users.

    Synchronize Users


    Note: The initial password for built-in users is 1.


    Department refers to the management of a company's departments, including organizational department management, position management, and personnel management.


    Note: Departments, positions, and users generated in Synchronize Users from the server dataset cannot be edited. This section is intended for those organizational departments manually added.

    Department Management

    1. Adding Departments

    In the Department, select a manually-added department, click + in the upper right corner, enter the department name, and select the superior department to add a sub-department.


    Note: The list of superior departments does not include departments generated in Synchronize Users.

    2. Adjusting Department Hierarchy

    For manually-added departments, you can change their superior departments and adjust the hierarchical structure.

    Note: The list of superior departments does not include departments generated in Synchronize Users.

    For example, the Auditing Group originally belonged to the Finance Group1. Now you need to move it to the sub-department of Finance Group2. Hover the mouse over the Auditing Group, click Edit, adjust the superior department to Finance Group2, and click OK.


    In this case, the Auditing Group has been adjusted to be a sub-department of Finance Group2. The positions and users under the department have also been adjusted accordingly.


    Note: Adjusting the department hierarchy will not affect the configuration of the scheduled task of the superior department.

    For example, the default user group of a scheduled task is Human resources, and now adjust the sub-department of Human resources to Finance Group1.

    Then, the default user group of the scheduled task will be all departments and positions under Human resources except for Finance Group1.


    3. Renaming Department

    Hover the mouse over a department and click Edit to rename the department. Then click OK.

    Renaming a department will not affect the permissions that have been configured.


    4. Deleting Department

    Hover the mouse over a department and click Delete. Then click OK to delete the department and its sub-departments.

    The positions in the deleted department will still exist in the system's position list, and the admin can configure the positions for other departments.

    The users in the deleted department will still exist in the user list, with their positions removed from the deleted department.


    5. Editing Users in the Department

    The admin can add specific users to each non-synchronized department.

    For example, click Finance dept. > Edit User to open the personnel management interface.


    The admin can add or delete users in the department. Support Selecting All and Clearing.

    Click Anna from the unselected users, and she will become the selected user. Then click Anna again, she will become the unselected user.


    Note: The admin can add multiple users for a department at a time.

    Click Finance dept. and you can see the corresponding user list.


    Note: Users in the Position List and sub-department are not displayed in the user list.

    Position Management

    1. Adding and Configuring Positions

    For example, select Technical support, and click to open the editing interface. Then you can add or delete positions.

    You will see the positions generated in Import User in the checkbox list and can select and add them as positions for the current department. Positions generated in Synchronize Users cannot be selected.

    You can quickly find positions generated in Import User in the search box. If the searched position does not exist, you can click + to add it.


    2. Deleting Positions

    Hover the mouse over a position and click . Then click OK to delete the position from the position list of the department.

    The deleted position will still exist in the system's position list, and the admin can configure the position for other departments.

    For example, both Finance Group1 and Finance Group2 have selected and added the Finance Manager position. If the admin deletes it from Finance Group2, the position in Finance Group2 will not be affected.


    3. Editing Users in the Position List

    The admin can add specific users to each position.

    Select the position in the Position List and click Edit User to open the personnel management interface.


    The admin can add or delete users under this position. Support Selecting All and Clearing.

    Click Alice from the unselected users, and she will become the selected user. Then click Alice again, she will become the unselected user.


    Note: The admin can add multiple users to a position at a time.


    Role includes role management and personnel management.


    Note: Roles generated in Synchronize Users in the server dataset and the users under those roles cannot be edited.

    Role Management

    In the Role tab page, click + in the upper right corner of the Role List to add a new role to the system.


    Editing User in the Role List

    The admin can add specific users to each role.

    Select a role, click + in the upper right corner of the Role List to open the personnel management interface.


    The admin can add or delete users under this position. This function supports Selecting All and Clearing.

    Click Jack from the unselected users, and he will become the selected user. Then click Jack again, he will become the unselected user.


    Support adding users in bulk for built-in roles except for the roles generated in Synchronize Users.

    Click Batch add, enter users names in the input box and separate them by commas, and click OK.


    a. If all the users are added successfully, it will prompt 4 users added successfully.


    Note: Duplicate usernames are considered as the same person, and will be removed when all users are added successfully.

    Users who are already added to a role will still be counted if they are added again in the batch addition process.

    Users successfully added to a role will be automatically moved from Unselected User to Selected User.


    b. Possible reasons for failure to add users.

    Adding usernames that do not exist on the platform is not supported. Sub-admin cannot add usernames that are not within their management scope.

    Spaces before and after the separator comma will be automatically removed before usernames are matched. If there are still spaces at the beginning or end of the username, usernames cannot be successfully matched and the addition will fail.

    However, if the type of FineDB database belongs to DB2, MySQL, or SQL Server and there are spaces at the end of the username, the user can still be successfully matched and added.

    If a username contains a comma, the comma will be treated as a separator and the username will split into two usernames. If neither of these usernames exist on the platform, the addition will fail.

    If there are users that failed to be added, it will prompt 1 users added successfully, 2 users added failed. Click Details to see the usernames that failed to be added.



    1. Duplicate usernames are considered the same person and will be deduplicated upon successful addition.

    2. Users who have already been added to a role will still be counted if they are added again during the batch addition process

    Users who have been successfully added to a role will be automatically moved from Unselected User to Selected User.


    Platform User

    Note: The steps for adding users for PC user, BI user, and mobile user are the same as the steps introduced above.

    This section will take adding PC users as an example.

    Setting User Types

    In the corresponding platform system, you can edit and select users who can access the platform.


    To modify the default settings, you need to edit the users and set the usage permissions. For example, select PC User, click Edit User in the upper right corner to choose the corresponding users.






    If users are not in the corresponding list, they cannot log in and access the platform.

    For example, the status of demo is enabled. However, he is not in the list of platform users, so he cannot access the platform.

    Disabling User Restriction

    After disabling User Restriction, there will be no limitations on platform users.

    If User Restriction is re-enabled, the previous configuration will be automatically retained.



    By default, in FineBI, there is no limit on the number of PC users, BI view users and design users. All users are data analysis users by default.

    If the project is officially registered:

    If there is no limit on the user number during registration, you need to enable User Restriction in Platform User before configuring users. Otherwise, all users can access the PC platform, view and design FineBI projects, and access mobile platform by default.

    If there is limit on the user number during registration, there will be upper limits on the number of users with different permissions.

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