

HTTP Status 500 - Introduce tools.jar

  • Last update:  2020-12-23
  • I. Scenarios

    After manually configuring JDK and Tomcat, errors such as HTTP Status 500 — Internal Server Error may occur when Tomcat is started in order to access the report, as shown in the following two diagrams:


    II. Solutions

    1. Root Causes

    a) FineReport V10.0 is equipped with Java Agent and JVMTI technologies. The former is used to enable AOP programming and protection of key classes, and the latter helps enforce recovery of memory. Both as agents of JVM, Java Agent and JVMTI are different in that the former is implemented in Java and the latter in C++. Therefore, in addition to JRE, tools.jar of JDK is required for running the program (including toolkits such as java compiler and dynamic loading of Agent).

    2) Versions of tools.jar vary on different platforms (such as Windows, Linux, OS X, ect.) and in different versions of JRE. Please check if the operating systems and JRE versions are matched before running the program.

    2. Steps

    a) Take Tomcat as an example for demonstration. The same steps apply to other containers, i.e., simply copying the tools.jar to the lib of the corresponding container.

    b) Copy tools.jar under %JAVA_HOME%/jdk/lib to the deployed server, i.e., under the %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/project name/WEB_INF/lib, as shown in the following diagram:

    3. Precautions

    If no attach.dll file is found in the %JRE_HOME%/bin re-directed by the environment variable, copy the attach.dll file under %JAVA_HOME%/jdk/jre/bin to this path, as shown in the following diagram:

    Attachment List

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