Box Plot

  • Last update:November 05, 2024
  • Overview


    FineBI version

    Functional change


    Added box plots

    Application Scenarios

    To analyze multiple indicators, like purchase prices, you can use a box plot to analyze diverse price calculation indicators, such as the highest and lowest prices.

    You can use box plots to better comprehend data distribution characteristics or to identify outliers in your data. Box plots are particularly useful for statistical analysis tasks, including quality management, personnel evaluation, and exploratory data analysis.

    Basic Requirements

    Chart Type



    Box plot




    Advantages: display statistical graphs of continuous data distribution.

    Disadvantages: not ideal for large datasets, trend or percentage data representation.

    Box Plot


    Box-plot, also known as box-and-whisker plot, is a statistical graph used to showcase data dispersion. It is widely used in quality management and other fields to display distribution characteristics of raw data and compare multiple datasets. Box-plots provide information on bias, symmetry, outliers, and data density.

     Box Chart1.png


    The median (Q2) is represented by a line through the middle of the box. The upper and lower edges of the box represent the upper quartile (Q3) and lower quartile (Q1) of the data, encompassing 50% of the data. The height of the box indicates data fluctuation, while any points beyond the maximum or minimum values are considered outliers. To learn more about the three indicators Q1, Q2, and Q3 in box plot, refer to statistical concept quartiles, see Quartile.

    Maximum and minimum values are calculated using the following formula:

    Maximum value: Q3 + 1.5*IQR (IQR = Q3 - Q1)

    Minimum value: Q1 - 1.5*IQR

    Box Chart2.png

    Example One: Not Showing Outliers

    Preparing Data

    1. Log in to FineBI and click New Subject.

     Box Chart3.png

    2. In the Select Data interface, click Local Excel > Upload to upload local excel files.

    Example data: Sales.xlsx

     Box Chart4.png

    3. Once uploaded, click OK.

    Box Chart5.png

    Creating Components

    1. Click Component.

     Box Chart6.png

    2. Select Box Chart as Chart Type, and drag State to the horizontal axis, Sales to the vertical axis, and City to Fine-grained.

     Box Chart7.png

    Customizing Components

    Drag City to Color to add color differentiation.

     Box Chart8.png


     Box Chart9.png

    Example Two: Showing Outliers

    Preparing Data

    Example data: Contract Information.xlsx

    Procedure of data preparation is the same as example one.

    Creating Components

    1. Click Component at the lower left corner.

     Box Chart10.png

    2. Select Custom Chart as Chart Type and drag Contract Type to the horizontal axis, and Product to the vertical axis twice. In Graphic Properties, set the two Product indicators to display as box plot and point respectively.

    Box Chart11.png

    3. Drag Customer ID to Fine-grained in All under Graphic Properties.

     Box Chart12.png

    Customizing Components

    1. Adjusting Point Size

    Under Chart Properties, click open the indicator field which you set to display as points and adjust Radius (the size of the point in this case) in Size.

     Box Chart13.png

    2. Adjusting the Maximum Value

    Hover your cursor over the field dragged to the vertical axis, click arrow.png > Set Value Axis(Left-value Axis). In Display Range, select Custom and set the maximum value as 60.

     Box Chart14.png


    You can clearly identify outliers in this chart.

    Box Chart15.png


    主题: Creating a Visual Component
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