Method to Hide Parameter Panel

  • Last update:November 22, 2021
  • I. Overview

    When you preview a template, the parameter panel displays widgets by default.  If the user wants to hide the parameter panel, he can adjust the height of the parameter panel to hide it, but the small arrow will still appear.  As shown below:  


    To hide it completely (including the small arrows), you can use the following method, which is equivalent to not using the parameter panel, and the report will not get the default values assigned to the widgets in the parameter panel.  

    II.Method 1: Add URL parameters

    Applicable to: Regular report.  

    Concatenate the parameter &__pi__=false after the URL, refresh the preview, then the entire parameter panel is completely hidden (including the small arrows), as shown below:  

    Note: After using this method, the report will not get the default values assigned to the widgets in the parameter panel.  


    III. Method 2: Modify the showWindow property  

    Applicable to: Regular report.  

    Open the template using the code editor, go to the showWindow property under the ReportParameterAttr tab, and change its value from True to false 


    Save the template and preview the template using FineReport Designer, and you will see the entire parameter panel completely has been hidden (including the small arrows), as shown below:  

    Note: The widget values for the parameter panel cannot be obtained using this method. 


    IV.Method 3: Modify the display attribute

    Applicable to: Dashboard.  

    Use the code editor to open the template, find the display property and change its value from true to false, as shown below:  


    Save the template and preview the template using FineReport Designer, and you will see the entire parameter panel completely has been hidden (including the small arrows), as shown below:  

    Note: Using this method, the report will not get the default values assigned to the widgets in the parameter panel. 


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