Extended Chart - Time Gear

  • Last update:November 24, 2020
  • I. Overview

    Time Gear in “Extended Chart -Time”: it can display the current time in a cool way. Users only need to set the chart styles.

    You will learn
    • Steps
      • Insert chart
      • Set chart styles
      • Set BG style

    II. Steps

    1. Insert chart

    1) Click [Floating Element] > [Chart], and select [Extended Chart-Time] > [Time Gear].

    2) Adjust the size of the chart.


    2. Set chart styles

    1) Select [Style] >[Graphics] to set the time unit and theme color of the time gear.

    2) The time unit is “hh:mm:ss” by default, and the time gear displays the time in hours, minutes and seconds under a preview mode.


    3) If the time unit is changed to be “hh:mm”, the time gear displays the time in hours and minutes in preview.

    4) The theme color is “azure” by default, and can be changed to other colors, such as purple. In this example, the theme color remains “azure”.


    3. Set BG style

    1) Click [BG] tab. Similar to cells, the background can be filled with color, gradient color, texture or picture. By default, the background is filled with color. The background color is “black” by default. In this example, the background color remains “black”.

    2) Effect after the background color is charged to be “dark green”



    Download template

    Time Gear.cpt

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    Theme: Chart
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