Second Analysis Case

"Second Analysis Case" 分类下的文档该分类下有6篇文档创建该分类下的文档
Analysis Case: Gross Margin Decline
文档创建者:帆软用户zMzO9vGxfj      创建时间:06-14 15:33      标签:      编辑:2次    |   浏览:139次

摘要:Case BackgroundThe recent business performance of the group has been poor. In August, the overall gro[阅读全文:]

Data Uploading and Editing
文档创建者:帆软用户zMzO9vGxfj      创建时间:06-14 15:54      标签:      编辑:1次    |   浏览:121次

摘要:OverviewExampleYou can download the sample data: Store Information.xlsx Product Information.xlsx[阅读全文:]

Abnormal Order Monitoring
文档创建者:mt6666      创建时间:07-14 15:21      标签:      编辑:2次    |   浏览:390次

摘要:OverviewThis document introduces how to further identify abnormal orders and find issues directly thr[阅读全文:]

MoM Analysis of Sales & Gross Profit & Gross Margin
文档创建者:Carly      创建时间:07-05 11:23      标签:      编辑:4次    |   浏览:418次

摘要:OverviewAfter completing data preparation in an analysis subject, you can analyze and visually displa[阅读全文:]

Analysis of Regional Store and Product Quadrant
文档创建者:mt6666      创建时间:07-14 15:27      标签:      编辑:2次    |   浏览:656次

摘要:OverviewThis document further analyzes data on regions, stores and products.ExampleRegional Gross Mar[阅读全文:]

Dashboard Layout and Beautification
文档创建者:mt6666      创建时间:07-14 15:22      标签:      编辑:1次    |   浏览:397次

摘要:OverviewAfter completing the creation of components within a dashboard, you need to lay out the overa[阅读全文:]