I. Overview
1) A Bubble Chart can be used to demonstrate the relationship among three variables. The third variable is represented by the size of the bubble. The Bubble Chart can also be used to demonstrate the relationship between the values in several data series, determine whether or not there is a certain correlation between variables or discover the distribution or aggregation of data.
2) The Bubble Chart boasts an advantage that it allows an extra variable that represents the size to be added to the chart. However, the bubble chart is comprised of a lot of bubbles, which makes it look messy; and it requires sufficient correlated data points in order to present good results.
3) Suggested Reading: Chart Data, Chart Style, Chart Special Effects
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II. Steps
1. Data preparation
1) Create a new file dataset [example] and select the Excel file, as shown in the following diagram:
2) Data preview:
2. Select and insert a chart
1) Take the floating chart as an example. Please refer to insert Floating Chart.
2) Select [Floating Element] on the right, click on following the [Add Floating Element], and select [Insert Chart(C)].
3) Select [Bubble Chart] in the pop-up [Chart Type] panel.
4) In addition to [Bubble Chart], there is also [Mechanical Bubble Chart]. Here take [Bubble Chart] as an example.
Bubble Chart: It shows data in the XY coordinates, which is similar to a scatter plot. When plotting a bubble chart, one variable is placed on the horizontal axis and the other on the vertical axis. You can judge whether or not there is a certain correlation between the two variables, or discover the distribution or aggregation of data.
Mechanical Bubble Chart: Mechanical Bubble Chart shows bubbles in a mechanical diagram, instead of coordinate axis. You can choose whether or not to display the category name, series name and value. Generated bubbles of the same series can be dragged freely.
3. Data Binding
The data binding method of the bubble chart is shown below:
1) Double-click on the bubble chart.
2) Click on the [Data] tab.
3) Click on [Data Source] and select [Dataset Data].
4) Select the new file dataset[example] for [Dataset].
5) Select [Series] for [Series] and set the x-axis to X and the y-axis to Y.
4. Style
1. General style
Select the chart and click on [Style]. Despite the variety of types of charts, most of their style settings are common. Please refer to the chapter on Chart Style for settings.
2. Special style
The setup options of [Style]>[Series]>[Bubble] of the bubble chart are different from the general style, which will be elaborated later. The setting effects can be previewed in real time in the special effect diagram on the left:
Minimum Diameter: control the minimum diameter of the bubble.
Maximum Diameter: control the maximum diameter of the bubble.
Shadow: control whether or not to show the shadow of the bubble, which is enabled by default.
Show negative bubbles: control whether or not to show negative bubbles, which is enabled by default.
5. Special effects settings
For detailed description of special effects of bubble charts, please refer to the chapter on Chart Special Effects for general settings.
6. Preview
The style of the bubble chart is shown as follows: