Publishing Visualization Resources

  • Last update:June 28, 2024
  • Overview


    FineBI Version
    Functional Change




    Added Apply for Publication on the analysis subject page, the dashboard preview page, and the edit bar. For details, see section "Applying for Publication as the User."


    Optimized the icon of the published dashboard.


    Supported analysis document publication.

    Demo mode is supported for resources published to 

    the directory.

    Application Scenario

    If you hope other users in FineBI can view the dashboards (such as the annual large screen target dashboards) you have created in directories for which the users have permissions, you can use the Apply for Publication function.

    The published dashboard is shown in the following figure.


    Function Description

    After users apply for publication, the admin can approve the application and publish resources to the corresponding directory. Users who have the viewing permission of the corresponding directory can directly view the published resources.

    The same resource can be published to multiple directory nodes.


    • If you want to set jumping for published dashboard A, you need to set permissions for both dashboard A and dashboard B (the dashboard to jump), so that other users have permissions to view dashboard B when they use the jumping function.

    • Dashboards need to be approved by admins before publication except for the following situations:

    Admins have assigned the edit permission of the corresponding path in the directory to users. For example, admins have assigned the edit permission of the platform directory, to which users need to publish a dashboard, as shown in the following figure.



    At the same time, admins have assigned the use permission of Directory Management to users, as shown in the following figure.



    Applying for Publication as the User

    1. For example, you can select the to-be-published subject User Portrait in My Analysis, click the 73a5ed8914aba82e7d68201d2dfaca6.png icon, and select Publication Setting from the drop-down list, as shown in the following figure. 


    2. You can click Add Publication, select the to-be-published resources, select the directory (node) the resources will be published to, and click OK, as shown in the following figure.


    Setting ItemDescriptionEffect

    The name displayed in the directory after 


    The following figure (B) shows the effect. 

    The name of the currently published subject is User Portrait.


    Dashboards, components, and analysis 

    documents to be published to the directory

    The following figure (C) shows the effect. 

    The tabs at the bottom shows the published resources.

    The node the resources will be published to

    The following figure (A) shows the effect.

    The published resources are displayed in 

    the node Function.


    The platform that the published resources 

    can be accessed.


    Application remarks for the approval of the admin.

    (Published resources can be displayed with the approval of the admin if you have no 

    relevant permission.)


    The following figure shows the effect after publication.


    3. After you apply for publication, a prompt indicating that the publication application succeeds and waiting for the apporval of the admin pops up.

    4. If you want to publish resources to other nodes, or if you want to publish other resources in the subject, you can click Add Publication again, as shown in the following figure.



    1. If you have the permission of Directory Management in the system and the edit permission of the corresponding publication path, you can directly publish the dashboard successfully, without the application message and the admin's approval. At the same time, the published content is recorded in Publication Management. Similarly, you can directly click Unpublish to cancel the publication, without the admin's approval.

    2. If you apply for publishing a dashboard to multiple paths (including some for which you have permissions and some for which you do not have permissions), the dashboard will be successfully published to the paths for which you have permissions. For the paths you do not have permissions, the admin needs to approve applications before publication. The application message will be sent to the corresponding users who have the publication management and personnel management permissions. The application content only includes the paths for which you do not have permissions.

    3. If Message Alert is enabled, users (who have the publication management and directory edit permissions) will receive notifications about applications for template publication.

    Approving Publication as the Admin

    1. If Anna does not have the permission of Directory Management in the system or the edit permission of the corresponding publication path, the admin needs to approve the application.

    Choose System Management > Publication Management as the admin to view the dashboard (applying for publication) and its number, as shown in the following figure.


    2. Click Preview to view the dashboard, as shown in the following figure.


    3. Click Process to deal with the dashboard. Modify Name, Directory, Platform, and Remarks and set Application Suggestions and Publication Description, as shown in the following figure.



    1. When the admin approves the application, the publication path (for the dashboard to be published) is the same as the one set by the applicant by default. The admin can modify the path. If the applicant does not specify a publication path, the path will be empty.

    2. If the admin rejects the application, the application status of the dashboard will change to Apply for Publication. The applicant will receive a message about the rejection.

    3. At most 100 words can be entered in Publication Description.

    Viewing the Published Dashboard

    Viewing the Published Dashboard as the Admin

    Click the directory (to which the dashboard is published) to view the dashboard, as shown in the following figure.


    Viewing the Published Dashboard as the User

    1. Assigning Permissions as the Admin

    After publishing the dashboard, the admin needs to assign the directory (to which the dashboard is published) and data (in the dashboard) permissions to users so that they can view the dashboard.

    2. Viewing the Dashboard as the User

    After the admin publishes the dashboard and assigns the viewing permission of the dashboard in the directory to users, users who have the permission can log in to their accounts and view the published dashboard in the directory.

    Log in to the system as user Lisa, who can view a message indicating that the dashboard has been published, as shown in the following figure.


    Canceling Publication

    Canceling Publication Before Approval by the Admin

    1. If you want to cancel the publication, you can directly click Unpublish before the admin approves the application, as shown in the following figure.


    Canceling Publication After Approval by the Admin

    If you want to unpublish the dashboard that has been approved and published by the admin, you need to obtain approval from the admin.

    1. Click Unpublish as user Lisa. A prompt displaying "You have applied for unpublishing successfully. Wait for approval." pops up.


    2. When the admin approves the unpublishing application, the dashboard is no longer displayed on the directory page, as shown in the following figure.



    Demo Mode

    In version 6.1, after publishing the content to the directory, you can view the published content in demo mode, which meets users' needs for a large-screen presentation.



    主题: Sharing/Collaboration
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