Analysis Case: Gross Margin Decline

  • Last update:June 20, 2024
  • Case Background

    The recent business performance of the group has been poor. In August, the overall gross margin declined, despite a 12.20% increase in sales. Analysts hope to use FineBI for multidimensional exploration and analysis of historical data to identify the reasons behind the decline.

    Analysis Approach

    You can decompose the indicators according to the MECE principle: mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive, which means breaking down a complex problem into multiple single factors through structured thinking.

    Thinking method:

    1. Indicator decomposition: obtaining corresponding indicator formulas from the business operations

    Gross Profit Rate=Gross Profit/Sales

    Sales=Sales Unit Price*Sales Quantity

    Gross Profit=Sales-Cost

    2. Decomposing the influencing factors and identifying the variables that affect the corresponding indicators based on an understanding of the business





    1. Data preparation

    Before conducting analysis, you need to preprocess the data. To this end, a model view has been established for 

    subsequent analysis.

    Click Here

    2. MoM analysis of sales, gross profit, and gross margin

    To simultaneously compare data sizes and observe trends, you can combine column charts with line charts for presentation.

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    3. Analysis of regional stores and product quadrants

    Regional maps and product quadrant distribution charts have been created for data visualization analysis.

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    4. Abnormal order monitoring

    When observing table data, you may find it difficult to identify the severity of the problem. In this case, you can mark the data to highlight the problem and make it more visible.

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    5. Dashboard layout and beautification

    After completing the creation of components within a dashboard, you need to lay out the overall dashboard, enrich the 

    content, and beautify the design to finalize the dashboard creation.

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    Completed Report Preview

    Analysis Result Review

    The analysis of gross profit decline

    1. Based on Gross Profit Analysis, the conclusion is that the gross profit declines in July and August, with a significant downward trend in August. It's imperative to take timely measures to address this decline.

    2. You can select Year-Month to filter out the data in August. Based on Gross Margin Analysis (You can click the 756899d408e4bec89e456d993eddd2e.png icon on the Gross Profit Margin column header to set the field values to rank in ascending order, and click the d5d1a0818b0c2c093d1dd601b499fc6.png icon in the first column of the table to drill down the data), the conclusion is that the abnormal gross profit is caused by Dove Chocolate in Snack at Changsha Meixihu Store in Changsha City, Hunan Province.


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