Resource Migration

  • Last update: September 18, 2024
  • Overview


    FineDataLink Version

    Functional Change

    Allowed exporting ETL tasks on the Resource Export tab page and importing ETL tasks on the Resource Import tab page under System Management > Intelligent O&M > Resource Migration.


    Allowed users (non-super admin) to migrate resources of scheduled tasks in an independently-deployed FineDataLink project.

    • Allowed importing/exporting scheduled tasks of FineDataLink projects that were integrated with FineBI projects

    • Allowed importing/exporting scheduling plans.

    Application Scenario

    Usually, a FineDataLink project is deployed and developed in the testing environment and migrated to the formal environment after being confirmed error-free.

    You may want to migrate scheduled tasks created in the testing environment in batches or reuse official scheduled tasks quickly.

    Function Description

    The Resource Migration function of FineDataLink supports the incremental migration of data connections, server datasets, and scheduled tasks from the testing environment to the formal environment.

    Log in to FineDataLink as the admin and choose System Management > Intelligent O&M > Resource Migration. You can see two tabs, Resource Export, and Resource Import, as shown in the following figure.

    • Resource Export allows exporting resources from the server and migrating them to other systems.

    • Resource Import allows importing the resources into the new system.

    Usage Instruction

    1. The Resource Migration function is only available to super admins and sub-admins.

    2. Sub-admins cannot export permission configuration when exporting resources.

    3. You must purchase the Intelligent O&M function to use Resource Migration in a formal project.

    4. Ensure that the super admin account is only used by yourself during the resource migration, otherwise some migration requests may be canceled.

    5. You are not advised to synchronize the scheduled tasks developed in your private projects to the company project by using Resource Migration.

    Because the projects on your PC are not maintained by admins, the resource migration may fail due to a mismatch of JAR package versions, resources, or configuration, causing high O&M costs.

    6. FineDataLink of versions before does not allow exporting scheduling plans. FineDataLink and later versions allow exporting scheduling plans.


    Permission Restriction

    If a non-super admin user wants to migrate resources, you need to assign Use permission on Resource Migration to the user, as shown in the following figure.


    You must grant permission on the Intelligent O&M node (which is the parent node of Resource Migration) to the user.

    Click the Data Platform tab and assign Use permission on Data Development to the user, as shown in the following figure.

    Click the Scheduled Task tab and assign Management permission on specified scheduled tasks to the user, as shown in the following figure. In this way, the user has Resource Migration permission on these tasks.

    Version Checking

    Before resource migration, ensure that the source and target FineDataLink projects (including the JAR package) are of the same version.

    You (the admin) can check the JAR package version under System Management > Registration Management > Version Information, as shown in the following figure.

    If the versions are inconsistent, upgrade the project to ensure version consistency.


    During resource migration, you cannot upload resources if the project version is inconsistent.

    Prompt: Import failed. The project version required for the resource to be imported: XXX. Current project version: XXX. Ensure the project versions are consistent!

    System Backup

    You are advised to back up both the testing system and the formal system before resource migration, as shown in the following figure.


    Use the utf8_bin collation for the MySQL database that stores the backup.

    Database Case Sensitivity Checking

    If the system is configured with an external database, ensure that the default database character collation of both the testing and formal systems is case-sensitive before the resource migration.

    Take the MySQL database as an example.

    Collation Setting

    Setting method: If an external database is configured, connect FineDataLink to the FineDB database, open the FINE_CONF_ENTITY table, and set the character collation to utf8_bin. Use the following command:

    ALTER TABLE fine_conf_entity MODIFY id VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin  #Set the default column collation.
    ALTER TABLE fine_conf_entity DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin  #Set the table collation

    Result Checking

    The result page is shown in the following figure.

    Plugin and Driver Checking

    1. For data connections relying on third-party plugins, FineDataLink only supports JSON datasets and MySQL 8 data connections currently. Other plugin types are not compatible and will cause importing failure.

    2. Only the configuration is migrated during data connection migration. You need to configure JAR packages, Kerberos authentication files, and JNDI configuration files manually, as they will not be migrated.

    • Check whether you have installed relevant plugins required for data connections before migration. Otherwise, the resource importing may fail.

    • Check whether you have installed relevant drivers required for data connections before migration. Otherwise, the imported data connection cannot be used.

    Data Connection Checking

    • To migrate the data connection, create a data connection in the formal system with the same name as the one in the testing system before importing the resource. Otherwise, the resource migration may fail.

    • If the server dataset relies on a data connection, import the data connection into the official project. Otherwise, the imported server dataset cannot be used.

    Exporting Resources from the Testing System

    Selecting Resources

    Log in to FineDataLink as the admin and choose System Management > Intelligent O&M > Resource Migration > Resource Export.

    You can select Resource Type and the specific content for resource export. Multiple selection is supported, as shown in the following figure.


    When exporting scheduled tasks, you can choose to export the data connections used by the task. The scheduled tasks can be reused directly after the resource package is imported into the formal system.

    Resources that can be exported are shown as below.


    Resource Type


    Independently Deployed FineDataLink Project

    Data Connection

    You can select data connections in FineDataLink.

    The exported resources of the data connection include all configurations (basic and advanced).


    During resource export, the password of the data connection is encrypted. The keytab file path cannot be exported, so you need to manually enter the password after migration.

    Server Dataset

    See Resource Export in the Testing System.

    Scheduled Task

    You can select scheduled tasks in FineDataLink.

    Selecting Resources to Export Simultaneously

    1. In an independently deployed FineDataLink project, if you tick Permission Configuration during the export, the permission configurations (use and management permissions) of the resources will also be exported, as shown in the following figure.

    Details of exporting Permission Configuration are shown as below.

    Resource Type


    Data Connection

    If Permission Configuration is not ticked, the data connections will inherit the permissions from the formal system upon import.

    If Permission Configuration is ticked, the permissions from the testing system will be exported or imported along with the data connection.

    Server Dataset

    If the migrated resource type is Server Dataset, Permission Configuration cannot be exported.

    Scheduled Task

    If the migrated resource type is Scheduled Task, Permission Configuration cannot be exported.

    2. For and later versions, importing and exporting scheduling plans are supported. As shown in the following figure:

    • Tasks that event scheduling depends on are matched in the new project based on task IDs. If the scheduling plan is not imported together with the scheduled task, resource import is allowed, after which you will be notified that dependent tasks are missing.

    • After the import, the Import Successful Resource list includes two separate detection items: Scheduled Task and Scheduling Plan.

    • The detection items for scheduled tasks do not include missing tasks in the scheduling plan.

    • If the scheduled task uses an Invocation Task node, you can only import the parent task.

    • If there are identical names between event scheduling and timed scheduling plan, or between single task scheduling and batch task scheduling plan, the names of the scheduling plans will be incremented by 1 at the end.

    • When a scheduled task is configured with batch event scheduling or batch timed scheduling, if the name of the scheduling plan to be imported is identical with that of the scheduling plan in the existing project:



    For example,

    Project A: Scheduling Plan A: Task 1 and Task 2

    Project B: Scheduling Plan A: Task 1, Task 3, and Task 4

    Import Task 1 from Project A into Project B and tick Export Scheduling Plan.

    Results: In Project B, Scheduling Plan A will include Task 1, Task 3, and Task 4.

    1. The union of the scheduling plan task lists of the new and original projects will be taken, and tasks that do not have the same name match will be removed (for example, if Task 2 is not imported, there will be no Task 2 in Project B). Scheduling configurations will be covered.

    2. During the import of event scheduling, if a task corresponds to multiple event schedules, an error message will appear: "The task does not support such import."

    Exported File

    A file will be generated after the exportation.

    Resource Import in the Official System

    Uploading Files

    Log in to FineDataLink as the super admin and choose System Management > Intelligent O&M > Resource Migration > Resource Import, as shown in the following figure.


    You can only upload one compressed file each time.

    The platform will access the resources contained in the imported files, including type, platform path, physical resources, permission information, and import mode.




    Includes: Data Connection, Server Dataset, and Scheduled Task

    Platform Path

    When the resource type is Data Connection, the platform path is the exported data connection name.

    When the resource type is Server Dataset, the platform path is the exported server dataset name. When the resource type is Scheduled Task, the platform path is the exported scheduled task name.

    Physical Resources


    Permission Information

    Click Details to view the permission information.

    Whether the target system has any missing departments, roles, or users in the imported system will be prompted.


    Missing permissions will not affect the import of scheduled tasks. If there are missing permissions, the permission configuration will be automatically ignored during import.

    If Permission Configuration is not ticked during the resource export, "--" will be displayed here.

    Import Mode

    The system examines the imported resource to check whether it conflicts with the existing resource.

    The conflict check is based on the original name of the resource and its path name on the platform.

    The import mode is divided into direct import and override import.

    • Direct import: There is no conflict with existing resources on the platform, which is selected by default.

    The import path is based on the path of the source system in the resource package. If the target system does not have a corresponding path, a path will be created.

    • Override import: There is a conflict with existing resources on the platform. It is not selected and highlighted by default. You can click the button to view detailed descriptions.

    The override import of scheduled tasks is as follows:

    • Overriding tasks under the same path is equivalent to opening the original task of the target system, modifying the task, and saving modifications.

    • Overriding tasks under the different paths is equivalent to moving the original task of the target system to the new path, modifying the task, and saving modifications.

    Conflict Detection

    Platform path: path conflict

    Importing Files

    Tick resources as needed, click Import, and then click OK, as shown in the following figure.


    If the import fails, the reason for the failure will be displayed (such as importing an unsupported plugin type, or the data connection or the imported project has no plugin installed). If the import is successful, the resources will take effect immediately. As shown in the following figure.


    If the imported resources contain multiple scheduled tasks, after the import is completed, it will display "0 items imported successfully and 0 items imported unsuccessfully." You can try to import in batches.

    Click Data Development to view the scheduled tasks that have been successfully imported, as shown in the following figure.

    Special Scenario



    Multiple users export resources at the same time in the same project

    You can only have one export task running for a project at a time. If different users try to export simultaneously or attempt repeated exports, an error message will be displayed for the tasks that run later.


    主题: System Management
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