Function Description
The Data Entry Attribute editing page includes Submit, Validate Data, and Set Entry Shortcut Key, as shown in the following figure.
The following sections introduce each function.
Submit allows you to bind data entry cells to table fields in a database so that the filled data can be recorded into the corresponding table fields of the database.
Validate Data allows you to globally validate data based on the defined rules duringdata submissions. When you fill in data in the frontend and click Validate/Submit, if data that does not meet the validation rules exist, an error message will pop up and the submission will be terminated.
Set Entry Shortcut Key allows you to set shortcut keys to control cursor movement when you set data entry preview.
Two submission methods (Built-in SQL and Custom Submission) are supported. The following sections show the differences between the two submission methods.
Built-in SQL
Built-in SQL allows you to bind data (on the data entry page) to table fields in a database and store data in the database based on the setting after you click Submit. The underlying logic of Built-in SQL is to execute general INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE SQL statements through JDBC. The examples are as follows.
INSERT INTO table_name (Column1, Column2, ...) VALUES (Value1, Value2,...)
UPDATE Table name SET Column name = New value WHERE Column name = Some value
DELETE FROM Table name WHERE Column name = Value
The following figure shows the setting page.
Custom Submission
Custom Submission allows you to perform custom processing (such as updating data to an interface) on data obtained (on the data entry page) through Java when you click Submit.
Data Validation
Two methods (Built-in Validation and Custom Validation) for data validation are supported. The following sections show the differences between the two validation methods.
Built-in Validation
Built-in Validation allows you to validate page data through custom validation formulas and customize prompts when the custom validation is unsatisfied.
Custom Validation
Custom Validation allows you to customize a program through Java for some special businesses (which are complex and unreasonable to be achieved through formula validations) and return analysis results to FineReport for prompts.
Setting the Entry Shortcut Key
Set Entry Shortcut Key allows you to exchange the shortcut key of Move Cursor to Next Column and Move Cursor to Next Row. After you exchange the shortcut key, the default shortcut keys of Move Cursor to Previous Column and Move Cursor to Previous Row will also be changed accordingly.
The following figure shows the cursor move effect.