

Floating Chart

  • Last update:  2020-12-18
  • I. Overview

    1) You can insert charts into workbook as float elements.

    2) Float elements can adjust location and size flexibly and they suspend over cells by default.

    3) Float elements will not be affected by the expansion of cells as they don't own cell attributes.

    You will learn
    • Float Element-Insert Chart

    • Choose Chart Type

    • Set Chart Data

    II. Steps

    There are three methods to insert a chart:

    1. Select [Float Element] > [+] > [Insert Chart]


    2. Method 2: Broaden the designer, click the [Float Element] icon on the upper toolbar and select [Insert Chart]



    3. Method 3: Click [Insert] > [Float Element] > [Insert Chart] on the menu bar


    4. The [Chart Type] window pops up

    1) Left: All chart types supported in FineReport.

    2) Right: All subtypes and their preview effects.

    3) Select an effect on the right-hand setting panel and click [OK].



    5. Modify the chart type on the right-hand setting panel

    1) Click the [Type] tab and click the drop-down box to switch chart types.

    2) Click a picture below the drop-down box to change the chart type.

    3) Select [Column].




    6. Create a new dataset [ds1]

    1) Create a new DB query dataset.

    2) Drag the table [Sales_Volume] into the DB query.


    7. Preview the dataset

    1) Region: represents category

    2) Product: represents series

    3) Sales_Volume: represents series value


    8. Set chart data on the right-hand setting panel

    1) Data Source: Dataset

    2) Dataset: [ds1]

    3) Category: Region

    4) Series Name: Enable Field Value

    5) Series: Product

    6) Value: Sales_Volume

    7) Summary Method: None


    9. Preview

    You will see a stacked column chart. It demonstrates the gross sales of different products in different regions. It also indicates that the gross sales of the five products are higher in East China than in North China.


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    Theme: Chart
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