Table FAQs

  • Last update:  2024-05-10
  • Q: How can I keep the row header fields of the table being expanded?

    A: In the Component editing page, check Display Row Header Node and set Default to Expand under Component Style > Format, as shown in the following figure.

    For details, see Format.


    Q: How can I adjust the number of rows/columns per page?

    A: In the Component editing page, enter the required row/column number in the input field next to Number of Rows Per Page or Number of Columns Per Page under Component Style > Format, as shown in the following figure.

    For details, see Format.


    Q: How can I disable the display of the summary row?

    A: In the Component editing page, uncheck Total Summary Row and In-Group Summary Row under Component Style > Summary Row, as shown in the following figure.

    For details, see Summary Row/Column.


    Q: How can I set line breaks for the table header and body if contents of them are too long?

    A: In the Component editing page, check Wrap Text and adjust Row Height in Header and Body under Component Style > Table Row Height, as shown in the following figure.

    For details, see Table Row Height.


    Q: How can I center the text in the table?

    A: In the Component editing page, set Style to Custom and set the text of Header and Body to be displayed in the center, as shown in the following figure.

    For details, see Table Font.


    Q: How can I adjust the table color?

    A: In the Component editing page, set Theme Color under Component Style > Style, as shown in the following figure.

    For details, see Style.


    Q: How can I group the indicator fields?

    A: In the Component editing page, hover the cursor over the indicator fields in the left to-be-analyzed area, click the 5b907a049b325377e9c21b0fafc68b6.png icon, and click Covert to Dimension from the drop-down list. Hover over the converted fields in Dimension, click the 0e8305f848f42afabc17dce9eaeddc8.png icon, and select Group Records with Same Value or Customize Grouping from the drop-down list.

    For details, see Table Field Grouping.

    Q: How can I set indicators to be displayed as percentages?

    A: In the Component editing page, hover the cursor over the indicator field you want to set in Indicator, click the 5b907a049b325377e9c21b0fafc68b6.png icon, select Value Format from the drop-down list, and check Percentage, as shown in the following figure.

    For details, see Value Format in Table.



    主题: Creating a Visual Component
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