The FineBI system has a built-in set of user information, including basic user information, user departments, user positions, user roles, and platform users.
Log in to the FineBI system as the admin and choose System Management > User Management. You can go to four tab pages: All Users, Department, Role, and Platform User.
You can add users with the following three methods.
Add User
Manually enter user information, departments, and roles.
You can only add one user at a time.
You can edit, disable, and delete users.
Import User
Import user information, departments, and roles from the server dataset.
You can import multiple times. Once imported, the user is unrelated to the dataset.
Manage User Synchronization
Synchronize user information, departments, and roles through the server dataset.
A system can only support synchronization with one dataset at a time.
When the User Editability setting is disabled, you cannot edit users.
You can disable users, but you cannot delete users.
Department refers to the management of the department within a company, which includes the management of department, position, and personnel.
1. Department Adding
In the department list, select a manually added department, click the + button in the upper right corner, enter the department name, select the superior department from the drop-down list of Superior Department, and click OK to add a subordinate department, as shown in the following figure.
2. Department Hierarchy Adjustment
You can modify the superior department and the hierarchical structure of manually added departments.
For example, Audit is a subordinate department of Group I, and now you want to move it to Group II.
Hover over Audit, click the edit button, adjust the superior department select Group II, and click OK, as shown in the following figure.
Audit has been adjusted to a subordinate department of Group II. The positions and users under the department are also adjusted and moved.
The adjustment of department hierarchy cannot automatically inherit the Task Schedule configuration of the parent department.
For example, the default user group for Task Schedule is Finance dept.. Now, adjust Group I to a subordinate department of Finance dept..
As a result, the default user group for Task Schedule contains subordinate departments of Finance dept. and their positions, besides Group I and its positions.
3. Department Renaming
Hover over a department, click the edit button to rename the department, and click OK.
After the department is renamed, the configured permissions will not be affected.
4. Department Deletion
Hover over a department, click the deletion button, and click OK. The department and its subordinate departments will be removed from the department list.
Positions in the deleted department still exist in the position list of the system. The admin can configure other departments with the positions.
Users in the deleted department still exist in the user list. However, if they have deleted department positions, the positions will be removed.
5. Department User Editing
The admin can bind specific users to each department not added by Manage User Synchronization.
Select the department other than All Departments, click Edit User in the upper right corner, and the personnel management dialog box will pop up as shown in the following figure.
The admin can add or delete users under the department, with support for one-click select all and one-click clear, as shown in the following figure.
Click users in Unselected User to switch them to Selected User.
Similarly, click users in Selected User to switch them to Unselected User.
You can select the department to view the users under it in the user list.
1. Position Adding and Configuration
Select a department and click the edit button in the upper right corner of the position list to bring up the Edit Position window where you can add, delete, or modify positions for that department.
The positions generated for Import User in the checkbox can be selected and added as positions for this department. The positions generated by Manage User Synchronization cannot be selected.
You can quickly find the positions generated by Import User with the search box. If the position does not exist after you search, you can click the + button to add it.
2. Position Deletion
Hover over a certain position, click the deletion button, and click OK. The position will be removed from the position list in that department.
Deleted positions still exist in the position list of the system. The admin can configure other departments with the positions.
For example, both Group I and Group II have selected the Accounting position. If the admin deletes the Accounting position from Group II, the Accounting position in Group I will not be affected.
3. Position User Editing
The admin can bind specific users to each position.
Select the position under a department, click Edit User in the upper right corner, and the personnel management dialog box will pop up as shown in the following figure.
The admin can add or delete users under the position, with support for one-click select all and one-click clear, as shown in the following figure.
Role includes role management and personnel management.
You cannot edit roles and users under roles generated from Manage User Synchronization in the server dataset.
On the Role tab page, click the + button in the upper right corner of the role list to add a new role to the system, as shown in the following figure.
The admin can bind specific users to each role.
Select a role, click the edit button in the upper right corner of the user list, and a personnel management dialog box will pop up, as shown in the following figure.
The admin can add or delete users under the role, with support for one-click select all and one-click clear, as shown in the following figure.
You can batch-add users for built-in roles (not added by Manage User Synchronization).
Click Batch Add, enter the usernames in the Add Users in Batches box, separate each username with ,, and click OK, as shown in the following figure.
1. All Users Added Successfully
If all users are added successfully, a prompt "X user(s) added successfully" will be displayed.
Deduplication will be performed if users are added successfully. Duplicate usernames are considered the same user.
If you add a user that has been added to Role to Role, the user will be counted again.
If a user is successfully bound to a role, the user will be automatically moved from Unselected User to Selected User, as shown in the following figure.
2. Partial Users Added Successfully
If the following situations exist, the addition may fail:
A username that does not exist on the platform is added. Sub-administrators add any username that is not within their management scope.
If there are spaces before or after the separator ,, they will be automatically removed before the username match. If leading or trailing spaces exist in the username, the match and the addition will fail.
If the FineDB database type is DB2, MySQL, or SQL Server, and the username has a trailing space, the username can still be successfully matched and added as a user.
If there is a comma in the username, it will be treated as a separator and separate the user into two users. The addition will fail if the two users do not exist on the platform.
If there are users added unsuccessfully, a prompt "X user(s) added successfully, X user(s) failed to be added." will be displayed. You can click Details to view the usernames added unsuccessfully.
For details, see Platform User.
In the corresponding platform system, you can edit and select users to assign permissions on viewing the platform to the users, as shown in the following figure.
You can set and modify the user permission by editing the user to change the default settings. For PC users, click Edit User in the top right corner and select the corresponding user.
If the user is not in the corresponding list, the user cannot log in to the platform.
For example, Alice is enabled but not listed as a user on the platform. Therefore, Alice has no permission to access the decision-making system, as shown in the following figure.
There will be no restriction on platform users if you disable User Restriction.
The previous configuration on restricted users will be kept if you enable User Restriction again.
In the default state of the FineBI project, where the number of PC terminal users, view users, and design users are set to unlimited, all users are data analysis users by default.
If the project is officially registered:
1. When registering, if there is no limit on the number of users, you need to enable User Restriction before configuring the users on the platform. Otherwise, all users have access to platform usage, FineBI viewing, FineBI design, and mobile platform permissions by default.
2. During the registration, if the number of users is limited, there will be a maximum limit on the number of users on the platform.
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