Resource Migration

  • Last update:November 13, 2023
  • Overview


    FineBI VersionFunctional Change




    Limited the size of uploaded files dynamically to prevent memory overflow.


    1. When you export resources of the Directory type, the following dependent 

    resources can be exported simultaneously:

    • All resources of the ubjects where directory dashboards are located, including

      datasets, components, dashboards, and theme configurations

    • Parent table of other subjects to which the subject where directory dashboards

      are located depends or parent table of public data

    2. Added the Template Jumped by FineReport Link option, allowing you to export 

    FineReport sub-templates jumped from directories.

    Application Scenarios

    You are advised to perform development and deployment in the testing environment system before migrating all the resources to the FineBI system.

    FineBI supports the migration of resources like directories, datasets, data connection, and dashboards from the testing system to the official one.


    After the Resource Migration plugin is installed, FineBI supports the incremental migration of resources like directories, datasets, data connection and dashboards from the testing system to the official one.

    After installation, log in to FineBI as the admin and choose System Management > Intelligent O&M > Resource Migration. You can see two parts: Resource Export and Resource Import.

    • Resource Export: allows exporting resources from the server and migrating them to other systems.

    • Resource Import: allows importing the migrated resources to the new system.


    1. To use Resource Migration, you need to purchase the Intelligent O&M function point in the official project.

    2. Ensure that the super admin account is only used by yourself during the resource migration, otherwise some migration requests may be rejected.

    3. You are not advised to synchronize the templates developed on PC with the company project by using Resource MigrationProjects on PC lack admin's maintenance, so the resource migration may fail due to mismatch of JAR package versions, of resources or of configurations, thus resulting in high operational costs.


    Obtaining the Plugin

    To use the Resource Migration function in FineBI 6.0, you need to install the Resource Migration plugin:

    Plugin download: You can email or click  in

    For details about installing plugins, see Plugin Management.

    Checking Version

    Ensure that the version of imported and exported FineBI projects are the same before resource migration.

    You can choose System Management > Registration Management > Version Information to check the version as the admin.

    If the two versions are different, you can upgrade FineBI. For details, see 5.X - 6.0 Upgrade Guide.


    During resource migration, you cannot upload resources whose project version is different from the current one, otherwise a prompt pops up as shown in the following figure.


    System Backup

    You are advised to perform Backup & Restoration of both the testing system and the official system before resource migration.

    You need to select the order of uft8_bin for the migrated MySQL database.


    Checking Database Case Sensitivity

    If the system is configured with the external database, before resource migration, ensure that the default database character verification rule in both the testing and official systems is case-sensitive.

    Take MySQL database as an example.


    Setting method: If FineBI is configured with the external database, link to the FineDB database, open the FINE_CONF_ENTITY table, set the character verification rule as utf8_bin, and enter the following command:

    ALTER TABLE fine_conf_entity MODIFY id VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin; #Set the default validation rule for the column.
    ALTER TABLE fine_conf_entity DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin; #Set the validation rule for the table.


    Checking the Plugin and Driver

    1. If the data connection is based on third-party plugins, FineBI only supports JSON and MySQL 8 data connection. Using other incompatible plugins may cause resource import failure.

    2. The server dataset generated by the Permission Export plugin does not support resource migration.

    3. Data connection migration only supports configuration migration. You need to configure/place JAR packages, Kerberos authentication files and JNDI configuration files, because they cannot be migrated.

    • Check whether you have installed relevant data connection plugins before data connection migration, otherwise the resource import may fail.

    • Check whether you have installed relevant data connection drivers before data connection migration, otherwise the imported data connection cannot be used.


    Checking Data Connection

    • If you need to perform the data connection migration, ensure that the data connection has been created in the official system before resource import. The data connection name should be the same as the one in the testing system, otherwise the resource migration fails.

    • If you want to migrate dashboards created through the server dataset, ensure that a server dataset with the same name has beed created in the official system before resource migration.

    • If the server dataset is based on certain data connection, check whether you have imported the related data connection into the official project, otherwise the imported server dataset cannot be used.

    Checking User

    1. User

    The owner of the resource package should be in the system during resource import.

    For example, if the table creator is Anna in the testing system, there should be a user named Anna in the official system. Otherwise you need to change the resource owner before importing the resource.

    2. User Type

    The creator of FineBI tables should be of the same type during resource migration.

    For example, the creator of the table in the testing system is an analysis user, who should be also classified as an analysis user in the official system.

    Migration of Custom Maps

    During resource migration, if you have added a custom map to the template, you need to store the map's JSON file under the path %FineBI%/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/assets/map/image of the official project.

    Resource Export in the Testing System

    Selecting Resources

    Log in to FineBI as the admin and choose System Management > Intelligent O&M > Resource Migration > Resource Export.

    You can select Resource Type and the specific content for resource export. Multiple selection is supported.

    Resources that can be exported are shown as below.

    Resource TypeExplanation


    Directory is displayed in a hierarchical structure, and dashboard is the smallest unit 

    that can be selected.

    The exported resources of the dashboard include: dashboard configuration, ID, escape name, owner name, physical path (folder and subject), platform publishing path, 

    dashboard style (only the current dashboard style), dashboard watermark (excluding 

    the global watermark), sharing status, and collaboration status.


    Not all dashboards/data in the system would be exported. Unpublished 

    dashboard cannot be exported. Therefore, publish the dashboard before 

    exporting it.

    My Analysis

    My Analysis is displayed in a hierarchical structure, and dataset/component/dashboard is the smallest unit that can be selected.

    • The exported resources of the table include: dataset configuration, association,

      ID, escape name, owner name, physical path (folder and subject), platform

      publishing path (folder), set field grouping, sharing status, and collaboration status.

    • The exported resources of the component include: component configuration, ID,

      escape name, owner name, physical path (folder and subject), and collaboration


    • The exported resources of the dashboard include: dashboard configuration, ID,

      escape name, owner name, physical path (folder and subject), platform publishing path, sharing status, and collaboration status.

      When you export resources, all these resources are imported into My Analysis of the related user based on the export path. If the related user does not exist, you need to change the resource owner.

    Public Data

    Public Data is displayed in a hierarchical structure, and dataset is the smallest unit that can be selected.

    • The exported resources of the table include: dataset configuration, association, ID, escape name, owner name, physical path (folder and subject), platform publishing path (folder), and set field grouping.

    • The exported resources of the dashboard include: folder configuration, ID, escape name, owner name, and physical path (folder).


    1. When you export resources, all associations are exported. When you import resources, if the associated table does not exist, the relevant associations are cleared automatically.

    2. If the table is in the state of applying for publishing druing export, you need to apply for table publishing again during import.

    Data Connection

    You can select the data connection in the FineBI system.

    The exported resources of the data connection include: all configurations of data connection (basic and advanced).

    During resource export, the password of data connection is encrypted. The keytab file path cannot be exported, so you need to manually enter the password after migration.

    Server Dataset

    You can select server datasets in the FineBI system.

    Datasets that can be exported: SQL datasets, file datasets, tree datasets, JSON datasets, built-in datasets, program datasets, association datasets, and stored procedures.

    • File dataset

    If the file dataset source is URL, only the file configurations (not the files) are exported.

    If the file dataset source is file and the file path includes parameters, the files are not exported.

    • Tree dataset

    When you export the tree dataset without exporting the original dataset, you can still import the tree dataset, but the imported dataset cannot be used.

    • Association dataset

    When you export the association dataset without exporting the original dataset, you can still import the association dataset, but the imported dataset cannot be used.

    • Permission Export plugin

    The server dataset generated through the Permission Export plugin does not support resource migration.

    • Third-party plugin dataset

    If the server dataset is based on third-party plugins, FineBI only supports JSON and MySQL 8 data connection. Using other incompatible plugins may cause resource import failure.

    Exporting All Dependent Resources

    For example, dataset A is created based on dataset B. If you want to migrate dataset A to the official system and then use it normally, you need to also import dataset B.

    Therefore, when selecting resources of Directory/My Analysis/Public Data, you need to tick Export All Dependent Resources.

    This option allows exporting all resources that datasets, components and dashboards of the above three resource types depend on.

    This option only works for the current resource type, so you need to set for different resource types one by one.

    Resources that can be exported are shown as below.

    ResourceExportable Dependent Resources



    Resources that can be exported:

    Tables directly used in datasets

    Tables contained in the association/lineage path of the datasets


    Dataset B is created based on dataset A, and dataset C is created based on dataset B.

    Dataset C's dependent resources are dataset A and dataset B.


    If a dataset's dependent resources are in My Analysis, the dataset should be imported into the corresponding position in My Analysis based on its export path.



    Resources that can be exported:

    Datasets directly used in the component

    Datasets contained in the association/lineage path of tables used in the component


    Dataset B is created based on dataset A, dataset C is created based on dataset B, and component X is created based on dataset C.

    Component X's dependent resources are dataset A, dataset B and dataset C.


    If a component's dependent resources are in My Analysis, the component should be imported into the corresponding position in My Analysis based on its export path.



    Resources that can be exported:

    Components used in the dashboard

    Datasets directly used in the dashboard

    Datasets related to the tables used in the dashboard

    Datasets contained in the shortest path when it comes to component linkages and component filtering by widgets

    Dashboards that the components of the directory dashboards jump to when the resource type is Directory


    In FineBI 6.0.12 and later versions, when the resource type is Directory, the resources that can be exported:

    • All resources in subjects where dashboards are located, including datasets, components, dashboards, and subject configurations (such as subject's table model relationships, calculated fields, and cross-table drilled-down directories)

    • Parent table of other subjects to which the subject where directory dashboards are located depends or parent table of public data

    Example One:

    Dataset B is created based on dataset A, dataset C is created based on dataset B, and component D is created based on dataset C.

    Dataset Y is created based on dataset X, dataset Z is created based on dataset Y, and filter component W is created based on dataset Z.

    Dashboard A is created based on component D and filter component W.

    Dashboard A's dependent resources are component D, dataset A, B, C, and dataset X, Y, Z.

    Example Two:

    Dataset B is created based on dataset A in Public Data,   and component C is created based on dataset B.

    Dataset E is created based on dataset D in Public Data,   and component F is created based on dataset E.

    In subject W, dashboard X is created based on component C, and dashboard Y is created based on component F.

    Mount dashboard X to directory Z. Directory Z's dependent resources are dashboard Y, component C, F and dataset A, B, D, E.


    If a dashboard's dependent resources are in My Analysis, the dashboard should be imported into the corresponding position in My Analysis based on its export path.

    Resources That Is Also Exported

    For example, dataset A with scheduled update tasks, you may need to import the set update tasks into the official system during resource migration.

    When exporting resources, you can tick Template Jumped by FineReport Link, Original Excel Attachment, Setting Items of Public Link, Scheduled Update Task, and Permission Configuration to export all of them simultaneously.

    Also Export works for all resource types.

    Resources that can be exported simultaneously are shown as below.

    Resources That Is Also ExportedExplanation

    Template Jumped by FineReport Link

    This option is ticked by default and only takes effect on migration resources of the Directory type.

    • Untick this option:

    Only the dashboards mounted in the directory are exported. The FineReport sub-templates jumped from the dashboards are not exported simultaneously.

    • Tick this option:

    When you export a dashboard mounted in the directory, the FineReport sub-template jumped from the dashboard is exported simultaneously. If there are sub-templates in the sub-template, they are also exported simultaneously, and so on.

    Original Excel   Attachment

    If you want to export resources or dependent resources with Excel datasets,

    tick Original Excel Attachment to export Excel attachments along with the resources, which avoids importing Excel files afterwards.

    If you import table A into the official system where there is a table named table A in the same position, then the original one would be covered. Therefore, you need to check the table name before importing a new table.

    Setting Items of   Public Link

    If you want to export resources with dashboards, tick Setting Items of Public Link to export all public link settings in the dashboard.

    • Tick this option:

    Whether to overwrite the original dashboard or add a new dashboard during the import is determined by the public link settings of the imported dashboard.

    • Untick this option:

    If you choose to overwrite the original dashboard, the public link in the original dashboard is not overwritten.

    If you choose to import a new dashboard, the public link in the imported dashboard is disabled by default.

    Scheduled Update Task

    If you want to export resources or dependent datasets with scheduled update tasks, tick Scheduled Update Task, and these tasks would be exported along with the resources. Only their own update tasks are exported, and update tasks in their parent node are not exported.

    • Tick this option:

    Whether to overwrite the original dataset or add a new dataset during the import is determined by the update task settings of the imported dataset.

    • Untick this option:

    If you choose to overwrite the original dataset, the update tasks of the original dataset is not overwritten.

    If you choose to import a new dataset, the imported dataset does not contain update tasks.

    Permission   Configuration


    Tick this option, and you can export the permission configurations of the resources.

    The permission configurations include: using permission (like viewing, editing, and   authorization) and row and column permission.

    Only resources' own permissions are exported, and permissions inherited from the parent node are not exported.

    When you export permissions of resources like folders, subjects, dashboards and datasets, inherited permissions are not exported.


    Folder X has a dataset A, and both the folder and the dataset have been configured with the using permission.

    • Tick this option and export dataset A, only dataset A's configured permissions are exported, and folder X's configured permissions are not exported.

    • Tick this option and export both folder X and dataset A, and configured permissions of dataset A and folder X are all exported.

    Exported File

    A ZIP file resource is generated as shown in the following figure.

    Importing Resources in the Official System

    Importing Files

    Log in to FineBI as the admin, choose System Management > Intelligent O&M > Resource Migration > Resource Import, and click Upload File.


    1. You are advised to perform Backup & Restoration before importing resources and select the order of uft8_bin for the migrated MySQL database.

    2. You can only import one compressed file for one time.

    The system allows you to upload files smaller than (the available memory obtained automatically minus 256 MB). If the file size is larger than the available memory minus 256 MB, an error message is displayed because the memory limit is reached, indicating that upload is disallowed because the current available memory is xxx MB, while the file size is xxx MB.

    After uploading the files, the system obtains all the resources, including Resource Type, Resource Name, Resource Owner, Path, Import Mode and Resource Info Comparison.


    Resource Type

    Directory, server dataset, data connection, dashboard, component, and dataset

    Resource Name

    Names of all types of resources

    Resource Owner

    Creator of the resource

    • If the resource type is directory, server dataset, or data connection, the resource owner is empty.

    • If the resource type is dashboard, component, or dataset, the resource owner is the resource creator.


    • If the resource type is directory, server dataset, or data connection, the path is empty.

    • If the resource type is dashboard, component, or dataset, the path would be the location of resources under Public Data/My Analysis.

    Import Mode

    The system examines the imported resource to check whether it conflicts with the existing resource.

    According to conflict types, import modes include New Import, Override Import and Disallowed Import.

    • New Import: If the imported resources' IDs and types are not identical to the existing ones', you can import these resources directly.

      If the resources with the same IDs and types as the newly imported ones are placed in Recycle Bin, you can also import the new resources directly.
    • Override Import:If imported resources' IDs, types, and owners are the same as the existing ones', the existing resources are overwritten.

    • Disallowed Import: If imported resources' IDs, types are the same as the existing ones', but their owners do not exist in the system, you need to change their owners before importing them.

    Resource Info   Comparison

    When the import mode is Override Import, click , and you can check whether the imported resource information is consistent with the original one.


    1. If the imported resource's escape name is the same as the existing one's under the given path, the system automatically modifies the imported resource's escape name as Escape name1.

    2. You cannot import empty folders.

    3. If the resources cannot be imported, and their owners are unknown, you can modify the owners to the existing owners in the system, and click OK to make it take effect.

    • If resources are datasets in Public Data, modifying the resource owner only changes the owner's user ID for that resource.

    • If resources are subjects in My Analysis, modifying the resource owner changes the subjects' paths to the ones under the corresponding users' My Analysis and refreshes user ID.

    Importing Files

    Tick resources as needed, click Import, and then click OK.

    If the import fails, the reason (For example, the exported project and imported project have the same name and path but are different in type) is displayed. If the import is successful, the resources take effect immediately.

    IP address and port number change according to the environment configuration, so you need to re-share the public links of dashboards after resource migration.

    Data Update

    If the imported basic tables' resources are extracted data, you need to update the data manually in the new system, or perform Global Update directly.

    The imported tables' data are displayed normally after update.


    If the imported tables are Excel datasets or datasets based on Excel datasets, you must perform Folder Update or Global Update.

    If the imported tables are database tables or SQL datasets, you can perform Single Table Update.


    主题: System Management
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