

Designer Options

  • Last update:  2022-09-09
  • I. Overview

    1. Version

    Report server versionJAR package dateFunctional changes
    10.0.172021-07-02Added a tick option Open template prompts missing plugin
    10.0.192021-09-06Image compression entry moved from file selector to File > Options 
    After installing the designer on the MacOS 12 system, Use new plugin management is checked by default.

    2. Function introduction

    After clicking File > Options"in the menu bar of FineReport Designer, an option setting box will pop up. The setting items are divided into two types: Common and Advanced This article will introduce these two settings in detail. As shown below:

    • Common options setting interface


    • Advanced option setting interface


    Note: After the option is set, Windows7 and above systems will save the configuration information in: C:\Users\Administrator\.FineReport100\FineReportEnv.xml. Where Users is the "user", and Administrator is the "current user name".

    II. Common Settings

    1. Function Settings

    In Options > Common > Function , you can select the number of times of undo supported by the operation from the drop-down box. The undo refers to the undo operation when designing the report. As shown below:

    Note: After this setting, it will not take effect on the currently opened template, but will take effect on the re-opened template after the setting.


    2. Editor Settings

    In Options > Common > Editor Setting, you can set to edit the string as a formula, and the setting will take effect. As shown below:


    After setting, it supports editing the string as a formula. After editing the formula in the string format, a pop-up window will pop up. Click OK to convert the string into a formula, as shown in the following figure:


    3. Color settings

    In Options > Common > Color Setting, you can set the color of all templates in the designer Gridliner Colorand Pagination Line Color,As shown below:

    Note: After this setting, it will not take effect on the currently opened template, but will take effect on the re-opened template after the setting.


    4. Version management

    In Options > Common > VCS, Save Automaticallyis checked by default, and the version of the template can be managed according to the settings, as shown in the following figure:

    Note: For details, see  Template Version Management


    5. Designer language switching

    Click Options > Common > Choose Language to switch the designer language. For the Englishversion of the designer, the default language is English, can also be switched to Simple Chinese, Japanese, Korean,or traditional Chinese,As shown below:

    Note 1: The designer needs to be restarted to take effect after switching languages.

    Note 2: Click on the designer language to view the corresponding definitions between the languages built in FineReport.


    III. Advanced

    1. Log export configuration

    Configure the log information in the designer in Options > Advanced > LogExport Configuration and Log Level Settings, it will not control the server side, and it will take effect after modification. As shown below:

    Note 1: For details of Log level settings, see: Log output level 

    Note 2: DEBUG refers to the output of all SQL execution statement logs based on the INFO level


    2. Ruler unit setting

    In the designer, it is often necessary to set the length, width, etc. The length measurement unit can be customized. The default is millimeter. Configure it in Options > Advanced > Ruler Unit Setting, and the modification will take effect. As shown below:


    3. Port Settings

    In Options > Advanced > Port Setting, you can set the built-in server port, as shown in the following figure:

    The designer built-in server port defaults to8075, this port is used when viewing the report by clicking the paging preview in the designer.

    If the user's machine8075If the port is already occupied, you can reset the port. After the setting, you need to restart the designer to take effect.


    4. Plugin Manager Options

    1) Button Description

    After checking it, the new version of the plugin manager is enabled, and only the interface style of the plugin management is modified, and the modification will take effect. As shown below:

    Note: If the user wants to modify the plugin management interface style in the remote environment, he needs to check the "Use New Plugin Manager" button in the remote working directory as well.


    2) Example

    Check Use New Plugin Managerbutton.

    Enter the Decision-making Platform as an administrator, click Management > Plugin , prompt to download the resources of the plugin store, and click the OKbutton. 

    Clear your browser cache.

    Enter the Decision-making Platform again as an administrator, as shown in the following figure:


    At the same time,%FR_HOME%\webapps\webrootnew folderupmfolder, as shown below:


    5. Oracle All Tables

    When connecting to the Oracle database in the data connection, if the display of all Oracle tables is checked, no matter which user logs in to the Oracle database, all the tables will be displayed. If the check is removed, only the tables that the user has permission to use in the Oracle database will be displayed. , the modification will take effect.


    6. Template memory optimization

    The designer will consume a lot of memory when opening multiple templates. By setting the mechanism to clear the cache, the lag can be reduced. After the modification, restart the designer to take effect.

    A single-line numeric text box, supports input and up and down adjustment buttons, the range is between 1-10, and the default is 5.


    7. Product Improvement

    The product improvement is mainly for the new version release reminder. After setting, when a new version is released, a pop-up window will remind the user, the default is checked, and the modification will take effect.

    1) Setting up automatic push updates

    In the Option> Advanced > Product Improvement setting, check Join product improvement program, as shown below:


    2) Update and upgrade

    After the new version is released, log in to the designer, and the update and upgrade information window will pop up automatically. 

    Note 1: There is no pop-up prompt for maintenance version.

    Note 2: When the designer is in the remote control environment, there is no pop-up prompt.

    Note 3: There is no pop-up prompt in the non-Chinese version of the designer.

    3) Reboot

    After the update is complete, restart the server.

    8. Built-in server

    When the designer starts, you can choose whether the built-in server starts at the same time.

    In the File > Options > Advanced > Built-in Server location setting, Start when usingis not checked by default, and it will take effect at the next startup after modification. As shown below:


    • Checked: The built-in server does not start when the designer starts, and the built-in server starts automatically when the report is previewed for the first time. If checked, it will improve the startup speed of the designer. It is recommended to check it.

    • Unchecked: When the designer is started, the built-in server will be started, so the designer's startup speed will be affected and slower.

    9. Template Preview Performance

    In File > Options > Advanced, you can choose whether to compress the image when previewing the template. When checked, all images referenced on the designer will be compressed when previewing. As shown below:


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