Exporting Project Deployment Information​

  • Last update: 2024-07-01
  • Overview


    FineOps Version

    Functional Change


    Application Scenario

    You may need to consult the original deployment information of FineOps-deployed components/projects for operation and maintenance.

    Click Export Deployment Information to export the information as a JSON file, which can be found in the FineOps server directory.



    This function is only applicable to projects deployed via FineOps

    Exporting Deployment Information

    1.Log in to FineOps as the admin, click a project, and choose Maintenance > Component Management.

    2.Click Export Deployment Information. After the successful export, it prompts the file address and file name.

    3Find the corresponding file containing the deployment information as prompted.

    Information Details

    The deployment information in the JSON file is segmented by component.

    The following table describes some commonly used content to help you quickly find the required information.





    Check the project mounting directory.

    Open the JSON file and search for /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/reportlets.

    The content before the colon (:) is /Project mounting directory/reportlets.

    For example, the project mounting directory in the picture below is /home/bi 6/fanruan 230719153907/bi 6.

    Check the project configuration.

    Open the JSON file and find the bi6/fr/fdl component.

    This section is about the basic project configuration information, such as the maximum number of opened files, the initial memory size, and the maximum on-heap memory.


    Check the account and password of the admin of the external database.

    Open the JSON file and search for MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD.

    The content after the equal sign (=) is the admin password of the external database.

    For example, the admin password of the MySQL database in the picture below is abc123QWER999.

    For other information about the external database, you can log in to the FanRuan application, choose System Management > System Setting > General, and check it in the external database configuration.


    Check the MinIO access address.

    Open the JSON file and search for MINIO_BROWSER_REDIRECT_URL.

    Add suffix /login to the content after the equal sign (=). The result is the MinIO access address.

    If the MinIO address is http://IP address:Port number/minio, the MinIO access address is http://IP address:Port number/minio/login.

    Check the MinIO user's password.

    Open the JSON file and search for MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD.

    The content after the equal sign (=) is the MinIO default user minioadmin's password.


    Check the Elasticsearch user's password.

    1. Open the JSON file and search for ELASTIC_PASSWORD_FILE.

    The content after the equal sign (=) is the password storage location.

    2. Open the bootstrapPassword.txt file in this directory of the server to get the Elasticsearch default user elastic's password.


    Check the Redis user's password.

    1. Open the JSON file and search for /redis/data.

    The content before the colon (:) is the location of the redis.conf file.

    2. Open the redis.conf file in this directory of the server and search for requirepass.

    The Redis default user admin's password is right after requirepass.


    主题: FineOps Deployment