Authenticate only Username and Password

  • Last update:December 21, 2020
  • I. Overview

    1) This authentication is a template authentication mode, in which only users with successful logins are allowed to access all templates and those who failed will have no access.

    2) This authentication is suitable for small systems with a few users and no special requirements for permission assignment. Such systems are aimed at preventing external users from viewing reports.

    3) Successful login means a user logs into the Report system, verifying his/her user name and password configured in the system. It is generally used in conjunction with User Authentication. In other words, the authentication of user names and passwords depends on the settings of User Management>Global Settings .

    You will learn
    • Steps

      • Enable the authentication and select a template

      • Select Verify User Name and Password Only

      • Preview

    II. Steps

    1. Enable the authentication and select a template

    When enabled, all templates need authentication by default. Please refer to Template Authentication - II. Introduction to Template Authentication - 3. Enable the authentication and select a template.

    2. Select Verify User Name and Password Only

    1) Enable the authentication mode of verifying user name and password only by selecting [Management System]>[Template Authentication]>[Global Settings]. After the user types in the user name and password set by the Report system, he/she will be allowed to view reports in case of successful logins or refused in case of unsuccessful ones.


    2) Save and display the list of templates to be authenticated.


    3. Preview

    Take http://localhost:8075/webroot/decision/view/report?viewlet=GettingStartedEN.cpt as an example. The reports can only be viewed after typing in the required user name and password for successful logins.



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