Funnel Chart

  • Last update:June 26, 2024
  • Overview


    FineBI Version
    Functional Change


    The Size bar supports adding multiple indicators.


    The funnel chart adds the Label Layout configuration settings.

    Application Scenario

    A funnel chart describes the process of gradually reducing data, typically used to display the various stages in a conversion process and the quantity changes in each stage. The funnel chart is named after its shape, which resembles a funnel, with a wide top and a narrow bottom, used to visually represent the process of data reduction from start to end.

    For example, you can use a funnel chart to display the number of people changing from viewing products to purchasing products in a series of steps.

    Basic Requirement

    The following table shows the basic requirements for a funnel chart.

    Chart Effect

    Funnel Chart

    = 1


    Chart Feature


    Intuitiveness: A funnel chart visually demonstrates the process of data reduction.

    Conversion rate emphasized: A funnel chart displays the conversion rate of each stage and potential bottlenecks.


    Information restriction: A funnel chart is unsuitable for displaying data that increases or has no fixed order.

    Complexity: For complex processes with multiple branches or backflows, a funnel chart may not be intuitive enough.

    Example 1: Single-Indicator Funnel Chart

    Data Preparation

    1. Log in to FineBI, click My Analysis, select a folder, and click New Subject.

    2. Click Local Excel and Upload Data.

    You can download the example data: Funnel Chart Example Data 1.xlsx.

    3. Click OK after the data is uploaded.

    4. Click Save and Update to complete the data creation, as shown in the following figure.

    Component Creation

    1. Click the Component button in the lower left corner.

    2. Select Funnel Chart in Chart Type.

    3. Drag the Procedure field from the left to-be-analyzed area into the Fine-grained bar under Graphic Property, and drag the Number of People field into the Size bar, as shown in the following figure.

    4. Click the dropdown button of the Procedure field in the Fine-grained bar and choose Descend > Number of People(Sum), which means sorting the Procedure field in descending order according to Number of People, as shown in the following figure.

    Component Beautification

    Color Setting

    Drag the Procedure in the left to-be-analyzed area into the Color bar under Graphic Property, and different procedures will be displayed in various colors, as shown in the following figure.

    Label Setting

    Drag the Procedure and Number of People fields in the left to-be-analyzed area into the Label bar under Graphic Property, and the chart will display the labels for procedures and the number of people, as shown in the following figure.

    Legend Setting

    Choose Component Style > Legend and deselect Display All Legends.

    For details about more color, label, prompt, and fine-grained settings, see Graphic Properties.

    For details about more legend, gridline, background, and adaptation settings, see Chart Component Style.

    Dashboard Creation

    1. Click the Add Dashboard button at the bottom of the analysis subject editing page.

    2. Drag the component into the dashboard on the dashboard editing page, as shown in the following figure.

    3. Click the  button, select Edit Title from the drop-down list, set Font Style to Custom, enter the title as Single-Indicator Funnel Chart, and click OK.

    Effect Display


    Mobile Terminal

    Example 2: Multiple-Indicator Funnel Chart

    Function Description:

    1. FineBI 6.0 supports dragging multiple indicators into the Size bar.

    2. After you drag multiple indicators into the Size bar, the Display Indicator Summary Value field will be added to the Label bar. This field will display the summary value of each indicator after being grouped by the corresponding dimension. If this field is deselected, only the fields dragged into the Label bar will be displayed in the form of a label.

    3. After you drag multiple indicators to the Size bar, the Prompt bar will display the Indicator Name and Indicator Summary Value fields by default.

    Application Scenario:

    1. Drag multiple indicator fields with a value greater than or equal to 2 into the Size bar. Drag the Indicator Name field into the Color bar. In this case, the size attribute of the funnel chart reflects the summary values of the different indicators, with each indicator displayed in a different color, and the legends for Indicator Name and Indicator Summary Value are displayed.

    2. Drag multiple indicator fields with a value greater than or equal to 2 into the Size bar. Drag the Indicator Name field into the Fine-grained bar. In this case, the size attribute of the funnel chart reflects the summary values of the different indicators, and the legend for Indicator Summary Value is displayed.

    Preparing Data

    For details, see section "Data Preparation" in "Example 1: Single-Indicator Funnel Chart."

    You can download the example data: Funnel Chart Example Data 2.xlsx.

    Creating a Component

    1. Click the Component button in the lower left corner.

    2. Select Funnel Chart in Chart Type.

    3. Drag the indicator fields View Products, Try Products, Consult Prices, Send Contracts, and Purchase Products from the left to-be-analyzed area into the Size bar under Graphic Property, as shown in the following figure.

    Component Beautification

    Label Setting

    Drag the Indicator Name field in the left to-be-analyzed area into the Label bar, click the label setting button, and select Display Indicator Summary Value in the pop-up setting box, as shown in the following figure.

    Color Setting

    Drag the Indicator Name field from the left to-be-analyzed area into the Color bar, and different indicators will be displayed in various colors, as shown in the following figure.

    Legend Setting

    Choose Component Style > Legend and deselect Display All Legends.

    Creating a Dashboard

    For details, see section "Table Creation" in "Example 1: Single-Indicator Funnel Chart", the sole difference lies in setting the title as Multiple-Indicator Funnel Chart.

    Effect Display


    Mobile Terminal

    Example 3: Funnel Chart with a Coordinate Axis

    Data Preparation

    For details, see section "Data Preparation" in "Example 1: Single-Indicator Funnel Chart."

    You can download the example data: Funnel Chart Example Data 1.xlsx.

    Component Creation

    1. Click the Component button in the lower left corner.

    2. Select Funnel Chart in Chart Type.

    3. Drag the Number of People field from the left to-be-analyzed area into the Size bar under Graphic Property, and drag the Procedure field into Vertical Axis, as shown in the following figure.

    4. Click the drop-down button of the Procedure field in Vertical Axis and select Descend > Number of People, which means sorting the Procedure field in descending order according to Number of People, as shown in the following figure.

    Component Beautification

    Color Setting

    Drag the Number of People field into the Color bar, click the color setting button, set Gradient Type to Continuous Gradient (the default setting), set Gradient Solution to Auto (the default setting), and set Gradient Interval to Auto (the default setting). You can also customize Gradient Type, Gradient Solution, and Gradient Interval as needed, as shown in the following figure.

    Label Setting

    Drag the Number of People field into the Label bar, and the chart will display the labels for the number of people, as shown in the following figure.

    Legend Setting

    Choose Component Style > Legend and deselect Display All Legends.

    Dashboard Creation

    For details, see section "Table Creation" in "Example 1: Single-Indicator Funnel Chart", the sole difference lies in setting the title to Funnel Chart with a Coordinate Axis.

    Effect Display


    Mobile Terminal


    主题: Visual Components
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