Scatter Plot

  • Last update:January 06, 2025
  • Overview

    Application Scenario

    The scatter chart, also known as the scatter distribution chart, shows the general trend of the dependent variable as the variable changes with the independent variable. In a Cartesian coordinate system, data points are plotted with one variable as the abscissa and the other as the ordinate. The chart shows the statistical relationship between variables through the distribution pattern of the scatter points (coordinate points).

    The scatter chart is often used to compare values, so the categorical and value axes of a scatter chart are values, such as scientific data, statistical data, and engineering data. Without taking time into account, to compare a large number of data points, you are advised to use the scatter chart.

    The more data is in the scatter chart, the better comparison effect you can get, as shown in the following figure.


    Chart Feature

    Advantage: The chart can visualize the overall trend of the relationship between the influencing factors and the predicted objects. It can reflect the change of the relationship between the variables in an intuitive and eye-catching way, so as to simulate the relationship between the variables.

    Disadvantage: The chart looks messy and basically only shows data correlation, distribution, and aggregation while other information is not well presented. The chart requires sufficient data points with correlations to present good results.

    Attribute Description

    For details about general properties of charts, see Data, Style, and Special Effect. This document only introduces the unique properties of the scatter chart.


    The special configuration items for binding data to the scatter chart are as follows:

    Series: category presentation of the scatter chart

    x: value of the data category corresponding to the X axis

    y: value of the data category corresponding to the Y axis

    Value: select None here, or you can select other fields in the dataset. (The values are meaningless in the scatter chart. You can add the value variables into a bubble chart.)

    The X axis and Y axis of the scatter chart only support data of the numeric type. If you need to use data of the category or time type on the X axis, you can use a combination chart, within which you can use the scatter chart.



    Choose Style > Series, and set the settings as shown in the following figure.


    1. Line: You can set Line Style to connect the scatter points of the same series.

    2. Mark Point: You can set Type, Fill Color, and Radius. Point Style is set to General, and Type is set to Auto by default. You can upload custom images for mark points.

    If Type is set to Auto, the chart will use eight built-in points by the order of the series.

    3. Big Data Mode: You can select On or Off. You can select On if the amount of data is too large.

    4. Trend Line: After you select the line style, you can see a series of configuration items for the trend line.

    Name: Set a name for the trend line of the scatter chart.

    Line Style: Select the trend line style, and the following items will not appear if you set Line Style to None.

    Color: Set the color of the trend line. 

    Type: You can select Exponential Fitting, Linear Fitting, Logarithmic Fitting, or Polynomial Fitting.

    Forecast: Set Forward Cycle and Backward Cycle for the trend line.


    Data Preparation

    Click to download the sample data: Height and Weight Distribution.xlsx 

    Create a general report, click File Dataset, and upload the Excel file data to the report.

    In the example, the file dataset has been exported as a built-in dataset Height and Weight Distribution as shown in the following figure.


    Chart Insertion

    Merge required cells, click the Insert Chart icon on the toolbar, select Scatter Chart, and click OK, as shown in the following figure. 


    Scatter Chart Design

    Data Binding

    Choose Cell Element > Data, and bind required data to the chart, as shown in the following figure.


    Style Setting

    1. Choose Style > Title, and enter Height and Weight Statistics to the text, and set the position to the left, as shown in the following figure. 


    2. Choose Style > Series, and customize items such as Color, Opacity, Point Style, and Radius, as shown in the following figure. 


    3. Choose Style > Axis, and set Custom Maximum Value and Custom Minimum Value for X Axis and Y Axis respectively according to the data bound to the chart to present better effect, as shown in the following figure. 


    4. The common prompt set by default is displayed by values with a poor display effect. Select Rich Text under Prompt > Content, and enter content as needed in Rich Text Editor, as shown in the following figure. 


    Effect Display


    Save the report and click Pagination Preview. The following figure shows the preview effect.


    Mobile Terminal

    The report can be previewed on both the DataAnalyst app and the HTML5 terminal. The following figure shows the effect.


    Template Download

    For details, you can download the template Scatter Chart.cpt

    Attachment List

    Theme: Chart
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