Sharing Dashboards to Directories

  • Last update:February 27, 2024
  • Overview


    FineBI Version
    Functional Change



    Application Scenario

    Sharing dashboards (created with enterprise data) through public links may result in data leakage. To avoid this situation, you can share your dashboards to directories. For example, after finishing a dashboard, Anna can share it with other users in FineBI without administrator review.

    Function Description

    You can click Share to Directory when editing the dashboard to share it with specific departments, roles, or users.

    In addition, you can assign the viewing permissions of data in the dashboard to the shared users.


    1.  Dashboards can be shared with users who have been added to FineBI.

    2. Dashboard-Share to Directory Control is disabled by default in Permission Management. In this case, all users can share their dashboards with others freely. Only the administrator can enable or disable Dashboard-Share to Directory Control.

    Assigning Permissions

    Assume that Anna has created a dashboard and wants to share it to the directory for Alice to view. The administrator needs to assign the use permission of Dashboard-Share to Directory Control to Anna and determine whom Anna can share dashboards with.

    1. Enable Dashboard-Share to Directory Control under System Management > Permission Management > Global Setting as the admin, as shown in the following figure.

    2. Authorize Anna to share the dashboard to the users' directory and set the users with whom she can share the dashboard as the administrator.

    For example, Anna is limited to sharing dashboards with departments Technical support and Finance dept., as shown in the following figure.


    Sharing Dashboards with Specified Users

    1. Choose the dashboard you want to share and select Share to Directory from the drop-down list, as shown in the following figure.

    2. Select departments, roles, and users with whom the dashboard is shared. In this case, share the dashboard with Alice, as shown in the following figure.

    The following table describes the button Use Data Permission of Creator.

    Use Data Permission of Creator

    Deselected (selected by default)

    Users with whom the dashboard is shared can only view data within their permissions.


    Users with whom the dashboard is shared can view data the same as the dashboard creator views.


    1. When a dashboard is shared with a department, a role, and a user, their data permissions are consistent. That is, they have the same permission on all data used in the dashboard.

    2. If the New Super Administrator plugin is installed, the added super administrator can share a dashboard and a dashboard can also be shared with the added super administrator.

    3. After logging in to her account,Alice will see the message prompt shown in the following figure.

    4. In Directory, Alice can view the dashboard that Anna shared with her, as shown in the following figure.

    You can see that sharers and shared dashboards under Share with Me are sorted alphabetically.

    Canceling or Changing Sharing

    When Anna cancels sharing the dashboard with Alice, Alice will not be able to see the dashboard after refresh, as shown in the following figure.

    The dashboards under Share with Me can be removed one by one, or you can also remove them by sharer, as shown in the following figure.

    Viewing All Shared Dashboards

    You can view all the dashboards shared to the directory in the list under My Analysis, as shown in the following figure.


    主题: Sharing/Collaboration
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