Quick Start

  • Last update: 2024-07-12
  • Overview 

    This document briefly describes how to deploy FineOps and FanRuan apps and how to perform O&M operations using FineOps.

    The general deployment process is to deploy FineOps through the FineKey tool and deploy/connect O&M projects through FineOps.


    Server Preparation 


    Refer to this section to prepare servers for FineOps and FanRuan projects.

    This article describes the simplest deployment scenario, which requires high server configuration, and where the port number cannot be strictly limited.

    If you cannot provide a brand-new server and the network port is restricted strictly, see FineOps Deployment and New Project Deployment.

    Basic Configuration

    Operating system

    Version: Linux, x86_64, and Ubuntu 22

    Core: V3.10 and later

    CPUFrequency: 2.5 GHz
    DiskType: XFS

    Intranet latency: less than 1 ms

    Bandwidth: greater than 2.5 Gbps (312.5 MB/s)

    Permission: Use the super administrator account root to complete the deployment.

    Port: Provide a new server with no projects or contents deployed and all ports unoccupied.


    ● External: Open Port 80 to ensure that users can access FineOps via Port 80.

    ● Internal: Ensure that all prepared servers are in the same network segment of interconnected intranets.

    Advanced Configuration


    The disk space in the following table refers to the remaining free disk space of the partition where the /root/data directory of the server is located, not the total size of the server disk.

    The memory size in the following table refers to the remaining free physical memory of the server, not the total memory of the server.

    FineOpsFineOps server14 cores16 GB200 GB

    Used to deploy FineOps.

    To connect FineOps to multiple projects, increase the FineOps disk size based on the daily visits of projects (100 GB for every 50 thousand daily visits).

    To deploy a standalone FR/FDL project in case of limited server resources, you can deploy FineOps Basic Edition and the FanRuan project on one server.

    FineBI 6.1Main application serverPrepare one to six servers according to the number of BI engines (workers).16 cores64 GB500 GB

    Used to deploy the following components: bi, worker, master, and minio (data storage).

    Used to deploy the O&M component.

    100 GB of disk space is enough if you don't deploy the minio (data storage) component.

    Component server14 cores16 GB50 GB

    Used to deploy the internal gateway, the configuration database, and the log library.

    Used to deploy the state service and the file service.

    Used to deploy the O&M component.

    8 GB of memory is enough if there are sufficient resources and multiple component servers.

    In case of insufficient resources, the FineOps server can also be used as the component server, but the number of CPU cores and the memory size should be increased to 8 and 32 GB, respectively.

    FineReport 11Main application serverPrepare one to five servers according to the number of FineReport applications.8 cores16 GB50 GB

    Used to deploy the fr component.

    Used to deploy the O&M component.

    Component server14 cores16 GB50 GB

    Used to deploy the internal gateway, the configuration database, and the log library.

    Used to deploy the state service and the file service.

    Used to deploy the O&M component.

    In case of only one FineReport application and insufficient resources, you can omit to prepare this server and deploy the components on the main application server.

    8 GB of memory is enough if there are sufficient resources and multiple component servers.

    FineDataLinkMain application serverPrepare one to five servers according to the number of FineReport applications.4 cores8 GB50 GB

    Used to deploy the fdl component.

    Used to deploy the O&M component.

    Used to deploy the following components: kafka and nacos.

    Component server14 cores16 GB1 TB

    Used to deploy the internal gateway, the configuration database, and the log library.

    Used to deploy the state service and the file service.

    Used to deploy the O&M component.

    In case of only one FineDataLink application and insufficient resources, with no need to deploy the kafka component, you can omit to prepare this server and deploy the components on the main application server.

    50 GB of disk space is enough if you do not deploy the kafka component.

    8 GB of memory is enough if there are sufficient resources and multiple component servers.

    FineOps Deployment


    This article describes the simplest deployment scenario, which requires high server configuration, and where the port number cannot be strictly limited.

    If you cannot provide a brand-new server and the network port is restricted strictly, see FineOps Deployment.

    1Prepare the server.See the Server Preparation section.
    2Prepare the installation package.

    1. Contact technical support to obtain the installation package.

    2. Upload the installation package to the server.

    3. Connect the terminal to the server, enter the installation package directory, and decompress the installation package using the following command.

    tar zxvf finekey-operation-all.tar.gz

    3Modify the finekey.yaml file.

    Open the finekey.yaml file in the conf folder in the directory, and modify the language to English


    4Deploy FineOps.

    1. Connect the terminal to the server and enter the finekey/bin directory. 

    2. Use the following command to perform automated deployment. 


    3. If the "deployment success! bye~" prompt appears, FineOps has been successfully deployed.

    5Access FineOps.

    1. Enter http://IP address/ops/decision in the browser address bar.

    2 Press the enter key to access FineOps.

    New Project (FineReport/FineBI/FineDataLink) Deployment  

    If FineOps is deployed ahead of the FanRuan application, the FineOps admin can help deploy the FR/BI application via FineOps, which will be connected to FineOps automatically after deployment.


    This article describes the simplest deployment scenario, which requires high server configuration, and where the port number cannot be strictly limited.

    If you cannot provide a brand-new server and the network port is restricted strictly, see New Project Deployment.

    1Prepare the server.
    • See the Server Preparation section.

    • For FineDataLink applications, contact the technical support personnel to obtain the relevant image package.

    2Deploy the FanRuan project.

    1. Log in to FineOps as the admin, and choose Project Management > Deploy New Project.

    2. Set the following information on the Project Setting page, and click Next.

    • Project Name: Support Chinese, uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers, with a maximum length of 12 digits.

    • Application Type: The options include FineReport, FineBI, and FineDataLink.

    • App Service Quantity: Select from the drop-down list.

    • Path: Empty the content if you want a short domain name. Otherwise, keep the default content unchanged.

    • Basic Component: Keep the default setting.


    3. Add main application and component nodes on the Node Configuration page.

    Enter the host IP address, port number, username, and password. Keep the default mounting path.

    4. Click Next after adding all nodes to enter the Deployment List page.

    No adjustments to the deployment configuration are required since all ports are available.

    5. Click Start Inspection. Click Deploy after the environment inspection is passed to start the deployment.

    3Access the FanRuan project. 

    FineOps-deployed projects are automatically connected to FineOps and shown on the Project Management page.

    Click the access address on the project card to enter the initialization configuration page of the project.

    4Modify the project language.Method one:

    Install the Multilingual Configuration plugin, select English from the drop-down list of Platform Language Preference under System Management Language Configuration > More Configurations, and then delete the Multilingual Configuration plugin.

    Method two:

    Install Fine_config_entity Visual Configuration Plugin and change the value of LanguageConfig.locale to en_US.

    Existing Project Connection

    If the FanRuan application is deployed ahead of FineOps, connect FineOps to the deployed FR/BI application to facilitate application management.

    For details, see Existing Project Connection.

    1Check if the connection is supported.

    1. Ensure that the FineOps server and the servers of FineReport/FineBI applications to be managed are interconnected using the intranet.

    2. Ensure that the FineReport/FineBI/FineDataLink application has the System O&M plugin installed.

    3. Upgrade FineOps and the plugin to the latest version.

    4. Ensure that non-FineOps deployed projects are deployed in Tomcat on the Linux/Windows system.

    2Initiate the connection request in the FanRuan application.

    1. Obtain the FineOps access address, which is in the format of http://IP address:Port number/ops/decision.

    2. Log in to the FanRuan application as the admin, and choose System Management > System Setting > General.

    Enter O&M Platform Address in O&M Platform Connection Setting and click Save.

    3Confirm the connection in FineOps.

    1. Log in to FineOps as the admin within five minutes.

    2. Click Add Project, set Project Name, and click OK.


    4Check the connection.

    Check the successfully connected projects in FineOps Project Management.

    Operations Before Managing the First Project on FineOps

    The related operations are divided into two types:

    1. Operations that need to be configured by the admin before the first usage, which will be performed by FineOps automatically and regularly.

    2. Manual project inspections that need to be performed regularly by the admin.

    Automation Rule Configuration 

    Recommended OperationDescription
    Enable the automatic backup.

    Application scenario:

    Periodically and automatically make an overall remote backup of the project. You can quickly restore the project files even if they are damaged in case of a project server accident.

    Function description:

    Click a project, enable Automatic Backup under Maintenance > Backup Management, and set the backup frequency.

    For details, see Backup Management.

    Set the alert object.

    Application scenario:

    The admin should set the alert object for FineOps to notify the responsible person of the project abnormality detected by FineOps through email, webhook, WeCom, and other channels.

    Function description:

    Set the alert object under Alert Center > Alert Notification Setting. Supported alert types include EmailWebhookWecomWeCom BotDingTalk Bot, and Lark Bot.

    For details, see Alert Notification Setting.

    Set the automatic system inspection.

    Application scenario:

    Regular system inspections can help detect system issues and make adjustments in time.

    Therefore, the admin should set the inspection cycle for FineOps to monitor and inspect the system automatically and regularly.

    Function description:

    Click a project, enable Automatic System Inspection under Health Inspection System Inspection > Inspection Setting, and set the execution cycle.

    For details, see System Inspection.

    Set the crash handling strategy.

    Application scenario:

    In case of a system crash, the system should be restarted and the process should be restored as soon as possible to avoid affecting the use of business users.

    The crash log needs exporting for the admin to analyze crash causes and make improvements after troubleshooting.

    Function description:

    Click a project, enable Auto Crash Handling under Crash > Crash Handling Strategy, and set the crash-related items.

    For details, see Crash Handling Strategy.

    Periodic Manual Inspection

    Recommended OperationDescription
    Check component status and updates.

    Application scenario:

    FanRuan's products have constantly been updated and iterated to meet customers' new needs and improve some functions of earlier versions. The admin should regularly check whether the project components function properly and need updates.

    Function description:

    This function is applicable for projects of containerized deployment only.

    Click a project and check the information under Maintenance > Component Management.

    Check all kinds of monitoring dashboards.

    Application scenario:

    FineOps provides dashboards for servers, projects, and components in the projects to monitor various indicators.

    The indicator will be displayed in yellow/red if an exception occurs.

    Function description:

    Click a project and click Project Monitoring, where you can check the monitoring dashboards and indicators.

    Check the abnormal items found in the health inspection.

    Application scenario:

    FineOps performs regular health inspections on FineReport/FineBI projects. The admin should adjust the project configuration based on the inspection result.

    Function description:

    Click a project and adjust the configuration according to the suggestions under Health Inspection > System Inspection.

    FineOps Functions for Project Exceptions

    Application monitoring and alerting

    If a system malfunctions and triggers an alert, the admin will be notified of the alert and can adjust the configuration to address the issue proactively based on the alert details.

    Restoration and analysis after crashes 

    In case of a system crash:

    1. FineOps can automatically restart projects and restore processes according to the crash handling strategy.

    2. FineOps provides the cause and solution of the crash for system optimization.

    3. The stack log is exported automatically when a crash occurs. You can analyze the stack log on FineOps and adjust the configuration accordingly.

    O&M log downloading

    In case of any issues requiring analysis of project logs, you can quickly download the log via FineOps to your local system.

    Update and start/stop configuration

    If the configuration of FineReport/FineBI projects or components is detected to be improper and needs adjustment:

    For components of FineReport/FineBI projects, you can adjust the configuration of Nginx/Redis/the configuration database using the Component Management function.

    For FineReport/FineBI projects, you can modify the project configuration using the Business Configuration Modification function to ensure the smooth operation of projects.


    主题: Function Introduction
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