FineOps Deployment

  • Last update: 2024-07-05
  • Overview 


    FineOps VersionFunctional Change

    The FineOps size is reduced by canceling the following redundant O&M mirror images: lokipromtailsherlocknacos-server, and skywalking_ui.


    The elasticsearch and skywalking_oap components start by default after installation. 


    A reminder of browser version detection is added.


    After the successful deployment of a project, it prompts the address for easy access.


    If the space of the mounting disk is detected to be insufficient, you can quickly change the deployment directory without modifying the YAML file.


    The default ports of some O&M components are adjusted to prevent conflicts with O&M projects

    • The default port of the node_exporter component is changed from 9100 to 9101.

    • The default port of the ops_agent component is changed from 9070 to 9071.


    The resource requirements are lowered.

    • The node_exporternginx_exporter, and elasticsearch_exporter components are deleted, whose functions are merged into the ops-agent component, which can be used to collect the indicator information of the server where ops is located, and the indicator information of the nginx and elasticSearch components.

    • pushgateway component is added to temporarily store the indicators collected by the ops-agent component and make them available to the prometheus component.

    • FineOps Basic Edition can be deployed, on which elasticSearch and skywalking_oap components are not deployed and functions related to Tracing are disabled.

    Application Scenario 

    FineOps is launched by FanRuan Software to provide enterprises with all-round O&M solutions for FanRuan applications, ensuring their stable operation.

    It can help users solve some pain points and challenges in managing FanRuan applications (such as FineReport and FineBI).

    FineOps is necessary to deploy FanRuan projects (such as FineBI, FineReport, and FineDataLink) in a standard manner.

    Function Description 

    This article describes how to deploy FineOps.

    This article is mainly for users who have limited server resources.

    Server Preparation

    Check whether the prepared server meets the requirements to deploy FineOps referring to the following documents.

    Understanding FineOps Editions

    FineOps Basic Edition has lower requirements on resources and does not support some functions.

    FineOps Standard Edition supports full functions but poses high requirements on the resources.

    Choose the edition according to the actual conditions.

    Understanding FineOps Components

    FineOps is composed of multiple O&M components.

    Understand the role of each O&M component before deployment.

    Confirming FineOps Server Configuration

    Confirm the memory, disk, operating system, etc. of the server on which FineOps is deployed.

    Confirming FineOps Server Network

    Confirm the ports on the server to be reserved for the O&M components.

    Confirm the ports on the server to be opened.

    Preparing FineOps Installation Directory

    Prepare a proper installation directory for FineOps.

    Other Requirements of FineOps Deployment

    Check whether a Docker comes with FineOps and its version.

    Check whether the user permissions for deploying FineOps meet the requirements.

    FineKey Tool Preparation

    Obtaining the FineKey Installation Package

    Contact the technical support personnel to obtain the installation package of the FineKey tool.

    Uploading the FineKey Installation Package 

    Upload the FineKey installation package to the Linux system.

    In this example, the package is uploaded to the /home/ops directory of CentOS 7.6.1810, as shown in the following figure.

    Decompressing the FineKey Installation Package 

    1. Use the cd command to enter the folder where the tool package is located.

    2. Enter the corresponding command according to the type of the installation package to extract the file. For details, contact the technical support personnel.

    Installation Package Type

    Decompression Command

    Online Installation Package

    tar -xvf finekey-operation-online.tar

    Pure Offline Installation Package

    tar zxvf finekey-operation-lite.tar.gz

    Full Offline Installation Package

    tar zxvf finekey-operation-all.tar.gz

    The extracted files are shown in the following table.




    An executable file for running the FineKey tool.


    The configuration file of newly deployed FineOps.


    Used to pull the image of the configuration file.


    The resource file, whose image is placed in the images folder.

    Configuring the YAML File 

    The YAML file refers to the finekey.yaml file in the /finekey/conf directory that controls the entire automated deployment process.

    • To use the default deployment configuration (of the installation directory, the component port, the warehouse, etc.), you can deploy FineOps on the current host machine without modifying the YAML file.

    • To change the configuration of FineOps or the component-occupied port, modify the values of corresponding parameters in the YAML file. Finish configuring the YAML file before starting FineKey.

    File Content Description


    Configuration Item


    Basic configuration


    The value refers to the relevant configuration of the deployed FineOpsincluding IP address, port, user, and password.

    If SSH key authentication is used, configure a note for the password and add a keypath (absolute path of the key/key file).

    Note 1: If FineKey and FineOps are on the same server, and the deployment user is the terminal user, there is no need to modify the contents of this item

    Note 2: Fill in the absolute path. The relative path is not supported.


    The value is the root mounting directory.

    Ensure that the partition where the mounting directory is located has a free disk space of more than 100 GB.

    The default installation directory is /data, which is the data folder in the home directory.

    For example, in case of a root user deployment, the installation directory would be /root/data.

    Note: The mounting directory should be an absolute path. The relative path is not supported.

    • You can create a registry image warehouse and specify the warehouse port. The port number defaults to 5000.

    • If there is an existing image warehouse, you can enter the URL, username, password, and SSL information of the specified warehouse.


    You can determine whether to adopt online installation.

    • false: Install it offline.

    • true: Install it online.

    You are not advised to modify this item as it pertains to the installation package type.


    Modify the language to English.

    Component configuration

    You can configure the components mentioned in Understanding FineOps Components.

    You can customize the port for each component using the parameter portMapping: {Port for access (port number): Fixed port in the image (port number)}.

    Note 1: Check whether the port is available and open referring to Confirming FineOps Server Network and modify the port number in the YAML file as needed.

    Note 2: The Port for access in the parameter refers to the mapping port and the Fixed port in the image refers to the port in the container. The mapping port can be modified, while the port in the container can not be modified or deleted.

    Note 3: If you modify the component configuration under components, delete the comment symbol (#) in front of the components configuration item and each component. Take the modification of the port number of the ops component from 8081 to 8088 as an example.

    • Before modification:

    #Component port configuration
    #portMapping: {80: 8080}
    #portMapping: {8081: 8080}
    • After modification:

    #Component port configuration
    #portMapping: {80: 8080}
    portMapping: {8088: 8080}

    Sample File

      ip: localhost            #Node IP
      port: 22                 #Node SSH port
      user:                    #Node SSH username
      password:                #Node SSH password
    dataRootPath: ~/data
      port: 5000    #Registry Port
      #Specifies an existing container registry
      url:          #Registry URL
      username:     #Registry username
      password:     #Registry password
      ssl: true     #Repository with SSL set or not

    online: false   #Online installation
    #Component port configuration
    #  nginx:
    #    portMapping: {80: 8080}
    #  ops:
    #    portMapping: {8081: 8080}
    #  ops_agent:
    #    portMapping: {9071: 9070}
    #  grafana:
    #    portMapping: {3000: 3000}
    #  prometheus:
    #    portMapping: {9090: 9090}
    #  alertmanager:
    #    portMapping: {9093: 9093}
    #  skywalking_oap:
    #    portMapping: {11800: 11800, 12800: 12800}
    #  elasticsearch:
    #    portMapping: {9200: 9200}
    #    password: elasticadmin

    Deployment Operation 

    Executing a Deployment 

    1. Use the cd command to enter the bin folder of the decompression directory.

    2. Enter the following command to execute the automated deployment.

    Note 1: Execute the command strictly according to the commands in the document, and do not change them to other commands such as sudo and ./finekey. Failure to do so may result in a failed deployment.

    FineOps Edition


    FineOps Standard Edition


    FineOps Basic Edition

    ./finekey --lite

    3. Wait for the whole deployment process to complete, which will take some time.

    Note 1: If an error occurs during deployment, refer to the Troubleshooting of FineOps Deployment for the corresponding solution. Note that the /data directory refers to the data folder in the user's home directory rather than the /data directory. For example, in case of a root user deployment, the installation directory would be /root/data.

    Note 2: If the free space of the disk where the directory is mounted is detected to be less than 100 GB during the deployment, a prompt saying "The current path capacity check failed, Please re-enter the path" will appear. You do not need to exit the deployment. Modify the YAML file, enter the directory that meets the conditions, and continue the deployment.

    Completing the Deployment 

    If the "deployment success! bye~" prompt appears, FineOps has been successfully deployed.

    Right after the prompt is the project address of FineOps. You can copy it for later access.

    Note: The port in the address is the port set to be occupied by the nginx component. 

    • In case of a root user deployment, the default port number is 80, the port number in the access address can be omitted, and you can use the IP address to access FineOps: http://IP address/ops/decision. 

    • In case of a non-root user deployment, the default port number is 8090 and the access address is http://IP address:8090/ops/decision. 

    • If you have modified the port number of the nginx component in the finekey.yaml file, the access address is http://IP address:nginx port number/ops/decision.

    Accessing the Project 

    FineOps services start automatically once the project is deployed. Enter the project address in the previous step in the address bar of a browser to access FineOps.

    Selecting a Browser

    Access FineOps using browsers of the following versions, otherwise the page may be displayed abnormally.

    Browser TypeRecommended Version

    Google Chrome

    88 and later releases

    Microsoft Edge88 and later releases


    14 and later releases


    78 and later releases

    Internet Explorer (IE)

    Not recommended

    If you use a browser that does not meet the version requirements to access FineOps, a pop-up window will appear on some pages, prompting "It is detected that the current browser version is too low, which may cause some components to be displayed abnormally."

    Accessing the Project

    Enter the project address in the previous step in the address bar of a browser to access FineOps.

    For example, enter http://IP address/ops/decision in the address bar.

    Further Operation 

    After you have completed the operations in this article, you can proceed to the next step.

    Recommended Step
    Function Description

    Deploying New Project

    If you haven't deployed the FineReport, FineBI, or FineDataLink projectsyou can quickly deploy them and load them into FineOps using this function.
    Loading Existing ProjectIf you have deployed FineReport and FineBI projectsyou can load the existing projects to FineOps using this function.



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