Pie Chart

  • Last update:March 30, 2023
  • Overview


    FineBI Version

    Functional Change

    Version 6.0

    Support dragging multiple indicators into the angle bar

    Application Scenarios

    Pie chart is used to analyze the proportion of data. You can directly see the proportion of each part in the pie chart.

    Basic Requirements

    Chart Effect

    Dimension Number

    Indicator Number

    Pie chart



    Characteristics of Pie Chart

    Advantage: It can clearly display the data proportion, and is usually used to describe the relation among quantity, frequency, and percentage.

    Disadvantage: It is not suitable for displaying large datasets (with classification), and you can hardly accurately distinguish when the proportions are close.

    Ring Chart

    Data Preparation

    1.     Enter the system, click My Analysis, select a folder, and click New Subject.


    2.     Click Local Excel, and click Upload to upload data.

    Example table data:

    Regional Data Analysis.xlsx


    3.     After uploading, click OK.


    Creating Components

    1.     Click Component in the lower left corner.


    2.     Drag the Time of Contract field into the Dimensions column, drag the Contract Amount field into the Indicators column, and change the display format of the Time of Contract field to year.


    3.     Select Pie Chart in the Chart Type interface.


    Beautifying Components

    1. Setting Label

    a. Drag Time of Contract and Contract Amount fields into the Label bar to display them in the graph. Change the display format of the Time of Contract field to year.


    b. Click Quick Calculation > Percentage in the Contract Amount field's drop-down list to display the proportion of each part of the pie chart.


    2. Setting Color

    Click QQ图片20230330092144.png in Color column and select Elegant in the custom color scheme setting.


    3. Removing Legend

    Click Component Style > Legend, unselect Display All Legends.


    Effect Preview

    Ring chart is supported on mobile and PC.

    The effect is as follows:


    Common Pie Chart

    Repeat the steps introduced in the Data Preparation, Creating Components and Beautifying Components sections.

    Setting Radius

    Click QQ图片20230330092144.png in the Radius bar, modify the radius size, set the internal diameter ratio to 0%, and turn the ring chart to the pie chart.

    Note: You can drag fields into the radius or the angle bar. The radius and angle of the pie chart are sorted according to the fields. For details, see Radius, Angle.


    Effect Preview

    Common pie chart is supported on mobile and PC.

    The effect is as follows:


    Multi-Indicator Pie Chart


    1. Version 6.0 supports dragging multiple indicators into the angle bar.

    2. After you drag multiple indicators into the angle bar, the counter field will be added. This field will display the summary value of each indicator after being grouped by the corresponding dimension. If this field is not selected, only the fields dragged into the Label bar will be displayed.

    3. After you drag multiple indicators to the angle bar, when you stop your mouse at different parts of pie chart, it will prompt the values of TargetName field and the counter field by default.

    Application scenarios:

    1. If you drag two or more indicators into the angle bar and drag the TargetName field into the Color bar. At this point, the angle of the pie chart reflects the sum value of each indicator dragged in, and the legend displays the corresponding indicator name. The legend title displays the name of the field dragged to the Color bar.

    2. If you drag two or more indicators into the angle bar and drag the TargetName field into the Fine-grained bar. At this point, the angle of the pie chart reflects the sum value of each indicator dragged in. The legend will not be displayed.

    3. If you drag two or more indicators into the angle bar, and drag the remaining dimensions into other property setting bars. the angle of the pie chart will reflect the summary value of the two indicators after grouping.

    4. If you drag two indicators into the angle bar, the effect will be the same as the scenario when you drag one dimension to the angle bar and one dimension to the Fine-grained bar.

    5. If you drag one dimension and one indicator to the angle bar, the effect will be the same as the scenario when you drag one indicator to the angle bar and one dimension to the Fine-grained bar.

    Creating Components

    1.     Repeat the steps in “Data Preparation” of this article.

    2.     Create a component, and click Component1 down below.


    3.     Select Pie Chart in the Chart Type, and drag Contract Amount and Received Payment fields into the angle bar.


    Beautifying Components

    1.     Setting Color

    Drag the TargetName field into the Color bar and set the color scheme as Calm.


    2.     Setting Label

    Click Label > Show summary values of indicators.


    Indicator summary value: represents the summary value of each indicator after grouping by the corresponding dimension field. If Show Summary Value is not ticked, the fields dragged into the label will be displayed.

    Effect Preview

    Multi-indicator pie chart is supported on mobile and PC.

    The effect is as follows:



    Multiple Dimensions/Indicators

    You can drag multiple fields, dimensions and indicators to the horizontal and vertical axes for display. For example, if you want to view the distribution of different city’s contract volume in different states, drag the State field into the horizontal or vertical axis.

    If you drag it into the horizontal axis, the effect is like this:


    If you drag it into the vertical axis, the effect is like this:


    Merging the Rest Fields into Other

    Application scenario: If you want to merge the last four indicators into Other and display it on the pie chart.

    Thinking logic: Achieve the desired effect by adding new assignment column.

    1.     Click Data.


    2.     You need to group and summarize the data as there are too many data in the table.

    This step can be omitted if it’s not necessary.


    3.     Sort the data, and confirm the range where the values of the top three are located because the last four need to be merged into Other.


    4.     Click New assignment column, and set the display groups as needed.

    Then save and update the self-service dataset.


    5.     Create a pie chart based on this self-service dataset, drag the Group field to the Horizontal Axis and drag the Contract Volume field to the Vertical Axis.



    主题: Visual Components
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